UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
The US-Military will spy US citizens!
28-11-2005 20:59
- The Bush administration and US military have been actively lobbying for the right to use military personnel to spy on U.S. citizens and share information with other intelligence agencies -Video: US mercenaries randomly shooting Iraqi civilians
28-11-2005 16:49
Video of Random Shootings in IraqTentatively identified as Aegis - UK based hired killers.
3 of the Vine and Fig Tree planters community in newbury court.
28-11-2005 02:27
Pre trial court convenience hearing of 3 Fig and Vine Planters Communityat Newbury Magistrates Court (21/11/2005) - Lifted bail.
Iran accuses Bush over depleted uranium
27-11-2005 19:32
Iran accuses Bush over depleted uraniumTory leader (Til 6Dec)M.Howard on Trident&Climate Change.
27-11-2005 14:31
Letters to a constituent from out going Toty leader Michael Howard on Trident renewal (Greenpeace campaign) and Climate Change (FoE campaign).Police Threaten to Crush Anti EDO Mass Demo
27-11-2005 06:29

Ending the war in Iraq: the US runs out of excuses
26-11-2005 22:27
The US appears to be in negotiations with the nationalist Iraqi resistanceAussie ministers plot to kill dissent
26-11-2005 20:54

No Trident! No Trident Replacement
26-11-2005 20:05

Anti-war arrests outside Parliament - pictures and comment
26-11-2005 13:49

The al-Jazeera leak: how Blair benefits
26-11-2005 10:48
On the surface, this looks like a bad story for the British government, but we should look closer before coming to that conclusion.Anti-War Campaigners Stage Bell-Ringing Ceremony Outside Parliament
25-11-2005 14:03
100,000 Rings: In Remembrance of the Iraqi Civilian and Military DeadTwo women were arrested today while holding a bell-ringing ceremony outside parliament as part of an international peace event, to mark the anniversary of the release of the Lancet study on 29th October 2004 which estimated 100,000 people had died since the beginning of the war in Iraq. Similar ceremonies have and will be occurring in nearly 100 other communities around the United States and United Kingdom.
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Iraq oil union president to tour UK
25-11-2005 13:34

EDO High Court latest
25-11-2005 12:11
Judge Walker has been hearing evidence this week that EDO lawyer Timothy Lawson-Cruttenden (TLC) has been acting unlawfully in disclosing confidential police reports and statements to the court."Don't bomb us" say Al Jazeera staff
24-11-2005 21:42
Al Jazeera media staff have begun a campaign blog denouncing reports that the US government considered bombing their offices.CIA Front Companies__ONE EMPLOYEE = LAYWER
24-11-2005 19:23

Bush Torture Charges Back in Court
23-11-2005 23:35
Please distribute this far and wide. We need to inspire others to resist the Busheviks. We need to encourage MSM to cover this form of non-violent resistance. We need a return to government by law rather than by men.Public Meeting- Life in Iraq: Can it get worse?
23-11-2005 20:45
Iraq Union Solidarity Nottm meeting - an Iraq woman speaks on 'Life in Iraq: Can it get worse?'