UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Glasgow anti-war demo
16-02-2003 13:24

Glasgow anti-war demo
16-02-2003 13:24

pics from Glasgow
15-02-2003 20:49

13-02-2003 21:55
Scotland's sham parliament was temporarily reclaimed today, when First Minister's Question Time was interrupted three times. Anarchists and allied anti-war protesters heckled their "representatives" over the Scottish Executive's disinterest in the wishes of the Scottish people - as exemplified by Labour's support of the war on Iraq.Glasgow Anti War rally banned
13-02-2003 15:22
First the SECC management bowed to Labour pressure and denied electricity for the rally, they have now apparently banned the stage from their property.2 rail tickets from Leeds to London for the demo
13-02-2003 01:01
2 spare rail tickets from Leeds to London for the demo, anyone interested?Sheffield Women In Black Jan31 2003
03-02-2003 20:59

February 15: An Anarchist Call for Global Action against Capitalism and War
03-02-2003 16:49
An international anarchist call for direct actions on February 15th against capitalism and war.Red'n Black Bloc, February 15, Glasgow
03-02-2003 14:41
Scottish Anarchists call for a red and black contingent on the Glasgow anti-war march, which looks like being the biggest of it’s type for years in the city. Tony Blair will be in town for the day, addressing his minions at the SECC on the Clydeside, and that is where the biggest anti-war demo in Scotland for years is heading...Wheels Against War! February 15th 2003 ride against war!
29-01-2003 18:19
Meet other riders at 12pm under Waterloo Bridge, South Bank to cycle over to the Embankment at 12:30pm and join the anti-war march through London. With plans to join the march and loosely follow it's route through london.More from the Edinburgh anti-war critical mass, Sunday 26th
28-01-2003 23:02
More from the Edinburgh anti-war gathering on Sunday, 26th of January.more antiwar demo in edinburgh
28-01-2003 10:24
more about the antiwar demo in Edinburgh, Sunday 26th of January.Critical Mass in Edinburgh
27-01-2003 19:17

Blockade of BAe and Arc Royal War Ship
24-01-2003 12:39
On Monday 13th, protesters took direct action against the War. BAe, British Aerospace was blockaded in Edinburgh, and access to the Ark Royal, before leaving towards Iraq, was blocked, too, when it was stationed at Loch Long (near Faslane Trident sub base).F15 International Day Against The War On Iraq
20-01-2003 22:48
F15 International Day Against The War On IraqGlobal anti war actions on Gulf War anniversary Jan 17-19th
14-01-2003 12:41
Anti war actions in 23 countries this weekendAnti-War Occupation at Glasgow Uni
17-12-2002 19:38
Glasgow Anarchist Students have today occupied the main lecture hall of the Adam Smith Building at Glasgow University. They are protesting against the war, and demanding that the University cuts all ties with the armed forces and the arms industry