UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Who is selling Gadaffi weapons? - War Profiteers' News
18-03-2011 13:18

The uprisings in the Arab world have led to extreme violence in the country which has suffered the longest-standing and most repressive dictatorship of the Arab world. Due to the lack of information from the press, we suppose that the protests took place against repression on a smaller scale, perhaps at the hands of Libyan security forces who, when faced with the success of these uprisings, did not want to face their people. Therefore it is presumed that those who are using military strategies are mercenaries. It is very difficult to know where these soldiers are coming from and whether they form part of private military organisations, which are playing an increasingly important role in current armed conflicts. It is also difficult to know what arms we are talking about when we hear the news that fighter planes and helicopters are shooting at the civilian population. However, it is not impossible to find out this information.
Faslane peace camp grand re-opening
18-03-2011 10:09
Faslane peace camp back on the map the year of the grand re-openingNuclear Radiation Illegal Dumping Around the World Makes Meat, Fish, Dairy Poiso
17-03-2011 18:19
Where have NATO, Japanese, French, Chinese, Ukrainian, Canadian, US, UK, Australian, Indian, Russian nuclear waste been stored?Bahrain: U.S. backs Saudi military intervention, conflict with Iran
17-03-2011 09:11

The U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited Bahrain three days before the launch of the Saudi military intervention. The U.S. Fifth Fleet, one of six used by Washington to patrol the world's seas and oceans, is headquartered near Manama, where between 4,000-6,000 American military personnel are stationed. Unlike Tunisia and Egypt, U.S. military partners but not hosts of American bases, Bahrain is vital to U.S. international military and energy strategy.
Flashback:How the forgotten city of Halabja became the launchpad for war on Iraq
16-03-2011 19:29

Scotland's census - Don't Co-operate!
16-03-2011 16:22
Census forms are dropping through letterboxes in Scotland. Some vital information is missing from them.
"Operation Libya" and the Battle for Oil: Redrawing the Map of Africa
16-03-2011 14:44
"Libya is targeted because it is one among several remaining countries outside America's sphere of influence, which fail to conform to US demands. Libya is a country which has been selected as part of a military "road map" which consists of "multiple simultaneous theater wars". In the words of former NATO Commander Chief General Wesley Clark:"in the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan.... (Wesley Clark, Winning Modern Wars, p. 130)"
Irish republicans to hold peace summit with Kurdish and Basque separatists
15-03-2011 23:02

Sinn Féin activists to meet members of Sortu and Kurdish BDP in Venice to discuss negotiation tactics and dialogue with state Irish republicans will meet Kurdish and Basque separatists at a summit designed to encourage armed movements to adopt political dialogue and put an end to two conflicts that have cost thousands of lives.
EDO/ITT Brighton gets paint splatter makeover
15-03-2011 15:20
EDO/ITT defence company in Brighton gets paint splatter makeover in solidarity with Middle East and North Africa uprisings.Today in Palestine 2010 03 15
15-03-2011 11:34
Evil Zionists board civilian peace activists' ship in international waters, er wait a minute ...Remembering Dalal al-Mughrabi, the symbol of Palestinian struggle for liberation
14-03-2011 08:17

Dalal is still seen by Palestinians and Arabs as a hero and an outstanding fighter. "Dalal will never be forgotten as she will remain an admirable symbol of the Palestinian women’s struggle and an example to be emulated by young Palestinian men and women who will pursue the armed struggle until the liberation of Palestine” says her mother.
Violent crackdown on Iraqi opposition plus 1
09-03-2011 13:18
“Human Rights Watch singled out a severe retrogression in the status of women and girls, who under the secular dictatorship of Saddam Hussein and the Baath Party were “relatively better protected than other countries in the region.” Forced marriages, forced prostitution, domestic abuse and sexual abuse have all risen sharply in the years since the US invasion.”The Torture of Bradley Manning
09-03-2011 12:49

Point of no return: U.S. and NATO prepare for war with Libya
08-03-2011 23:10

Britain and France, in close consultation with the U.S. and Germany (collectively the NATO Quad), are jointly writing a draft resolution for a no-fly zone over Libya to be presented to the Security Council. If the resolution is supported by nine or more of the fifteen nations on the Security Council and if permanent members China and Russia don't veto it, the stage will be set for a series of further military actions by the U.S. and NATO against Libya, which will be presented by the West as UN-sanctioned, in a manner alarmingly evocative of the process used to prepare the attack on Iraq in 2003.
Military ramps up torture of alleged WikiLeaks source
08-03-2011 19:31
"The Obama administration is persecuting and torturing Manning for two major reasons. First, to force him to implicate WikiLeaks and its co-founder, Julian Assange, in his alleged downloading of classified documents. The government, in its campaign to destroy WikiLeaks and punish Assange, needs such testimony from Manning to potentially extradite and prosecute Assange under US sedition laws."Full article | 1 addition | 16 comments
'Supplementary Questions' - Lockheed Martin and the English census
07-03-2011 22:23

Anti-arms activists to petition 10 Downing Street "This is NOT OK"
07-03-2011 16:41
A press release about CAAT's call for an end to government support for arms sales and for the DSEi arms fairDefence contractors are screwing the whole country
07-03-2011 13:21

Viewpoint: Instrumenting Kosovo in the 'arc of crisis' By Zahir Ebrahim
06-03-2011 16:58
To fully comprehend this agenda, one has to penetratingly understand what transpired in Kosovo in the 1990s, and what was the end result. The internationalization of the United Nations and NATO “peace keeping” forces in order to maintain peace and stability among a fractious people unable to govern themselves like civilized human beings. Kosovo set the legal, and UN sanctioned precedent for how the World Order of one-world government is to be principally governed. That very end result in the case of Middle East, throughout the 'arc of crisis' in the 'global zone of percolating violence', is evidently being sought through these manufactured “revolutions” which only seed chaos, civil war, Muslim on Muslim ethnic/religious/political violence, all leading to the demoralization and disintegration of the cohesive social fabric under the auspices of 4th, 5th, 6th, ... generation warfare methods designed to destroy nations and societies from within. Just as was done to Serbia.War, Prisons, and Torture in the US & UK --An interview with Richard Haley
06-03-2011 08:03