UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Just another day in Iraq
23-05-2006 21:27

'Alternatives' Public Meeting in Telford on June 10th
23-05-2006 19:15
Local peace group, Wrekin Stop War, are inviting people from across Shropshire (and beyond) to attend a public meeting exploring themes connected to peace and the planet."Bush is certifiable"
23-05-2006 17:59
George W Bush is suffering from a peculiar but not that uncommon form of madness in which a pathological part of his psyche has co-opted all of the healthy parts into its service.. The savior complex is a seriously deranged ego-centric narcissism.Palestine Today
23-05-2006 17:04

The UK asks Israel for compensation for two shootings, and the army invades several West Bank cities and arrests two in Ramallah, six in Bethlehem and 16 in Nablus.
These stories and more coming up stay tuned.
Meeting on International Work in Palestine in Brigton
23-05-2006 07:58
Focussing on International work in HebronSwansea Coalition Against The War ..Annual General Meeting
23-05-2006 05:19
Swansea Anti War Activists Meeting This Thursday.Implementing Israeli Policy: The DC Axis Of Evil
23-05-2006 05:00
The ONLY groups clamouring for war with Iran are those aligned with the Hard Right Zionist leaders of Israel. Because we know their aim is a long-planned Act of Aggression, nothing in the world can legitimize this impending Crime, and their own actions betray the emptiness and hypocrisy of their most recent feigned "justification" for war: Giving Iran the "Iraq Treatment".Brain Haw demo police moving in NOW!
23-05-2006 01:56
20 police and FIT squads arrived. Vans, lorries blocking Parliament Square.I killed over 200 innocent people!
22-05-2006 21:01

Palestine Today
22-05-2006 17:51

Nine year old child injured by army fire in Tubas, Army invades Batah village and arrests one resident, Israeli forces open fire on young Palestinians near University, shoot 16 year old in neck, one resident arrested from Biet Amreen village near Nablus
Can I buy my son a gas mask?
22-05-2006 17:22
US troops have no protection from America’s poisonous uranium weapons in Iraqby Bob Nichols
Project Censored Award Winner
Arms dealers, military, and nuclear industry come to Nottingham
22-05-2006 14:38
A graduate recruitment fair featuring the armed forces, Lockheed Martin, and the British Nuclear Group, is coming to the East Midlands Conference Centre (University Park) on 2nd June, 11am - 3.30pm.COLOMBIA: Rural protest brutally attacked by government forces in SW Colombia
22-05-2006 09:56
FULLY Investigate the 7/7 Bombings!
21-05-2006 22:33
...from STRATFOR Strategic Forecasting:'If he didn't answer the way we liked, we would shoot his kid in the head': G.I.
21-05-2006 21:46
Former Army Ranger and Iraq War Veteran Tells All'If he didn't answer the way we liked, we would shoot his youngest kid in the head': Ex-U.S. Soldier
Iraq- The Logic of Withdrawal, Public Meeting 14th June
21-05-2006 11:52
American anti war activist Anthony Arnove will talk about his new book Iraq-the logic of Withdrawal Weds 14th June, 7.30pm The Vaults, St Mary's Church, High Street, OxfordPhotos: Palestine Demonstration 20th May 2006
21-05-2006 10:04

"Dangerous Quakers" & Bowing to the Police State
21-05-2006 03:26

US Military Uses Dirty Bombs: THAT'S Why They Hate Us, GW!
21-05-2006 01:41
Our Military Complex and the Bush Administrationhas pounded into our brains that "they hate us for
our freedom". In foriegn countries, the news is not
that the US has "freedoms" that are detrimental
to other countries. Their news reports are on
subjects such as the violations of the Geneva
Convention by the US. Their news reports are
on subjects such as "Since 1991, the United
States has staged four wars using depleted
uranium weaponry, illegal under all international
treaties, conventions and agreements....".
Non-Muslim Dress Code "Fabricated": Iranian Jew
20-05-2006 21:20
TEHRAN, May20 , 2006 ( & News Agencies) – Iran's only Jewish MP strongly denied reports that Tehran may force non-Muslims to wear colored badges in public so as they can be identified.