UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Civil Disobedience Protest By British Tamils Met With Police Brutality
14-05-2009 21:06
Police resort to the seizure of young children and physical attacks on women and children to break the blockade of Westminster Bridge, eyewitnesses report.Smash EDO: Thank you, Maydayers!
14-05-2009 20:25
A Smashing update about what to do next.US Senator's Husband Criminalizes AR Protests As She Funnels Billions to him
14-05-2009 15:40

insider trader
war profiteer
henhawk traitor
Her husband:
war profiteer
and criminalizer of animal
rights peaceful protests
at Univ of California
Heckler & Koch Campaign :: Spread the Word in Nottingham
13-05-2009 23:32

U.S.- IRAQ: Massacre Puts War Trauma Under the Spotlight.
13-05-2009 20:29
This piece into my email inbox today, I have not seen any mention of this story anywhere else.PSC's National Demo 16 May : Remember Gaza. . End the Siege now! Free Palestine!
13-05-2009 14:14
Cambridge Stop the War, Cambridge Palestinian Solidarity Campaign and other Cambridge residents to participate in a national demonstration: Remember Gaza . . . End the Siege now! Free Palestine!Bloodbath unfolding in Sri Lanka
13-05-2009 00:05
A modern day bloodbath is unfolding on the small island of Sri Lanka, where a thousand civilians were reported killed over the weekend and tens of thousands of innocent people are literally at risk of being killed this week, as government and rebel forces battle it out over the last small patch of rebel held territory.Anti-fascist Jews bagel Lieberman party
12-05-2009 22:10
This evening, anti-fascist Jews targeted a secret Jewish National Fund event where the guest of honour was none other than the fascist Avigdor Lieberman.Tamil blockade of Parliament Monday 11th May
12-05-2009 20:41

Sunday more people began to gather in Parliament Square, and Monday the numbers had swelled and from 9.30 am people began blocking again the roads around Parliament, the only way for them to get attention to the genocide in their homeland and the UK politicians to intervene with the UN.
It is feared that the Sri Lankan government are determined to kill all of the civilians trapped in the so- called ' safe zone' in the Vanni region by the end of the month, more than 150.000 people are living under bombardments and have no way to get out and no access to food or medication, as the Sri Lankan army has sealed off the zone. The few who have managed to escape to government controlled areas have been put in concentration camps by the SLA.
FLASHBACK: The mysterious case of the disappearing 'terror' plots
10-05-2009 08:00
It is deeply frustrating to realize that three years after the publication of this article, the British public is still subjected to this wretched propaganda.Nottingham Student Peace Movement Peace Conference 09 - Capitalism & Conflict
09-05-2009 23:24

George Bernard Shaw
New protest camp at Rolls Royce Rayensway, Derby
09-05-2009 22:40

Demonstrate against Heckler & Koch Monday 11 May
09-05-2009 19:32

Mayday Mayday Brighton Smash EDO protest
09-05-2009 13:42

SOCPA has withered away
08-05-2009 18:15
The name-reading ceremony for the Afghan war dead proceeded opposite Parliament without any attention from the police today - despite the use of a loudhailer (banned under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act)Were you arrested on May 4th in Brighton
08-05-2009 08:37
we know of three people who were arrested at the Mayday! Mayday! Street PartyBristol Against Police Violence - demo report
08-05-2009 00:33

SOCPA prosecution collapses in disarray
07-05-2009 22:20
The attempt to prosecute Milan Rai for participating in an unauthorized demonstration in the vicinity of Parliament failed today as the police and Crown Prosecution Service had failed to do their paperwork properly - within the time limits required.