UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
US Rep. Jan Schakowsky’s Three-Day Fact-Finding Mission in Honduras
14-11-2009 17:28
Citing a “serious deterioration of human rights since the coup,” Schakowsky reflected on the executive decree PCM-M-016-2009 (declaring a state of siege) published on Sep. 27 which was set in place to supposedly defend national security and public order but that “seems to be defined as anything that is said against the coup.”York public demand freedom for hero Joe Glenton
14-11-2009 16:44

25ft Gun Demo A Success
14-11-2009 11:10

Human Waste
13-11-2009 15:54

Clinton appoints former embassy hostage as point person on Iran
13-11-2009 10:38

Today Limbert is the newly appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary for Iran in the State Department's Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs. That makes him Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's point person on Iran, just as pressure is building in Congress to impose more sanctions on the Islamic Republic.
While Limbert's preferred methods may differ from those of his predecessor Dennis Ross, it would be naive to think that his political goals are any less ambitious: undermining Iran's growing ability to oppose U.S. policy in the Middle East by restricting its access to alternative energy sources while promoting a change to a government friendlier to Western corporate interests.
What do you think of the MoD?
12-11-2009 17:01
The MoD wants to know what if we think the that MoD is a force for good in the world?Four Aldermaston blockaders acquitted!
12-11-2009 16:23
News just through from Reading Magistrates' Court that four people who took part in the Aldermaston Big Blockade on 27 October 2008 have been found not guilty of obstructing the highway by virtue of the prosecution failing to prove that they were in fact on a highway.Friday Arms Dump Demo - Route Map
12-11-2009 15:36

The Road to a New Movement Begins: Black is Back Coalition
12-11-2009 07:47

Brooklyn Councilman Charles Barron, a former Black Panther, declared: “We don’t want a president to transfer the war from Iraq to Afghanistan. We’ve come to Washington to say to President Obama, end the war in Iraq, end the war in Afghanistan, end the war in Pakistan.”
Smash NATO Convergence Centre open!
12-11-2009 01:13
After months of mobilising and planning today the NATO Welcoming Committee set up the Smash NATO Convergence Space in Edinburgh. The space will act as a base for activists resisting the NATO Parliamentary Assembly meeting in the city from Friday.Lance Corporal Joe Glenton faces prison for not going to war - good on him
12-11-2009 00:17
War Resisters' International learned today that Lance Corporal Joe Glenton, who already faces charges of desertion for refusing to return to Afghanistan, has been arrested and charged with five counts of "disobeying a lawful order" public speaking resisting the war and in London on 24 October 2009, and for expressing his opposition to the war in Afghanistan to the media.Fort Hood: A media orgy of rumors, speculation and falsehoods
11-11-2009 20:49

Perhaps most irresponsible of all is the unverified claim that Hasan had written on the Internet in defense of suicide attacks by Muslims, even though the origins of those writings are entirely unverified. Similarly, certain news organizations -- like NPR -- used anonymous sources to disseminate inflammatory claims about Hasan's prior troubles allegedly grounded in activism on behalf of Islam.
Four Aldermaston Big Blockaders to be judged tomorrow
11-11-2009 16:36

NATO SS? Czech troops wear Nazi insignia in Afghanistan
11-11-2009 13:26
The NATO mission in Afghanistan has been shaken by the news that two Czech officers were found wearing Nazi insignia. The symbols of SS battalions on their helmets has resulted in the two men being suspended. Their commanding officer has also been suspended amid reports that he'd ordered a cover-up. The two soldiers recently returned from Afghanistan and received state awards.15 - 17 January 2010: Peace News Winter Gathering
11-11-2009 11:54

Jan 18th: Remember Gaza -Smash EDO
10-11-2009 20:52
REMEMBER GAZA -SMASH EDO MASS DEMO, MONDAY 18TH JANUARY 2010, BRIGHTONAssemble 1pm (meeting point TBA), Wear black
For regular updates and location see
Scottish Activist Legal Project launched for weekend of protests
10-11-2009 00:51
The Scottish Activist Legal Project formed in October 2009. It draws on the experience people have of providing legal support for direct action at Faslane, the G8 2005 and many other situations.White Poppy Wreath Laid On Luton War Memorial
09-11-2009 21:50

Morale crisis in US army
08-11-2009 11:40
AN AMERICAN military source has confirmed that morale in the US/UK military machine has plunged to crisis levels.