UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Propaganda Equations
06-10-2004 17:09
A list of examples of US corporate propaganda concerning the war in Iraq.Protest against Less Lethal Weapons Conference
06-10-2004 14:54
Are folk planning stuff against Jurys? Glasgow,Edinburgh, Newcastle, Leeds, Mancs, Brum, Notts,
Cardiff, Bristol, London and Soton all have hotels
ripe for a wee bit of DA/picket. Info at:

PDF leaflet at:

Blair's smoking gun - concrete evidence of lies to press and Parliament
05-10-2004 17:37
On 18 September 2004, the Daily Telegraph published extracts from a series of newly leaked documents from the Cabinet Office. The full texts of these documents were not reproduced. Unlike the Hutton or Butler reports, the full text documents provide far stronger evidence not simply of falsehood by omission, but of substantively untrue statements made consciously to press and Parliament; and of the government's explicit intention to use (and arguably abuse) the UN/weapons inspection route to provide a legal pretext for pre-decided regime change, not as a route to peaceful disarmament."Stupidity" coming to UK
04-10-2004 16:38
Stupidity, the hit Bush-bashing film is playing one night at Raindance Film Festival in London this week.Water denied to 500,000 Iraqis
04-10-2004 14:34
The US army has cut off water supplies to 500,000 Iraqi civilians in Samarrah and Tall Afar.Patron Saint of Mass Destruction?
04-10-2004 09:20
The beatification of the last Habsburg Emperor sends the wrong signal to current world leaders who use their personal beliefs to justify going to war.Peace campaigner arrested in heavy handed policing at Menwith Hill
02-10-2004 17:44

Blair Has Lost His Grip, In the end we’ll give in to terrorists, so why not now
02-10-2004 17:29
Two salient facts define the national political predicament this autumn. The first is a growing sense of disquiet about Tony Blair. Experts often speak of the lack of ‘trust’ which shows up in opinion polls. But there is more to it than that. People are beginning to sense that there is something rum about this Prime Minister, and that he is no longer quite 16 annas to the rupee.
Paul Robinson says the Tories are so frightened of challenging Blair on the war that their favourite think-tank will not tolerate dissent.
At the time of writing, the hostage Ken Bigley, so far as we know, lives. While he endures his ordeal, the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary said that they could not negotiate with his tormentors. That would be to ‘give in to terrorism’. Those — who must include Mr Blair and Mr Straw, as well as the rest of us — who want so much for Mr Bigley to live must rely on intermediaries such as the two eloquent Muslims from Britain who have gone to Iraq to do what they can.
America and Israel: the embedding of fear, the conquest of hope
02-10-2004 09:31

Fairford Coaches go to the Court of Appeal
01-10-2004 20:45

Antimilitarists demonstrate at Army event
01-10-2004 17:49
Protest against "London’s largest Army recruitment event"Moazzam Begg Tortured in Guantanamo
01-10-2004 16:04
Read the full letter from Moazzam Begg and the press release from his lawyers...Bristol STW Regional NEWS : 1st October 2004 : (VIRTUAL Version)
01-10-2004 10:44
COACH TICKETS for the 17th October International Demonstration in London,are now available. Please buy your Bristol coach ticket now. (See Section 3).
Tickets: £12 waged, £6 unwaged from Greenleaf Books, 82 Colston St, BS1.
Bristol STW Regional NEWS : 1st October 2004 : (PRINTER Version)
01-10-2004 10:04

2 letters home from Iraq ( a soldier and a reporter)
01-10-2004 00:55

Dublin Protest: 'We Need Protested From The Brits - Not By The Brits'
30-09-2004 15:16

Why, Doesn't Anybody Care?
30-09-2004 13:48

video 4min 4sec