UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Arms Fairs make a killing
13-09-2005 10:02
Anti-arms trade, peace and other activists are travelling form Bristol & the south west to London over the next few days to protest at & around the Excel centre in East London, location for the DSEi (Defence Systems & Equipment International) arms fair. At the same time a solidarity vigil has been called in Bristol for Wednesday 14 September, 5pm, opposite the Hippodrome, St Augustines Parade, central Bristol.PIRATES NEEDED FOR IRAQ COURT CASE DEMO - WEDNESDAY
13-09-2005 08:32
Thames Magistrates’ Court, Bow Road E3, 9.30 am, Wednesday 14 September: Two activists who occupied the offices of Windrush Communications – the organizer of a string of Iraq-related business conferences – will challenge the legality of privatization measures imposed on Iraq by the US and UK at their trial next Wednesday.betting on terror
12-09-2005 23:27
Are you sick of betting only on Nasdaq, on the price of oil, or on football games?DSEi Candelit Procession + Prayer Vigil @ Excel - Pics
12-09-2005 23:18

Food Not Bombs Hurricane Appeal
12-09-2005 22:23

They need clothes, food, cooks cooking equipment, and money to provide for thousands of hungry homeless people.
Veggies has sent $100 from it's 'Samosas for Social Change' project - please help us send more.

Metropolitan police allow Israeli General wanted for war crimes to flee
12-09-2005 17:11
Amnesty International today deplored the failure of the United Kingdom (UK) authorities to arrest Israeli army General Doron Almog when he arrived at London’s Heathrow airport yesterday, describing this as a clear violation of the UK’s obligations under both national and international law. A warrant for the general’s arrest for alleged war crimes had been issued by an English court the previous day.DESi Companies targeted on September 11th
12-09-2005 09:46
Companies in the south-east of England involved in the exhibiting at DESi, the world’s largest weapons fair, planned for 13th-16th September, have been targeted.PDF of DSEi/Reed Elsevier leaflet distributed in Oxford
12-09-2005 09:14

MOD figures reveal one thousand British casualties in Iraq to date
12-09-2005 08:04
British forces have suffered approximately one thousand casualties since the invasion of Iraq and the total is likely to keep increasing as the conflict intensifies.Diary of Events for the Meditators' Mobilisation
12-09-2005 00:49
This is the diary events for the meditators' mobilisation against the DSEi arms fair. See the website for more details...Thoughts on New Orleans
11-09-2005 22:34

yet more DSEi pics and comment
11-09-2005 13:58

Report of chemical weapons being used in Tall 'Afar
11-09-2005 11:43
Report of chemical weapons being used in Tall 'AfarMadness In New Orleans - The Only Sane Option
11-09-2005 02:04

beat the bombers, party for peace, more pics
10-09-2005 23:26

beat the bombers...more pictures
10-09-2005 23:03

Arafat's Death: Road Map for a Decease Plan
10-09-2005 22:24
Mystery of Arafats death- was it natural, or an alleged murder by poison?Photos from rally against racism in Leith Saturday 10th September 2005.
10-09-2005 20:55

Economic Occupation of Iraq on Trial
10-09-2005 20:44
Next week, four British human rights activists will face trial for attempting to prevent the alleged criminal activity of London-based Iraq privatisation organisers Windrush Communications. The defendants have applied for disclosure of all advice given by the Attorney General to the British Government. Their defence statements will be challenging the legality of the economic reforms imposed by coalition authorities in occupied Iraq.