UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
George Bushes speech at the UN
29-09-2004 22:34
George Bush told lies to the UN. Here is what he meantWe think the arms industry is shit
29-09-2004 17:40

Afghanistan about to explode
29-09-2004 17:37

John Kerry's solemn obligation to win in Iraq
28-09-2004 23:31
U.S. presidential candidate John Kerry is criticizing President Bush more than ever these days about Iraq, but that hardly means the Democrat is against the war. He's out to win it.Spot Light on Menwith Hill
28-09-2004 11:13
Following the demonstration organised by Yorkshire and national CND on Saturday at Fylingdales, campaigners will gather at the American base at Menwith Hill near Harrogate, this Saturday (2 October 2004 - 12 md - 4pm) to protest at the role this base is preparing to play in the American Missile Defense system ("Star Wars").Support the Troops; Jail a Veteran
28-09-2004 10:26
The "trial" of Rosemarie Jackowski, a 67-year-old U.S. Air Force veteran and antiwar activist in Vermont (USA)War Resisters Come to Canada (video)
28-09-2004 00:23

Photos from Glasgow anti-war stall Wednesday September 22nd 2004
27-09-2004 22:03

SW Civil Rights Forum - Murder, Racist Violence, Collusion and Public Inquiries
27-09-2004 21:08
A special public event marking the 4th Anniversary of The Human Rights ActSouth West Civil Rights Forum
Unfinished Business - Murder, Racist Violence, Collusion, Public Inquiries and family struggles for truth and justice
Shameful interview by Papadopoulos, President of Greek community in Cyprus
26-09-2004 12:45

Palestine Checkpoints - What's the Point?
25-09-2004 12:42
The checkpoints in Palestine are there to make life next toimpossible. They are not a security measure. Anyone
here will tell you this, and it's easy to find out for
Actions at the Labour Party Conference - Do Come! ;-)
24-09-2004 13:29

Expose Blair's Hypocisy on UK Hostage!!!
24-09-2004 12:35
Blair is lapping up the publicity, on one hand appearing tough on terrorists, and on the other appearing compassionate to the family of British Hostage Ken Bigley.The truth is very different. The bloodthirsty fools who took the hostages, and killed two so far, have NOT asked for the release of Saddam's evil chemists.
They have asked for the release of large numbers of innocent women still held in Iraqi jails, where brutal treatment and humilitation are heaped upon them.
Rather than admit that the UK government is helping to cover this up, Blair and Bush are prepared to let another innocent man die at the hands of brutal fanatics.
We shouldn't be pleading with Blair to help, we should be kicking his ass.
23-09-2004 16:09
A Blessing on the Olive Trees! and the people of Palestine!
No Justice. No Peace.
Crucial No Star Wars Fylingdales demo this Saturday, with Thom Yorke
23-09-2004 15:52
Crucial demonstration at Fylingdales Star Wars base this Saturday. Bush plans to announce the start of Star Wars within weeks. Join the demo, help mark the start of Keep Space for Peace Week and raise your voice againgst Star Wars. With speakers including Thom Yorke and CND Chair Kate Hudson, entertainment and a peace march to the radar. All support needed!Quit Iraq, and quit fast. It's that simple
23-09-2004 15:14
The brave recourse now is to realism, to admit that a war which cannot be won should soonest be abandoned. Britain should leave Iraq in January, whatever a new American President decides.