UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Pity the Syrian Children
04-09-2014 08:56

The Rape of Kasab
03-09-2014 19:34
Dr Declan Hayes is currently on his third trip to Syria this year. He is helping organize a conference in Damascus for April 24th 2015, tentatively called: Syria: Between Destruction and Reconstruction to mark the murder of all Syria’s innocents and to help plot a way forward out of the morass. He may be reached at
US Intelligence Mole on Lyme Disease Forum
01-09-2014 18:47
I am copying here the text of a discussion on an internet forum called LymeNet, in which a US intelligence mole calling herself "Marnie", who has been in place on the forum for THIRTEEN YEARS, falls to pieces and outs herself, telling us that the Lyme Disease - biowarfare coverup is necessary and for our own protection (!!!)Anarchist report from Ferguson
30-08-2014 22:21

As well as the Celtic Manor here are some other parts of NATO's militarised netw
29-08-2014 13:00
Maps for those attending the 2014 NATO SummitNaming Gaza's Dead Vigil
27-08-2014 19:44
A powerful action by Lancaster Palestine Solidarity Campaign, naming some of those who were killed in the recent bombings of Gaza by the Israeli military, and providing an opportunity for people to connect with the names behind the numbers. Part of ongoing campigns and actions to protest the unbearable situation in Gaza, which continues even after the recent ceasefire. We wish to share the information about the vigil, and the short film we made of it, widely, in the hope that it will inspire other similar actions. The banners we made are available for loan to other groups (you would have to collect and return or pay for postage).Court Solidarity for Supporter of the Palestinian People
22-08-2014 15:05

Letter from Tel Aviv - Hilla Dayan and PW Zuidhof
22-08-2014 11:25
Why do Israelis support a costly ground invasion of Gaza?Neither Ukrainian nor Russian!
19-08-2014 15:48
Let’s develop our own camp, the third camp, that of social revolution!Stop NATO Cymru launch #NatoCopWatch campaign against police harassment
19-08-2014 11:31

Glenrothes march and rally for Gaza Saturday August 16th 2014.
18-08-2014 01:24

Chelsea Manning, NATO & the Long March on Newport
16-08-2014 21:43

A day of action in solidarity with Welsh-American whistleblower Chelsea Manning was held on Tuesday 12 August as the Long March on Newport stopped off in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire where Manning attended the local Tasker Milward school as a teenager and has many family connections. On Wednesday 13 August the march passed Brawdy military base where Manning's father, then a US Navy intelligence analyst, was stationed in the 1970s.
The march is one of many protests against the NATO Summit which will be held in Newport on 4 & 5 September. A week of action, workshops and a counter-summit are planned in Newport and Cardiff from 30 August. See Stop NATO Cymru, No NATO Newport and this feature for more details. Many of the documents released by Manning, for which courageous act she is now serving 35 years in a military jail, expose NATO's wars and corruption.
Photos from march and rally for Gaza Edinburgh Saturday August 9th 2014
14-08-2014 23:14

Philippines - On the arrest of “The Butcher” Jovito Palparan
14-08-2014 13:28

Cambridge Hiroshima Day Annual Rememberance (10/08/2014).
11-08-2014 20:40

Free Palestine Demo in Cambridge Market Square.
11-08-2014 20:17

Oxfordshire knitters and campaigners join their peace scarf between the nuclear
10-08-2014 23:44
60 Oxordshire peace campaigners and knitters helped to join the two nuclear bomb factories with a giant peace scarf.World War One and 100 Years of Counter-Revolution
10-08-2014 17:09

In 1871, Karl Marx wrote that governments use war as a fraud, a ‘humbug, intended to defer the struggle of the classes’. In 1914, that fraud was so effective that not only most workers but also most Marxists supported their respective nation’s rush to war. Ever since then, governments have used war to defer class struggle and prevent revolution, but this strategy cannot last forever.
Wrexham: Remembering Nagasaki & protesting Gaza slaughter
09-08-2014 23:40

Saturday 9 August 2014: 69 years since the US obliterated up to 100,000 innocent lives in Nagasaki and a day since the slaughter Israel has been visiting on the innocents in Gaza resumed.
Four of us met at 10.30 and set up an anti-nuclear stall to remember Nagasaki. From 1.30pm we began to chalk outlines, names and ages of a few of the children killed over the past month by Israel in Gaza, and at 2pm we were joined by 40-50 others to protest the ongoing attacks. The gathering culminated in an occupation of Barclays Bank in protest at its links with the arms trade and investments in Israeli companies.
Updated flyer to use at Barclays Banks everywhere
07-08-2014 21:54