UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
No End to the “War on Terror,” No End to Guantánamo
14-05-2011 19:28
With the death of Osama bin Laden, there is a perfect opportunity for the Obama administration to bring to an end the decade-long “War on Terror” by withdrawing from Afghanistan and closing the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.
First casualty of war
13-05-2011 21:46

This week in Palestine
13-05-2011 12:10
from the archives...Israeli commando team including Barak, Netanyahu and Yatom launched a daring operation to rescue passengers on highjacked Sabena Flight.Osama and the ghosts of September 11: “Proof that Obama is lying”
12-05-2011 21:18

If the United States of America does not immediately announce a massive drawdown in Afghanistan, the world will keep asking questions about OBL because our lives will be getting worse, not better, by the day. And every time Mr. Obama opens his mouth about 9-11, he pours more gasoline into the pool and asks for another box of matches.
It was not my choice. Barack Obama has placed 9-11 back on the table again. Mainstream media, of course, can't say Jack Diddly about this theater of the absurd, even though they’ve been cornered into asking a few pseudo-hardball questions. They are, after all, criminally culpable for the endorsement and concealment of something they damn well knew was a lie, murder, and high treason ten years ago.
Demo Against Santander (Brighton branch) - Fri 13 May 4pm -6.30pm
12-05-2011 13:53
Meet outside Santander on 56 Western Road.Santander invests in cluster bombs.
Cluster bombs are brightly-coloured lethal bomblets which can be mistaken for toys by children. In Libya, Spanish versions have rained down on unarmed residents of Misrata.
Royal Wedding and Royal Censorship
12-05-2011 09:09

The life of Anarchist Journalist is in danger
11-05-2011 10:45
A notorious opportunist terrorist of a Bangladesh Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury has threaten anarchist journalist William Nicholas gomes (
Anti Arms-Traders 'breach' parameter for Heckler and Koch picket
10-05-2011 19:57

New Bin Laden tapes appear fake like earlier ones
10-05-2011 16:04

Despite poll data showing opposition, they continue because people focus more on bread and circuses than activism, the only way to achieve constructive change. It's high time opinions became anger enough to significantly make a difference. It better because the alternative is too dire to imagine.
Back on the Map Baby !!
10-05-2011 15:54
Faslane nuclear base blockaded this morning
10-05-2011 09:13
Trident Ploughshares[1] and Faslane Peace Camp[2] jointly blockaded Faslane from 7am today, shutting down the Trident submarine base for two hours. Four members of Trident Ploughshares blocked the North Gate of the base while six Peace Campers blocked the South Gate by locking themselves together. Just four days after the Scottish elections the activists called for the anti-Trident SNP government to fulfil its commitments and demand immediate disarmament of Trident and a global ban on nuclear weapons.False flags: An American tradition
10-05-2011 08:56

They're "big lies," defined by Merriam-Webster as "deliberate gross distortion(s) of the truth used especially as a propaganda tactic."
America's decade from September 11, 2001 to May 1, 2011 was punctuated by the (big) lie of our time and (big) lie of the moment.
Put another way, the official stories are falsified, myths, widely believed fantasies contrary to reality.
UK: We will continue to fight against terrorism wherever it rears its head
08-05-2011 18:28

Dancing on the grave of 9/11. Osama and “the Big Lie”
07-05-2011 16:46

The phony anti-war movement
07-05-2011 16:07

Demo in support of Syrian protestors - Brighton 6.30pm tonight
06-05-2011 09:47
Meet at Old Steine War Memorial Friday May 6 (6.30pm)After Friday prayers more Syrian protestors will be putting their lives on the line protesting against a hideous dictatorship and regime.
Four dead in Ohio
04-05-2011 19:28
Four student were killed forty years ago today, for protesting against the Vietnam war.Lies, damn lies, and Bin Laden's death
03-05-2011 18:18

Highlighting 9/11, he painstakingly discussed everything but the truth. America's media repeated it. Celebratory crowds in front of the White House, in Times Square, and at "ground zero" cheered it past midnight, mindlessly believing a lie.
Clear evidence showed bin Laden died years ago, likely in December 2001. However, reporting it was concealed to pursue America's "war on terror."
As a result, "Enemy Number One" was used to stoke fear as pretext for imperial wars on Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, perhaps others now planned, and numerous proxy ones in Somalia, Yemen, Bahrain, Palestine, Central Africa, Colombia, and elsewhere.
Obama's “big lie”: White House propaganda and the “death” of Osama bin Laden
02-05-2011 22:01

Osama bin Laden has been a CIA asset in reality, and a propaganda boogeyman in official fiction. The official Osama bin Laden narrative, along with “Islamic terrorism” and Al-Qaeda, is a CIA military-intelligence fabrication designed to provide a pretext for an eternal global war agenda, and to provide an ongoing propaganda pretext for the “war on terrorism”. The “Militant Islamic Network”, including bin Laden himself, has been, since the Cold War a intelligence network that has been “run” on behalf of Anglo-American interests.
The attack of 9/11 was a false flag operation, planned and carried out by Anglo-American intelligence assets, blamed on “Al-Qaeda”, despite no credible supporting evidence.