UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
DISARM DSEi - Spring 2005 Update
12-03-2005 13:26
Updates on:Shut Down Spearhead! - campaign against DSEi organiser
International Day of Direct Action Against the Arms Trade - 21.03.05
DSEi 2005 - 13-16 September
Iranian asylum seekers protesting against military aggression in Iran
12-03-2005 10:21
In an act of protest against the threats of military intervention by the U.S and its allies in Iran, five Iranian asylum seekers will set off on foot from Birmingham on the 12th of March to join the national anti-war demonstration in London on the 19th of March. They will be walking through Coventry, Banbury, Oxford, High Wycombe and then on to London.Unusual addition to WTC aircraft
11-03-2005 22:10

Pentagon chiefs cleared over prisoner abuse
11-03-2005 06:11

Blair: Sharon's cellmate
11-03-2005 04:17
If my prime minister Sharon is a war criminal, so is Tony BlairColombia update- san jose massacre
10-03-2005 21:02
9th march 2005Latest news reports from the main dailies in Colombia
carry news which threatens the ideals and the very
geographical existence of the San Jose Peace Community
(recent victim of a massacre on 21st February).
Trident AntiNuke LockOn Protest OUtside Scots Parliament NOW
10-03-2005 17:33
At this very moment there is a lock on outside the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh in protest against the Trident Nuclear Weapons System. Protesters are locked into a 'Trident Sub' and are going to stay as long as they possibly can (in other words...they won't be leaving of their own accord!) They are asking for people to bring essentials like food and blankets, and for any one willing to do a shift on the lock on to get down there ASAP. Call 07760 161755 for more detailsIRAQ SPEAKER MEETING - 10th March
10-03-2005 13:16
Iraq - Speaker MeetingOxford Town Hall, Council Chamber, Thurs 10th March, 7.30pm
Amnesty International, Ox Uni Iraq Society, Oxford Y&S CND
Theatre of War's Wacky Submarine locked on again
10-03-2005 10:38
Scottish Parliament ProtestNoble Cause Torture?
10-03-2005 02:31

Then what is the appropriate forum?
Lobby The Welsh Labour Party in Swansea!
09-03-2005 19:17
Lobby the Welsh Labour Party in Swansea on friday the 18th March at midday.There is money for the war in Iraq but nothing for pensions!
Black Army Recruits Down 41% since 2000
09-03-2005 01:08
Black volunteers for the Army have fallen 41 percent -- from 22.7 percent in 2001 to 13.9 percent as of February 9, 2005. The "U.S. Military Image Study" prepared for the Army, in the inimitable language of marketing experts, offers an unintentionally funny recommendation to the Army in its conclusion: "For the Army to achieve its mission goals with Future Force Soldiers, it must overhaul its image as well as its product offering" . . . because, "[i]n today's reality, the risk/reward ratio is even more out of balance" than usual.NEATH ANTI WAR MEETING PACKED OUT
08-03-2005 23:06
Southern oil workers versus corporations in Iraq
08-03-2005 17:26

Modern Warfare
08-03-2005 13:15
A popular prevailing myth of today is that America is the “undisputed” leading military power of the world. However, does this claim stand up to the scrutiny of even the simplest analysis? All things are relative in a military context so the obvious question is against whom is this ‘power’ dominant? The combined nuclear assets of the Sino-Russian alliance alone is enough to dispatch the entire American continent, if the sheer force of numbers (manpower) is included, the ‘winner’ would be the Chinese and Russians. In the context of all-out war the one absolute fact (that the US attempts to ignore) is mutual assured destruction. The Zionist lunatics (Perle, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld) who persuaded Bush to abandon nuclear disarmament treaties, thereby giving other nations similar license, have put us all in jeopardy.Anti war activists begin trial in Dublin that could see them banged up for years
07-03-2005 23:48
The Pitstop Ploughshares are a group of five anti war activists who in February 2003 disarmed a US Navy Plane. Within a month of their action, 3 of the 4 US contractors using Shannon Civilian Airport, left Ireland. They began their trial today, which will last over a week, and could see them landed with ten years if found guilty.Why does an Eastbourne company invest in the world's worst torture state?
07-03-2005 13:54
Question the UK's Burma investors'Hands Off' anti-war conference in Brighton 23 April
07-03-2005 13:24
‘Hands Off’ ConferenceSaturday 23rd April
Brighthelm Centre, North Road, Brighton
11am to 3.30pm
outFarpress presents: Fr Roy Bourgeois on the School of the Americas
07-03-2005 05:18
Father Roy Bourgeois is a leader of the movement to shut down the School of the Americas in Georgia. He speaks of his military service, work in Central America, and the annual demonstration at Fort Benning. 48:46. 2 files, broadcast quality and slow modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast.