UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Turkey’s top officials: A new regime should be established in Libya
27-05-2011 16:41

[Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, interview on ‘TRT Haber’ TV channel, 25 May 2011]
Arms Factory Attacked
27-05-2011 16:05
A group of pixies attacked Brighton arms factory EDO MBM in the early hours of Friday 27th May.Sandhurst continued training for Bahraini officers despite protest crackdown
26-05-2011 19:41

NATO: Cluster Bombing of Misrata
26-05-2011 13:53

Libya: Heaviest blitz yet brings terror to Tripoli
25-05-2011 11:30

The international community has stepped up raids and diplomatic efforts against the regime in a bid to break a virtual stalemate, with the rebels in the east and Col Gaddafi maintaining his hold on most of the west. The Nato attacks came in rapid succession within a half-hour time span, setting off more than 20 explosions and sending up plumes of acrid-smelling smoke from an area around Col Gaddafi's sprawling Bab al-Aziziya compound in central Tripoli.
Obama genuflects to AIPAC
24-05-2011 20:57

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is "the most powerful and feared lobby in Washington." For years, it's "drawn on a well-organized, well-connected, highly visible, successful, and wealthy Jewish population," subverting potential opposition.
Obama's May 22 AIPAC speech affirmed rock solid support for a "strong and secure Israel," leaving Palestinians entirely out of his equation, despite paying disingenuous lip service to their interests.
An official AIPAC statement expressed gratitude for his assurance that Washington doesn't expect Israel to withdraw to June 1967 borders, besides explicitly calling Hamas a terrorist organization, ignoring its January 2006 electoral victory as Palestine's legitimate government.
Demo against Santander, Brighton - in Solidarity with the Arab Uprisings
24-05-2011 16:51
Friday 27th May - 4pm-6pmCounter-demonstration against Zionists using memory of Holocaust to condemn Iran
24-05-2011 11:52

Today! Protest against war president Obama outside Buckingham Palace
24-05-2011 09:29
Called by Stop the War Coalition, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Justice for Bahrain Campaign.
EGYPT: Imprisoned pacifist blogger Maikel Nabil Sanad in solitary confinement
23-05-2011 14:50
War Resisters' International has learned that imprisoned pacifist blogger Maikel Nabil Sanad has been moved to solitary confinement at El Marg prison.The International Criminal Court: An imperial tool
22-05-2011 23:02

Moreno-Ocampo is an imperial tool, following orders. Claiming ample evidence shows Gaddafi "personally ordered attacks on unarmed Libyan civilians" is gross hypocrisy with no credibility whatever. His announcement was strategically timed to justify war by accusing government victims of crimes, portraying NATO lawlessness as a noble initiative to deter them.
U.S. policy is rooted in lies, injustice, and war
22-05-2011 08:05

UG#550 - Between The Lies about Libya (Vijay Prashad and Ellen Brown)
22-05-2011 05:51

America's appalling human rights record
21-05-2011 10:47

Unsparing in its harshness, it calls China "an authoritarian state in which the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) constitutionally is the paramount authority,"
Indeed, China's no model human rights champion. However, America's record is far worse at home and abroad, yet self-criticism is absent. Moreover, rarely do major media reports discuss abuses. Instead they regurgitate managed news, suppressing full and accurate disclosure of Washington's most deplorable human and civil rights record at home and abroad.
On April 10, two days after the State Department's report, China's Information Office of the State Council published its own comprehensive report titled, "The Human Rights Record of the United States in 2010,"
In its report, the US State Department charges were mostly without corroboration. In contrast, China, under six major headings, used data from the US Justice Department (DOJ), FBI, other US agencies, state ones, and think tanks, as well as international and US media reports. They reveal a far different America than official Washington and managed major media reports, concealing dark side truths important to reveal.
Confronting Condolezza Rice as a war criminal at Stanford University
20-05-2011 18:44

NATO the military arm of world fascism
20-05-2011 17:14

Demo Against Santander (Brighton branch) - Fri 20 May 4pm -6.30pm
19-05-2011 20:46
Meet outside Santander on 38 Western Road (first one on the left as you walk from Churchill Sq towards Hove).if you've got 10 minutes spare this week.....
17-05-2011 00:36
As part of the growing mobilisation against the DSEI arms fair in September, activists from across the Midlands are targeting the Baby Show at the NEC this week. Like DSEI, the Baby Show is organised by Clarion Events.It'd be great if you could help to ratchet up the pressure on DSEI and the corporations involved in its events, by contacting some of the numbers and email addresses below and letting them know how you feel about the international arms trade. They are keen to hear your views.
stop the baby killers
17-05-2011 00:00

Peace activists to go on trial following nuclear weapons protest
16-05-2011 14:18
Three Christian peace activists face Criminal Damage and SOCPA charges following September 2010 protest at AWE Aldermaston