UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
86 year old EDO Protester to sue police over secret database
02-05-2011 22:00
from tomorrows GuardianLibyan scenario for Syria: Towards a US-NATO "humanitarian intervention"?
02-05-2011 13:14

Synchronized with the U.S. action on the 29th, the European Union announced it plans to impose a wide range of sanctions against Syria including the now typical portfolio of travel bans, the freezing of assets and an arms embargo.
What is underway currently is the realization of the former George W. Bush administration's project for "regime change" in Syria of six years ago following the assassination of former prime minister Rafik Hariri in Lebanon and the subsequent Cedar Revolution - a term coined by then-U.S. Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs Paula Dobriansky - the withdrawal of Syrian troops from the country and the recall of the American ambassador from Damascus.
Bin Laden dead - real target Pakistan
02-05-2011 11:30
Don't be fooled. Bin Laden's been dead for years. The real target is Pakistan. THere have been some major changes going on in the relationship between Pakistan and the US.Robert Fisk’s anti-Syria propaganda
30-04-2011 14:16

Pro-Iranian officers in Syria's ruling clique plot coup against Assad
30-04-2011 08:25
US President Barack Obama signed an executive order Friday April 29 imposing sanctions on members of the Assad family for brutality against civilian protesters after learning that pro-Iranian officers and intelligence chiefs within the ruling family and top military command were conspiring to overthrow President Bashar Assad.The sanctions order also named the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) for aiding the Syrian crackdown.
Latuff: download all my cartoons in support of the brave Syrian people here
30-04-2011 08:06
As the brave Syrian people are mown down in their hundreds by Assad's pan-Arab fascist regime, aided by Hezb'allah and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (Al Quds division), here are all my latest cartoons in their support.How to find out the location of Brighton Mayday
29-04-2011 14:55
Just to clear up any confusion- Brighton May Day is on 30th April, not officially of course just the protest. Start location will be announced shortly before on here, Facebook and Twitter. If you can’t get to a computer call 07950 889281 after 1130am and a message will tell you, don’t leave messages or text it, cause no one will get back to you. Alternatively go on the critical mass bike ride, which will form up on the Level at 1030am.Britain’s royal wedding: A big day for the global oligarchy
29-04-2011 14:34

Meanwhile, the spectacles of gore and bloodlust – admittedly despite much public opposition – are located thousands of kilometers away in the Middle East, Iraq, Central Asia, Afghanistan, where over a million civilians have been killed in British-backed “wars against terror” that have yet to be sated even after eight and 10 years of butchery, respectively; and now the latest spectacle opens in North Africa, Libya, where over the past six weeks Royal Air Force warplanes have been bombing and killing civilians in the name of “peace” and “humanitarian concern”
Nobel Peace Winner: Obama ......
28-04-2011 16:53

Facist infestation on facebook
28-04-2011 09:56
English National Alliance attempt to infiltrate animal rights movement.Media disinformation and the Syrian protest movement
27-04-2011 19:01

Thailand's Original Colour Revolution
27-04-2011 09:03
Thailand's on the verge of a fourth American backed military coup.All my cartoons in support of the brave Syrian people
26-04-2011 16:13
As civilian protesters marching for freedom and democracy are mown down in their hundreds by the pan-arab fascist Ba'athist regime, here are all my cartoons on the subject.Smash EDO Press Release - For Immediate Release
26-04-2011 08:59

Anti Arms Trade campaigners shut down arms factory in solidarity with Gaza
For details contact Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh on 07526557436 or

Follow updates on Twitter (with more photos): @smash_edo
Early this morning three activists locked themselves to the Brighton arms
factory EDO/ITT, in solidarity with the people of Gaza.
Report from Pembrokeshire gig for Bradley Manning
25-04-2011 18:09
Report from Saturday's benefit gig held in Pembrokeshire, Wales, where Bradley's Mum and other relatives still live.Britain, the traitor nation: Media disinformation and crimes against humanity
25-04-2011 11:43

The actual axis of evil is very busy. One pole, the dominant one, is in Tel Aviv. The other pole is Washington. In the middle is London, and now Paris. London gives the axis propriety with all the flummery. It also gives its cunning and its historical knowledge of imperialism. The power shifts backward and forward along that axis as busily as those jets carrying the psychopaths who pull the triggers.
Al Jazeera's war on Gaddafi
24-04-2011 18:52

Smash EDO/ITT Pixie Action
22-04-2011 15:08
On Thursday 21st EDO/ITT got a late night visit from some passing black clad ninja pixies carrying gifts.Statement from the Ahava 4
21-04-2011 16:50
Today 4 activists were convicted for blockading Ahava, a cosmetics store selling products from Mitzpe Shalem - an Israeli settlement on occupied Palestinian landFull article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Report from Bradley Manning event Sun 17 April
20-04-2011 09:03