UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Over 30 Protests all around the UK against attack on Falluja
08-11-2004 18:09
US Soldiers are now storming Falluja. Across the UK there are protests in many towns and cities. People are calling this a war crime in an illegal war. There will be more protests tomorrow (tues) and on wednesday (see below):Propaganda war rages ahead of battle for Fallujah
08-11-2004 17:12
As a battle for Fallujah opens, a psychological war has already been raging between the US military and fighters in the rebel enclave of western Iraq.Insurgents claimed they had captured US and Iraqi soldiers, with Islamist leaders announcing over loudspeakers in a city mosque that 36 Americans and 107 Iraqi national guardsmen had been seized.
"Let us announce with joy the capture," the rebel claim said, adding that the prisoners would be paraded publicly and a video of their humiliation released.
Insurgents in southwestern Fallujah had also shot down a US helicopter, a symbol of America's military superiority over the often lightly-armed insurgents, said rebel leader Khaled Hammud Jumali.
Four Arrested at the 'blood stained' US Consulate
08-11-2004 16:39

The Government's misleading response to the Lancet Iraq Mortality Survey
08-11-2004 16:16
The Government's response to the Iraq Mortality Survey published last week in leading public health journal The Lancet (estimating that around 100,000 excess deaths may have been caused by the invasion of Iraq) is deeply inaccurate and misleading. Amongst other things it constitutes an opportunistic political attack on academic standards.Fallujah Protests
08-11-2004 15:43
Town and city centre protests at 5pm Tuesday 9th November to protest at the attack on FallujahPictures of Cambridge protest against the destruction of Fallujah
08-11-2004 14:28

They came down after an hour and the police let them go.
08-11-2004 12:39
In the Oliver Stone Vietnam War movie "Platoon", one African American soldier says that, "The U.S. has been going around kicking everybody else's ass for so long, I know that it's about time that the U.S. got its *own* ass kicked." THAT TIME HAS COME AGAIN!!Cambridge residents take to roof of Guildhall to protest Fallujah attack
08-11-2004 12:37
Cambridge residents have climbed fifty feet up on the roof of theGuildhall, in Market Square, Cambridge, and are currently hanging a giant
banner reading 'Fallujah: Stop the Massacre', as part of a larger protest currently taking place in Cambridge's Market Square.
Fallujah Graffiti in Cambridge
08-11-2004 10:31

Rush-hour protest in Cambridge against Fallujah massacre
08-11-2004 10:14

Fallujah Protest in Market Square Cambridge
08-11-2004 09:45
The long announced all out attack on Fallujah is now imminent.Campeace are asking all supporters to gather outside the Guildhall from 12 noon TODAY (Monday the 8th of November) to protest this appalling war crime.
Fallujah, the Hue of Iraq
08-11-2004 03:04
US troops are following Gen. Westmoreland’s playbook, while the Iraqi insurgents seem to be following the playbook of Ho Chi Minh. We know the ending of both books.Supposed video of attack on UK troops in Iraq
08-11-2004 01:01
Below find internet address to video of attack on UK troops that killed fourState of emergency: Allawi 'killer of saints'
08-11-2004 00:19

Bristol STW Regional NEWS : 8th November 2004 : (VIRTUAL Version)
07-11-2004 23:09
[South West, Wales & West Midlands] Please send us your events.Visit:


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The more people you kill the more votes you get!
07-11-2004 22:41
War is peace, slavery is freedom, attack is defence
Bristol STW Regional NEWS : 8th October 2004 : (PRINTER Version)
07-11-2004 22:30