UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Press Release - Palestinian Primary School to be Demolished
13-11-2007 14:39
Brighton-Tubas Solidarity Group Press ReleasePalestinian Primary School in Fasayil to be demolished on the 29th of
For More Info Contact Tom Hayes or Sarah Cobham on 07846506710 or /
Armenia - The Unanswered Question
13-11-2007 13:57
On Tuesday 6th November, Aegis Trust and Nottingham Student Aegis Society, in association with Nottingham Playhouse, a pre-show talk for Beast on the Moon to look at the history behind this compelling play took place.Take Action - Palestinian Primary School to be Demolished on the 29th November
13-11-2007 09:22
URGENT CALLPalestinian Primary School in Fasayil to be demolished on the 29th of November!
Education not Occupation
Stop the Occupation from destroying yet another community project aimed at building a future for Palestinians
Pakistan, Somalia and the media. Two protests in London on Saturday.
12-11-2007 20:32

If only….
US, Israeli Program Against Iran Begins In Earnest
12-11-2007 19:08
When Iran (and possibly Russia) retaliates, and the Draft is reinstated (after all, Iran has well over 11 MILLION troops), remeber who picked the fight.Like WWII, we will soon regret Appeasing these Fascists.
Harold Pinter: Free the Cuban Five...
12-11-2007 14:34

Darfurism, Uganda and the US War in Africa: The Spectre of Continental Genocide
12-11-2007 12:59
The U.S. is all over the place, with both covert and overt military programs. France, England, Canada, Belgium, Libya, Israel and China are all involved. All these conflicts are intertwined, and the targeted populations have allegiances and alliances dictated by the pre-colonial boundaries demarcated at the Berlin Conference of 1885 by the imperial doctrine of divide and conquer.EDO MBM Fishersgate Trashed on Paul Hill's Birthday
12-11-2007 12:46
Last night 11th November, Armistice Day, was Paul Hills', Managing Director of EDO MBM, birthday...How to get rid of Anti-Semitism (by Latuff)
11-11-2007 20:45

The Reality Of Israel's "Desire For Peace"
11-11-2007 13:51
Has the British media been following this at all? It appears that much of the media is intentionally ignoring the run-up to this attack, so that when it begins, they can present it as some new "crisis", as opposed to a premeditated Aggression.Call the media and your representatives.
Spooks Refuse to toe Cheney's Line on Iran
10-11-2007 15:02
Unlike Iraq, the intelligence community is refusing to play ball with the Extremists in DC.Israel, US Join Forces on Iran, Slander IAEA Chief
10-11-2007 15:01
Desperate to start a war, the Extremists in Israel and the US have now officially joined forces to determine a strategy for achieving the war the International Community and their own citizens have thus far denied them, and attacking those who refute their lies.US Alliance Afghan Genocide - Six Million Excess Deaths?
10-11-2007 10:27
Post-invasion non-violent excess deaths in Occupied Afghanistan - a month on from the 6th anniversary of the war criminal US invasion and occupation on 7th October 2001 – now total an estimated 3.2 million. However comparisons with Occupied Iraq (1.5-2 million TOTAL post-invasion excess deaths, and 0.8-1.2 million or about 50% of these being VIOLENT deaths) suggest that the post-invasion violent excess deaths in Occupied Afghanistan could total 3 million.TOTALitarian Oil Out of Burma - National Day of Action - Sat 24 Nov
10-11-2007 01:44
On Saturday 24th November, there will be a UK-wide day of action against TOTAL Oil. Petrol stations around the country will see protests calling for TOTAL to pull out of Burma and stop funding the Burmese junta.Appeal for Support to Lawyers and Judges in Pakistan
09-11-2007 20:55
The civil society of Pakistan urges bar associations all over the world to mobilize public opinion in favor of the judges and lawyers in Pakistan. A large number of judges of superior courts are under arrest. Thousands of lawyers are imprisoned, beaten and tortured.By Way Of Deception
09-11-2007 15:46
Raises some very interesing questions, given Zionist Extremism's long and documented history of False Flag attacks on other states, in order to create the conditions for war.BAe "bribery cover up" to be re-investigated.
09-11-2007 13:15
Last September saw a fund-raising gig by Mark Thomas and his matesto enable Campaign Against the Arms Trade and Corner House to seek a judicial review to force a re-opening of the investigations into BAe's alleged bribery of Saudi princes.

The SFO inquiry into the (BAe/Daudi Arabia) Al Yamamah deal was stopped in December 2006 by the government, with attorney general Lord Goldsmith announcing that it was threatening the UK's national security.
A note for the Palestinians (by Latuff)
09-11-2007 09:48

Another humanitarian crisis ongoing in Gaza (by Latuff)
08-11-2007 07:28