UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
weapons inspection of Raytheon in Glenrothes, Fife,
17-12-2002 16:02
protesters tried to inspect weapons in Glenrothes, Fife, Saturday 14th of december.Get involved with Disarm DSEi 2003!
28-11-2002 21:48
Join a working group! Get you organisation to become a supporting group! Get involved!Biotechnology Newswire Nov 25
25-11-2002 16:45
The following stories and events were posted to the on the biotechnology newswire over the last 7 days. You too can post, comment, and search for some of the latest information on biotechnology. Stop by, add your stories, read, add events to our calendar and more!Sheffield Anti-War Demonstration
24-11-2002 00:03

Hunterston to close?
22-11-2002 10:37

Another nuclear submarine crash off the west coast of Scotland
07-11-2002 17:47
Wednesday's Nuclear submarine crash of Skye was only the latest in a series of Naval accidents.Nuclear submarine runs aground - ITV news
07-11-2002 14:06
The submarine was involved in the first wave of attacks against Afghanistan last OctoberAnti-war Protestors Disrupt Leeds
06-11-2002 03:29
Students and local citizens took part in several actions inLeeds on 31 October as part of the National Day of Civil
Disobedience against War on Iraq. Students disrupted
lectures, occupied the Business School, forced a library to close briefly, occupied the local BBC studios and then joined the main Leeds-wide protest outside Yorkshire TV 5pm
Anti-war Demonstrators Disrupt Leeds
04-11-2002 12:40
Students and local citizens took part in several actions in Leeds on 31 October as part of the National Day of Civil Disobedience against War on Iraq. Students disrupted lectures, occupied the Business School, forced a library to close briefly, occupied the local BBC studios and then joined the main Leeds-wide protest outside Yorkshire TV at 5pmWitnesses needed: Leeds demo outside Yourkshire TV
01-11-2002 12:45
URGENT - ARESTEE, Thursday 31st, Leeds, Yorkshire TVEdinburgh Anti-War protests
01-11-2002 10:16

Report (news release) on Sheffield Protests 31-10-02
01-11-2002 01:55
Hundreds take to Sheffield Streets in Day of Action – Student Occupation ContinuesStop the war demo in Glasgow, Scotland
31-10-2002 21:18

Manchester grinds to a halt!
31-10-2002 20:15
Quick report before returning to the action.Occupation of Sheffield University
31-10-2002 13:06
Occupation of University of Sheffield Engineering BuildingBikes Not Bombs early morning action in Sheffield
31-10-2002 11:03
As part of the Day of Action against war in Iraq, Bikes Not Bombs stopped early morning traffic today in Sheffield. About 100 people on foot and on bikes, used oil free transport to protest about the corporate oil interests underpinning the middle east war drive. The action ended at the University which has accepted funding from Boeing.