UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
September 11: Message of an Ex-Marine to the Anti-War Movement
09-10-2006 21:41
The whole ordeal in the first Gulf war made me realize that things are not always what they seem to be. Yet, a decade later, on the morning of September 11th immediately after the towers fell, even though I intuited that the Bush administration was behind the attacks, I chose to believe the official story, because I did not dare to believe otherwise.It wasn’t until the Bush administration started incessantly insisting that Iraq had WMDs, that I realized that something was not right. In early 2002, I began to search for answers on the Internet, never thinking that I would spend five to six hours daily for the next four years.
So now we know. We know that, just like war, 9/11 is a racket, a military false flag psy-op, a highly deceptive series of events conducted to gain the support of the population for wars in the Middle East.
Media Pics From Sack Parliament Protest
09-10-2006 19:19

Below are some thumbnails of pictures published by some of the main picture agencies to give you an idea of the event and the media reporting. Higher size and resolution pictures are available online,
March of Grapes Brutally Attacked
09-10-2006 19:02

Palestinian, international and Israeli activists joined together to demonstrate against land theft, road closures and economic isolation by bringing two tons of the surplus Palestinian grape harvest to an occupation checkpoint
Maya Evans & Emily Johns Speak in Birmingham
09-10-2006 19:01

'The "War on Terror" at Home and Abroad'
Public Meeting in Birmingham:
Wednesday 11th October @ 7:30pm @ Stirchley Community Centre, Pershore Road, Stirchley, next to the Royal Oak.

09-10-2006 17:33
. . . . DESPITE several distractions, the "omissions" in the "mainstream" coverage of this event, in fact, from the background summations of the bio of this journalist THEMSELVES allow thoughtful people clues as to what were the actual causes of this murder - but also that poisoning as she went to the BESLAN school siege - in the run up to the USA election as the "security moms" factor was amped up.Palestine Today
09-10-2006 17:25

One Palestinian killed and five injured in an army air strike in the Gaza Strip, while an Israeli soldiers kills a Nablus resident at Huwwara checkpoint south of the city. These stories and more. coming up stay tuned.
War is bad for your health
09-10-2006 14:47
Do you feel bombarded by conspiracy theories? Does the thought of an imminent war in Iran make you reach for the chocolate? The Media's war on terror is sabotaging your security in the name of war, but there is something you can do about it....Photos from Faslane nuclear weapons base
09-10-2006 14:11

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Sack Parliament Protest Reports
09-10-2006 13:18
Quick phone report from Sack Parliament Protest:2pm: the whole area around parliament is flooded with police officers and vans.
Welsh Granny Arrested at Scotish Nuclear Base
09-10-2006 12:25

sacking parliament - New Deal for MPs and Lords
09-10-2006 10:41

Liberation through bombs
09-10-2006 08:58
NO, YOU MAY NOT protest our cultures. NO, YOU MAY NOT bomb us all to oblivion–no, not until you blow up your own damn country first.Colonialism and Feminism
09-10-2006 08:49

Soldiers disrupt Medical work in Tubas
09-10-2006 08:22

In October I will also be trying to foster grassroots links with grassroots organisations in the Jordan valley region, the most fertile area of the West Bank in danger of annexation by the Israeli state suffering from exploitation by Israeli and international corporations...
Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
sacking parliament - how to give your MP their P45
09-10-2006 01:32

Major Escalation in the War for U.S. Global Dominance?
08-10-2006 21:38
The Bush administration has recently succeeded in passing legislation that makes it easier to round up and torture American citizens, among others, and now it seems to want to start World War III. One can't help but wonder if threatening the entire planet (plans have allegedly been drawn up entertaining the nuclear option in Iran) is this administration's way of dealing with a very bad month of relevations.Brighton Bloggers in Palestine
08-10-2006 18:39
the brightonpalestine bloggers are backArrest the Government
08-10-2006 16:42
A request to have the British government arrested for war crimes and corruption during the Sack Parliament demonstration on Monday 9 October, has been forwarded to the Evening Standard and the Daily Mail newspapers for them to pass on officially to the police.Rhythms of Resistance for Space For Peace
08-10-2006 15:43