UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Colombia solidarity picket outside Downing Street
07-03-2008 18:05

South American anarchists and anti-militarists say NO to war
07-03-2008 02:26

Protest at Total sponsoring French Film Festival
07-03-2008 01:43

The Politics of Non-Proliferation
06-03-2008 21:07
If there was a time when Iranian analysts and decision makers would question the benefits of continuing to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency, it would be now. The IAEA has allowed systematic US intervention in Iran's nuclear file paving the way to a third round of sanctions. But while US pressure on Iran with the knowledge that no evidence of a covert weapons programme exists, is perhaps in the hope that it will finally force Iran to leave the NPT in protest, Iran seems to be one step ahead and does exactly the opposite.UCL students expel the military from their campus
06-03-2008 20:27
University College London's students' union, UCL Union, voted to ban the officer training corps, territorial army and all other military recruiters from its premises and events, in what was its best attended general meeting in years, denying the military access to new recruits.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Smash EDO protesters prevent delivery companies supporting war crimes in Iraq.
06-03-2008 16:11
Press release06/03/2008
Smash EDO protesters prevent delivery companies supporting war crimes in Iraq.
For more info contact Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh:
tel 07875708873 or email

Leeds street medic training, 28th-30th March
06-03-2008 13:28
The UK Action Medics are running a 2 1/2 day street medic training in Leeds at the end of this month. This is a 20 hour course that will teach you the basics of general First Aid, as well as skills to deal with medical situations specific to direct action, such as dealing with chemical weapons and the police. The course will involve scenarios and hands-on practice and, although we cannot offer you any official accreditation, the 2 1/2 day training is the minimum standard for membership of the Action Medics, and will equip you for a wide range of situations, from hypothermia to baton wounds.The bravery of U.S. Marines in Iraq (by Latuff)
06-03-2008 12:08

Smash EDO benefit gig @ Cowley Club, Brighton this friday!
05-03-2008 16:39

The U.N. is escalating the Iran nuclear crisis
05-03-2008 14:47
If the Security Council were truly concerned about Iran’s nuclear programme, it would have lifted sanctions in the light of the IAEA’s latest report and thereby secured Iranian adherence to the Additional Protocol.6 March Colombia Day Of Action
05-03-2008 00:26
FOR THE DISAPPEARED! FOR THE DISPLACED! FOR THE MASSACRED! FOR THE EXECUTED!Against the Israel State genocide attacks to the Palestinian people
04-03-2008 23:10

International solidarity against global oppression!
Friends of Palestine, friends of Palestinian people’s fight:
Israeli Extra-Judicial Executions
04-03-2008 22:51
The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights documented its extra-judicial executions from September 29, 2000 through December 2007 and updates it weekly on its web site - Hove Trashed in Solidarity with the Victims of EDO Corporation
04-03-2008 13:55
DHL provides courier services to EDO MBM, an arms manufacturer supplying weapons to the UK, US and Israeli armed forcesBritish MP’s call to avoid attacking Iran welcomed
04-03-2008 11:30
The Westminster Committee on Iran today welcomed a report by the Commons foreign affairs committee warning that a military strike against Iran is unlikely to succeed and could provoke a violent backlash across the region.The Gaza Bombshell - Crisis Made in USA
04-03-2008 01:33
Without exception, the media ignored this story. Please forward this to media outlets, so that this story gets some airtime.This entire crisis, including Israel's assault on Gaza, is due to a rejection by Zionism of peace achieved through any process it cannot control, as this will involve an end to their expasionist war, and handing back a portion of what they have stolen.
Amnesty Int'l Condemns IDF for Reckless Disregard of Life in Gaza
04-03-2008 01:27
Absent from the coverage was any mention of Zionism or Zionist Extremism. No one can claim to understand what is happening without discussing this group, and it current grip on power in Israel.Gaza: Punishing the People
04-03-2008 01:08
It is really simple folks; 60 years ago "Israel" - represented at the time by European Zionism - started taking land away from the Palestinian people by force.They are still taking it away today.
The core problem is that Israel demands the world recognize the "Jewish state", but refuses to recognize a Palestinian state. If Israel would simply to give Palestine exactly the same thing it demands for itself, there would be peace.
Israel insists it has a right to do what it does in Palestine because of the suffering of Jewish people in Germany in the middle of the last century. But what did Palestine have to do with any of that? Why should they pay the price for other peoples' crimes? (And remember, the Zionists who created Israel out of thin air, upon the suffering the Palestinians, collaborated with the Nazis, saying, "Any Jew who does not want to emmigrate to Palestine deserves to be on the trains").
Israel screams about Qassam rockets, but if a new nation was declared in the middle of the North American continent without your permission, a nation that refused to actual declare its borders, a nation that continued to take more and more land from you until you and your family were barely clinging to survival as the lights went dark and the sewage piled up, would you not fight back?
A foreign power occupies their land, and they want it back.
Shell Come to Nottingham
03-03-2008 15:39

This is the message that concerned Nottingham Students and Nottingham residents want to get across to Shell when it hosts a “Recruitment Event” at the University of Nottingham this Thursday the 6th at 18.30 in the Trent Building.