UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Hearing from the Iran Peace Delegation
21-02-2013 14:01
Peace News editors Emily Johns and Mil Rai are currently on a peace delegation to Iran.They will be speaking in Oxford at Peace House, Paradise Street, OX1 1LD on Saturday 23rd Feb at 3pm.
Campaigners condemn life sentences given to activists who “sparked the Arab Spri
18-02-2013 14:13
Sentences on Gdeim Izik defendents a travesty of justiceNuclear materials convoy tracked from Aldermaston to Brize Norton
09-02-2013 21:01

Weapons Establishment (AWE) at 10.30 on Friday night 8th February, and
travelled to RAF Brize Norton, arriving at just after midnight early on
Saturday 9th February.
War Resisters' International condemns Pinar Selek's life sentence
08-02-2013 12:20
War Resisters' International, an international network of pacifist and antimilitarist organisations with more than 80 affiliates in 40 countries, condemns the persecution of Pinar Selek.On 24 January 2013, Pinar Selek, a Turkish feminist antimilitarist campaigner, was given a life sentence by an Istanbul court. The court issued an arrest warrant for Pinar, who is currently living in Strasbourg.
what in the world are they spraying?
07-02-2013 15:22
Don't you think its time we started asking questions about the state of our skies?Israel Fuels Syrian Fire, Risking Regional Outburst
07-02-2013 07:14
Israel is either trying to escalate militarily to embroil an unwilling United States in the Syrian conflict, in a too late attempt to pre-empt a political solution, out of a belief that the fall of the Al – Assad regime will serve Israel’s strategy or to establish for itself a seat at any international negotiating table that might be detrimental in shaping a future regime in Syria.Mislabelled Morrisons packaging found in illegal Israeli settlement Tomer
01-02-2013 18:38

American Naval Ship Crashes into World Heritage Site
01-02-2013 10:44

90% Of World's Countries, 82% Of US States Did Not Execute Prisoners In 2012
25-01-2013 22:23
Only 20 countries and only 9 US states commited government murder of prisoners in 2012.
The Imperialist Assault against Africa and its Origins
25-01-2013 22:10
It immediately crystallises awareness when in the age of panapocalyptic austerity and fictional accounting calculus someone is trying to strike a big deal with the fascist state. Not that the topic of prisoner release was not a fertile field for direct action, as any targeting of the cancer which is eating up imperialism from within, but an expectation based on the mutual balance of demands seems quite odd in regard to states which cannot even balance their own currencies, budgets and economies. Any concept of a rational state or remnant thereof from the past has long devolved into a mud hole of infantile dementia with no other agenda than sabotaging every political alternative to it. What is the point in asking a mud hole to release prisoners?SEA uncovers the conspiracy of the Syrian enemies
23-01-2013 12:37
In the current war that takes place in Syria, there are big spaces for the electronic war. One of the activist groups that work in this field named itself by “Syrian Electronic Army” has enabled to hack into many important official sites in each of Qatar, Saudi Arab kingdom and Turkey and to download thousands of secret documents, where Breaking News Network got these documents through mediator after proving the truthness of the reviewed part. An agreement has been done to publish these documents with the Lebanese Newspaper ‘Akhbar’, which got them from the same mediator at the same time.Mali Algeria intervention, NATO's drive to control Africa
19-01-2013 20:24

SOFEX - Mass Murder Is BIG Business
17-01-2013 18:01

By Shane Smith
I am worried for Babs Tucker
16-01-2013 19:00
Babs Tucker - Hunger Strike Day 21 - 366 Days Without ShelterWar taxes paid under protest
16-01-2013 16:41
On Thursday 17th January, War Resisters' International, a global network of pacifist organisations based in London, will pay taxes that have been withheld for five years, under protest to HM Revenue and Customs.Say NO to the arms trade in 2013!
16-01-2013 15:49
With the threat of the 2013 DSEi arms fair in September, Stop the Arms Fair can support you to host a direct action against the arms trade workshop in your area, or come to one of our own.You are seeing the rise of a new Fascist State here in the US
16-01-2013 09:32
You are seeing the rise of a new Fascist State here in the USCampaign organizes to push back against Obama provision to arrest Americans
15-01-2013 10:26

A word in heartfelt solidarity with the bereaved
15-01-2013 09:21
Bereavement may not feature in political action but what about the losses that are caused by repression?Don't the bereaved matter politically?