Bristol STW Regional NEWS : 1st October 2004 : (VIRTUAL Version)
Bristol STW | 01.10.2004 10:44 | Anti-militarism
COACH TICKETS for the 17th October International Demonstration in London,
are now available. Please buy your Bristol coach ticket now. (See Section 3).
Tickets: £12 waged, £6 unwaged from Greenleaf Books, 82 Colston St, BS1.
are now available. Please buy your Bristol coach ticket now. (See Section 3).
Tickets: £12 waged, £6 unwaged from Greenleaf Books, 82 Colston St, BS1.
NAMING THE DEAD VIGIL on 2nd November. Please join us for this special vigil to
mark all those killed in Iraq, on this the day of the US elections (see section 6).
PLEASE NOTE : Section 13 now features a new suggested link each edition.
Please send us details of regional events (South West, Wales & West Midlands).
FREE DOWNLOAD: A magazine-style version of the newsletter is available. Please print
out copies & give or sell them to people who don't have email.
* New Section... ^ Updated Section...
~ Bristol / Regional Events... + National / International Events...
01) *~+ Report : The Palestinian Olive Harvest
02) *~ 'Society Of Friends' Lectures : 11-25 Oct
03) ^~+ EUROPEAN SOCIAL FORUM : 14-17 Oct
04) *~+ Report : Eyewitness Report From Iraq
05) *~ Bristol STW Open Discussions : Oct-Jan
06) *~+ Naming The Dead Peace Vigil : 2nd Nov
07) *~+ Report : Peace Tax Seven News
08) *~+ Parliamentary E.D.M Campaigns
09) *~ MORE Bristol & Bath Events In October
10) *~ MORE Regional Area Events In October
11) ~ Local Peace Vigils & Planning Meetings
12) ^ Suggested Links & Message Boards
Bristol STW Coalition produces this newsletter to publicise events & activities in opposition to the so-called 'war on terror'. We are composed of groups & individuals with a wide variety of political & religious views. We are politically non-aligned, but we are also committed to oppose any racist backlash.
Bristol STW is not a 'membership' organisation. Any one or group opposed to the 'war on
terror' can consider themselves part of Bristol STW, or can continue to be publicised by us while choosing to organise independently of the Coalition.
We don't claim (or seek) a monopoly over anti-war sentiment & activity in the city &
recognise that many groups & individuals have their own ways of opposing the 'war on
terror'. We are also dependent on individual donations for our funding, so if you are able to make a donation please send a cheque or postal order, payable to:
Bristol Stop The War Coalition. Post: Box 45, Greenleaf Books, 82 Colston St, Bristol, BS1 5BB. Or you can email us privately :
INTRODUCTION : "Communities of the West Bank face enormous obstacles to completing
their olive harvest. Settlers from illegal Israeli colonies constantly menace, harass & even attack Palestinians working in their groves, while the Israeli army frequently declares olive groves as 'closed military zones' & prevents farmers from picking in areas close to illegal settlements or settler-only roads. Olives are one of the largest agricultural products in the Palestinian economy. The olive tree is also a symbol of the legal & indigenous people of the land, the Palestinians."
REPORT BY MARGARET JONES : The following report from Margaret Jones, of Bristol STWC, amongst many other campaigns, is both a report on current life in Palestine, & a request for people to travel to Palestine to help with the harvest. "The presence of internationals during harvest time has proven in the past to help both limit, & decrease the severity of, attacks. I'm sitting here writing this in the little West Bank town of Tulkarem, where local community organisers are asking urgently for volunteers to come with International Solidarity Movement (ISM) to help protect the olive harvest, starting October 16th. It isn't mainly labour that's needed - though help in the olive grove is of course welcome - but the mere presence of Internationals. The local people want us here, believe me! We've received nothing but friendly greetings in the shops, smiles, welcomes,
hospitality & kindness.
All is very quiet in the Tulkarem area, & has been for the past few months. But the people's lives are slowly being strangled, as their lands are eroded by settlement & by the notorious Wall. If Internationals are around the area in strength, it can help people get in the olive crop without violent incidents involving local illegal settlers, or serious damage to the crop. This is a beautiful, slightly hilly, wooded area of Palestine. The weather in October will be wonderful - every day sunny but cool.
Food is cheap & various, & you need about £200-£250 to come here for 2 weeks - & people are welcome to stay the month. Plane fare is about £300. Getting here from Tel Aviv or Jerusalem is pretty straightforward. The 7 of us here from England include a 13-year-old boy & a woman in her 70s. We're staying in a shared flat, made available to us for the time we're here for about £3 per night, & we feel perfectly safe & comfortable. A 2 day training, held here in Palestine, is mandatory before anyone goes anywhere with the ISM. This is intensive, very efficient & informative, & designed to prepare one for various contingencies that might (but hopefully won't) arise. If you have not much to do in October, please consider signing up with ISM. If you would love to go, but can't spare the time, you may be able to help someone else with their plane fare.
All cheques or postal order donations will be gratefully received."
PAYABLE TO: 'The Peace Fund'. Post To: c/o Margaret Jones, Flat 4 Burlington Court,
Burlington Rd, Bristol BS6 6TN.
ISM Bristol also raise funds. c/o Nancy
PHONE CONTACTS: Bristol: 0117 9466885. National: 07092026071 If you can't get online
please do use these contacts for more information.
Organisers Link:
a) *~ 11th Oct : 'Resolving International Conflict...'
b) *~ 18th Oct : 'Human Rights...'
c) *~ 25th Oct : 'Criminal Justice Reform...'
INTRODUCTION : "As part of the events marking the 350th Anniversary of Quakers in Bristol, the Society Of Friends are organising a series of lectures (gatherings). These
gatherings aim to bring together a wide audience. Speakers are drawn from Quaker,
professional & activist circles. All are welcome, & entrance is free. All events are at Wills Building, Bristol University, Queen's Rd, BS8. MAP BELOW:
(# indicates a Quaker speaker, in respect of the organisers of these events.)
a) 'RESOLVING INTERNATIONAL CONFLICT...' : MON 11th OCT. 7:15 - 9:30pm. "What
can individuals do to influence situations of conflict? How can we support ordinary people suffering war & oppression? Chaired by #Diana Francis - Quaker, peace activist, & author of 'Rethinking War & Peace'; with Lindsey Hilsum, International editor of Channel 4; Bruce Kent of the 'Movement for the Abolition of War'; & #Simon Fisher of the 'Responding to Conflict Programme' in Birmingham.
b) 'HUMAN RIGHTS...' : MON 18 OCT. 7:15 - 9:30pm. "How can human rights be supported in the Middle East? What structures are needed to ensure they are observed? What can we as individuals do? Chaired by Yasmin Alibhai-Brown of the Independent; with Kate Allen, Director of Amnesty International UK; Professor Malcolm Evans, specialist in human rights law & Head of the School of Law, Bristol University; & #Maurice Hopper, former Ecumenical Accompanier, Palestine.
c) 'CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM...' : MON 25th OCT. 7:15 - 9:30pm. "Punishment or what? Are changes needed in our criminal justice system? Chaired by #Rosemary Hartill, 'Alternatives to Violence' Project, former Religious Affairs Correspondent, BBC Radio; with Sir Charles Pollard, former Head of Thames Valley Police; Professor Rod Morgan, former Chief Inspector of 'Probation', current Chair of the Youth Justice Board; & Val Jeal of the Bristol-based '125 Group', which supports & campaigns on behalf of women sex workers.
BACKGROUND : "The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) has no set creed - that means we do not have any statements which you have to believe. There are, however, some commonly held views which unite us. One accepted view is that there is 'that of God' in all people, & that each human is of unique worth. Another is that the world & everything
in it are gifts from God which we must use wisely. The idea of stewardship leads Quakers
to be concerned about the earth, both environmentally & in the sharing the world's
resources, which also affects the choices in our personal lives as we try to use the gifts we have been given wisely."
Organisers Link:
"The 3rd European Social Forum will take place from 14th -17th October in London. 3 days
of discussion & debate, involving leading activists from around the world, will culminate in an international demonstration on Sunday 17th. As this will only be 2 weeks before the US election, it is clear & present opportunity to once more demonstrate that the international community does not support this war." INTERNATIONAL DEMONSTRATION: Sun 17th
October. Assembly point - Russell Square @1:00pm ending up at Trafalgar Square, London
for a rally @3:30pm. INCLUDES: Music from Asian Dub Foundation at 5:00pm.
For Leaflets:
BRISTOL COACH TICKETS: £12 waged, £6 concessions, available from Greenleaf
Bookshop, 82 Colston St. BS1. (Near the top of Christmas Steps). MAP BELOW:
COACHES LEAVE FROM: Anchor Road Coach Park, BS1, at 8.30am. (Near the bottom of
Park St, & behind the Watershed Complex). MAP BELOW:
COACHES RETURN BY: 9:00pm approx. Dropping off at Broadmead & Anchor Rd. Don't
worry if you've never been on a demonstration before, as a mobile contact, details of pick up & drop off points, & other help will be provided on the coaches.
ABOUT THE ESF : "The 3rd ESF will be held in Bloomsbury & Alexandra Palace, London, & will consist of some 900 events proposed by around 1,000 organisations - which will be
broadly based around the following topics... (i) War & Peace. (ii) Democracy & Fundamental Rights. (iii) Social justice & solidarity: against privatisation (deregulation), for workers, social & women’s rights. (iv) Corporate globalisation & global justice. (v) Against racism, discrimination & the far right: for equality & diversity. (vi) Environmental crisis & sustainable society. The ESF emerged from the spectacular success of the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil in 2001. Its first 2 gatherings in Florence (2002) & Paris (2003) attracted over 50,000. Social movements, trade unions, NGOs, refugees, peace & anti-imperialist groups, anti-racist movements, environmental movements, & community campaigns come together to debate ways of making 'another world possible'."
REGISTRATION: "Registration information is on the website, but do get in touch using the
contacts below if you're not able to get online, or have any problems."
CONTACTS: Tel: 0207 833 8440. Address: ESF C/O NATFHE, 17 Britannia St,
London WC1X 9JN. Email:
PRICES: £30 waged for the full four days; or £20 unwaged & concessions.
ACCOMMODATION: "We cannot guarantee to find accommodation for all ESF delegates, but we will endeavour to offer as much cheap & free accommodation as possible. Please get in touch if you either need, or can offer, accommodation."
Organisers Link:
INTRODUCTION: "Child Victims of War was initiated by a small group of Iraqi & British
professionals. Iraqi children are suffering many breaches of human rights, from killing,
wounding, unlawful detainment, to denial of potable water, medicines, nutrition & education. Many are homeless & orphaned. They work with local communities to monitor children's rights; research environmental effects of war; support advocacy campaigns, & to help equip medical & rehabilitation centres."
REPORT BY JOANNE BAKER : Joanne Baker has recently returned from the latest Child Victims of War delegation to Iraq. Joanne will also be introducing a film & discussion for Bristol STWC on Thursday 21st October (see Section 5). "Daily problems for ordinary people in Iraq are legion, & going from bad to worse. Our 1st week we spent with Iraqi friends in Basrah. The hospitality was incredible & we had an insight into the struggles of people trying to cope with daily living. Each day our friends had to drive their old 1978 car to fetch water. The electricity supply was completely haphazard, & just before we arrived they'd had no electricity for 9 days! Everyone is struggling. Employment is virtually non-existent & prices are rising. The occupiers offer jobs with the security forces - or, if you're a woman, in one of their many brothels - but this puts you on
the wrong 'side' & can be very hazardous. Crime & kidnappings are rampant, & a major
distress is the constant insecurity. Driving through Baghdad at 11pm is now like entering a ghost city.
US & UK tanks patrol the streets & helicopters fly just above the rooftops. Moving around
Baghdad is increasingly difficult as many roads & bridges are blocked. Every building you
enter you are frisked & searched. One visit with the Iraqi Red Crescent took us into the
heart of Sadr City, formerly Saddam city. It is the Gaza of Baghdad, a slum for around 3
million of the poorest. Not only are residents trying to cope with dire poverty & a complete collapse of infrastructure, they find themselves at war with the world's mightiest army. Men & ragged boys armed with rocket launchers stand on street corners amidst rotting garbage & pools of sewage, while US snipers hold positions on the high rooftops at the city's edge.
We were taken to the Ali Bin bi Talib Hospital. Conditions are desperate with antiquated
equipment, some of it dating back to the 1950s, & lack of medicine. The intensive care unit was empty, the injured fighters of the previous day having 'escaped', in fear of arrest. Many are too afraid of the Americans to seek medical help. The children's ward was filled with dehydrated babies suffering from the appalling water. Water-borne diseases including hepatitis & typhoid are endemic.
One sees in people's faces a terrible sadness & desperation. They were oppressed by Saddam & are now oppressed by the new US driven administration. One man said to us,
'Before the occupation we had 40% hope, now we have 0%'. It is not surprising that
resistance against the occupation is growing. People were greatly affected by the massacres in Negev, & the bombing of Fallujah & Sadr City is an almost daily event. The
hospitals cannot cope with the injuries & there is a serious shortage of saline & blood for transfusion." (See Section 5 for more from Iraq.)
HOW TO MAKE A DONATION : If you would like to help with the work of Child Victims of War, cheques or postal orders can be made payable to 'Child Victims of War' & sent to: Child Victims of War, 17 Anstey St, Easton, Bristol, BS5 6DG. Donations can also be made directly though your bank to: Triodos Bank, Account Name: Child Victims of War. Account Number: 04141500. Sort Code: 16-58-10
CONTACT: 0208 567 4237 & 0117 902 6534. Email:
a) *~ 21st Oct : Depleted Uranium Film & Discussion
b) *~ 11th Nov : Palestine Eyewitness Talk & Discussion
c) *~ 9th Dec : Trades Union Iraq Delegation Discussion
d) *~ 13th Jan : Congo Eyewitness Talk & Discussion
INTRODUCTION: These monthly discussions are an informal opportunity for people to discuss pressing issues of our time, & to find out more about the diverse range of campaigns, projects & actions which make up the anti-war movement. All are welcome, & entrance is free. VENUE: All events are at St. Mary on the Quay Hall, City Centre, Colston
Ave, BS1. (Opposite the War Memorial). MAP BELOW:
a) DEPLETED URANIUM : Film & Discussion : Thur 21st October. 7:00-8:30pm.
Film Title: 'The Doctor, the Depleted Uranium & the Dying Children.' Followed by a
discussion on the use of DU weapons by the US & Britain in Iraq. Introduced by Jo Baker of 'Child Victims Of War' who has recently returned from Iraq. Please see this months feature (below) for an eyewitness report from Iraq (also see Section 4).
Child Victims Of War Website:
b) PALESTINE EYEWITNESS TALK : Thur 11th November : 7:00-8:30pm. Roger Howells & Candia Barman have recently returned from an International Solidarity Movement (ISM) visit
to Palestine. Come & hear a first hand account of conditions in Palestine as the illegal Wall goes up. ISM :
c) TRADES UNION IRAQ DELEGATION : Thur 9th December : 7:00-8:30pm. Alex Gordon of the RMT (Rail, Maritime & Transport Workers) trades union visited Iraq as part of a trades union delegation. Come & hear about conditions in Iraq & what trades unions here can do
to support workers in Iraq, TUC:
d) CONGO EYEWITNESS TALK : Thur 13th January : 7:00-8:30pm. Antoine Lokongo is a Congolese journalist currently living in London. He will talk about the unreported civil war in his home country & the general situation in sub-Saharan Africa. This is particularly important at a time when Bush & Blair are trying to soften opinion up for intervention in the Sudan.
OCTOBERS FEATURE: The following is a report by Joanne Baker on the increase in cancers in Iraq which may be caused by DU used in U.S weapons. "During our visit to Basrah, we made strong connections with the Basrah Children's Hospital. Many children there are dying of cancer & leukaemia, but the hospital lacks even the most basic equipment. They begged us particularly to raise money to buy a platelet machine to separate the red & white blood cells. Dr Jawad Al-Ali from Basrah teaching hospital, emphasised that Basrah desperately needs a functioning oncology centre, which could provide bone marrow transplant.
We spoke to an environmental scientist who has been locating depleted uranium in the city. He is shocked that he has already found 26 sites in a small area. Houses have been
hit as well as Iraqi tanks & troop carriers. We met a family forced to live in their highly radioactive house. 2 of the children are suffering skin & breathing problems. Another has deteriorating night vision. 2 sons were killed in the bombing & a young cousin has a burn on his leg, which is refusing to heal. Children play in & around burnt our troop carriers still left in the street. Although notified, the British military & WHO (World Health Organisation) have refused to respond."
CAN YOU HELP? Please see Section 4 if you are able to make a donation.
This will be part of a national week of actions called '7 Days For Iraq'.
More details of events will be posted on :
INTRODUCTION: Since the invasion of Iraq more than 25,000 people have been killed in Iraq. We now know all the reasons given for this invasion were fabrications. On 2nd
November 2004 the people of America elect their President. On that day we will remember
those who have died in this war. The occupation forces do not keep a record of those they
kill, but others have gathered the names of the dead.
a) BRISTOL : The 'Naming The Dead Vigil' in Bristol will be from 5.30pm to 6.30pm. St.
Augustines Parade, City Centre, (Opposite the Hippodrome) MAP BELOW:
b) LONDON : The names of the dead will be read out at Trafalgar Square, London, from
5:00pm onwards, & will be expected to last 24 hours. MAP BELOW:
VIGILS ACROSS THE COUNTRY: The STW Coalition is calling on people all over Britain to
conduct a Peace Vigil on 2nd November. That day will be an appropriate moment to commemorate those thousands of dead: the civilians, men, women & children who have
been killed through indiscriminate bombing of their homes; those killed in the prison camps of Iraq. We will also commemorate the soldiers, aid workers & others of all nationalities who have died.
WHAT IS NEEDED? You could hold a vigil in any public venue. It could be a hall, a pub, a
school, church, mosque or synagogue or the local war memorial. We wish as many people
as possible to take part. It is hoped to extend these vigils to countries all over the world. People are encouraged to read out the names of the dead as part of the vigil. For a list of the dead:
Related Link:
Peace Tax Seven Link:
INTRODUCTION : "The Peace Tax 7 are taxpayers with a conscientious objection to contributing to military expenditure through the tax system. They believe the European
Convention on Human Rights, under the terms of the Human Rights Act, has vouchsafed freedom of conscience in a new, direct & specific way. In a word, the legal case they are
making is that, in principle, UK law recognises freedom of conscience in such as way as to empower individual taxpayers."
AN UPDATE BY ROBIN BROOKES : "A very well crafted recently letter went from our solicitor, Public Interest Lawyers, to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The letter explains our conscientious position & describes our dilemma in not wanting to pay for war making, but not wishing to break the law by withholding taxes. The letter stresses that we do not object to tax paying in principle, just that we want that proportion normally spent on the military to be spent on other purposes. 'They want to pay no less than the amount of tax properly due from them & have no wish to disrupt civil society. In the current framework they are unable to achieve this wish. On the contrary, they are forced to choose between conscience & compliance. They should not have to do so.' It argues 'The government insists that all taxpayers provide money to it without differentiation, & refuses either to permit an individual to pay a proportion of his tax bill, on grounds of religion or belief, to a particular government recipient, or to set up any separate fund into which tax can be paid while being earmarked for purposes other than war,' & that this is unjustified & disproportionate. It addresses the European Commission of Human Rights decision not to admit a similar case from a Quaker in 1983 & makes a good argument against the government using this as a defence. The letter finishes by asking whether 'in particular, do you (Gordon Brown) accept that any continuing failure to administer a separate fund, available to our clients, would need to be justified by demonstrating such a fund would not be reasonably possible to administer?' & whether, 'in light of your answers, is the government now willing to make such administrative arrangements available to our clients?' It also states we would only look to litigation as a last resort & hope to come to some accommodation."
Related Link:
HOW YOU CAN HELP: "We believe we have a strong case in law, but if we lose, we face costs of up to £50,000. More than anything we need you to inform people about the case, but we do also need donations. You can either donate online, or send donations, offers of
help, & all other correspondence to: PEACE TAX SEVEN.
Woodlands, Ledge Hill, Market Lavington, Wilts, SN10 4NW
To receive regular updates please email:
Early Day Motions Website :
INTRODUCTION: "An Early Day Motion, or EDM, is a Parliamentary device used to draw attention to an issue, & to elicit support for it by inviting other Members to sign. EDMs are not generally expected to be debated, but an EDM with strong backing may well trigger a debate. There are a number of current EDMs relating to anti-war concerns. Please ask your MP to sign them, quoting the EDM number."
Alternatively, Email:
Has your MP signed? :
FULL QUOTE: "That this House welcomes the release from 18 years in prison of Mordechai
Vanunu, the original inspector of nuclear weapons of mass destruction in Israel, on 21st
April; deplores the further restrictions on his freedom of speech & movement being applied by the Israeli Government; fully supports his statement on release from prison 'Israel doesn't need nuclear arms. My message today to the world is: Open Dimona reactor for inspections'; supports his further call for all nuclear weapons worldwide to be dismantled; & calls upon the United Kingdom Government to take the first step by decommissioning Trident."
Related Link:
Has your MP Signed? :
FULL QUOTE: "That this House recognises the historical injustice of the removal of all the inhabitants from Diego Garcia & the Chagos Islands in order to make way for a US base on Diego Garcia; notes that under the terms of the British Overseas Territories Act 2002,
British citizenship was granted to the inhabitants & their right of return was enshrined in the Court Order of 2000; is therefore astonished at the publication of the British Indian Ocean Territory (Legislation) Order 2004 & the British Indian Ocean Territory (Legislation) Order 2004 & the British Indian Ocean Territory (Constitution) Order 2004; & calls for the Government to rescind both.
Related Link:
Has Your MP Signed :
EDITED QUOTE: "That this House notes the proposed 10 year extension to the 1958 UK-US Agreement for Cooperation on the uses of Atomic Energy for Mutual Defence purposes ... believes the extension of this bilateral treaty undermines UK & US commitments under
Article 1 of the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), for which they are depository states, which states each nuclear-weapon State Party to the Treaty undertakes not to transfer to any recipient nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices or control over such weapons or explosive devices directly, or indirectly; is concerned the Government does not see a potential conflict of interest between the MDA & UK commitment to the NPT."
Related Link :
a) *~ 5th Oct : Women To Women For Peace
b) *~ 6th Oct : Coca Cola Accountability Tour
c) *~ 6th Oct : Film: 'The Battle Of Algiers'
d) *~ 11th Oct : Kiptik & Zapatista Film Night
e) *~ 13th Oct : Bristol Indymedia Film Night
f) *~ 24th Oct : Traffic Lights For Peace Day
g) *~ 24th Oct : Bath 'One World Week'
Related Link:
DATE: Tue 5th Oct. TIME: 7:30-9:00pm. FREE ENTRY.
VENUE: Malcolm X Centre, Juction of Ashley & City Rd, St. Pauls. MAP BELOW:
BACKGROUND: "4 women from Palestine & 4 from Israel will be the guests of Women to Women for Peace. Hopes for peace in Israel & Palestine lie with people working there for peace. Ordinary women often bear the worst effects of living in a conflict zone, & become crucial in implementing peace. Founded in '81 as Mothers for Peace, they are a non-political, non-religious organization, financed by the efforts of its supporters, men & women. They question war as a means of resolving conflict; help peacemakers by fostering
contacts between women; & promote inter-cultural understanding, in recognition of women's
rights & responsibilities. They believe world peace will come through the will of ordinary people like yourself."
CONTACTS: Bristol:
Organisers Link:
DATE: Wed 6th Oct. TIME: 7:30-9:00pm. FREE ENTRY
VENUE: Mandela Bar, Bristol University Students Union, Queens Rd. MAP:
SPEAKERS: "Edgar Paez, Director of International Affairs, SINALTRAINAL, which represents food & beverage industry workers in Colombia. Its leaders, workers & families have been subject to a gruesome cycle of murder, violence & torture in Coca-Cola bottling
plants in Colombia. (
UK Contacts: CSC, PO Box 8446, London N17 6NZ. Tel: 07743 743041
Organisers Link:
DATE: Wed 6th Oct. TIME: 7:30-9:00pm. TAX: £2.50 on the door.
VENUE: Bannerman Rd School, All Hallows Rd, Easton. MAP BELOW:
REVIEW: "RESPECT presents 'Battle of Algiers', made by the Italian film director Gillo
Pontecorvo in 1962/3. It is a very powerful & gripping account of the Algerian resistance to French colonial occupation in the 50s. It created a major controversy when 1st released as it showed the full brutality of French colonial repression, & how this led to the 'terrorism' of the resistance. The film raises important parallels with the 'War on Terror', & is very rarely shown on TV - don't miss this opportunity to see it. This is also being shown to publicise the ESF (see Section 4). Ben Bella, leader of the Algerian liberation struggle, will be speaking at the ESF."
Film Trailer:
CONTACTS: Tel: 0779 092 9708. Email:
Organiser Links:
DATE: Mon 11th Oct. TIME: 8:00-10:30pm. TAX: £3 though no one turned away through
lack of funds). VENUE: Cube Cinema, Dove St. South, (Off Kings Sq.)
BACKGROUND: "2004 marks the 10th anniversary of the 1994 armed indigenous uprising in Chiapas, Mexico, & the 21st anniversary of the formation of EZLN, the Zapatista organisation. Since the formation of the autonomous zones in 1994 they have inspired
movements in Mexico, Latin America, & throughout the world."
REVIEWS: "The event features a number of recent films. The films, made by the Zapatistas, include: i) Sacred Land (2000): About a community outlining the reasons for the uprising in 94' & their struggle for autonomy. ii) Voice of the Voiceless (2003): Radio Insurgente was the 1st of several Zapatista FM radio stations. With interviews with the production & technical teams. iii) Struggle for Water (2003): Explains the importance & development of water systems in Zapatista communities."
DATE: Wed 13th Oct. TIME: 8:00-10:30pm. (Bar Open till 11:00pm).
TAX: £3 / £2 (though no one turned away through lack of funds).
VENUE: Cube Cinema. Dove Street South. Kings Square (Off Jamaica St.)
REVIEW: 'Surplus-Terrorized Into Being Consumers.' Winner of the Silver Wolf award for
best short documentary 2003, IDFA, Amsterdam. This is a hard-hitting documentary about
the idea we need to buy to live & consume our way out of social & environmental problems.
Consumer confidence has been low since September 11. A successful war against Iraq was supposed to restore confidence, & happiness. But is shopping our salvation? Do we have a choice? It looks at the relentless drive for us to ingest & tries to inject a plea for
sanity via talking to radical activists.
INCLUDES: An inspiring side order of supporting short films."
For A Deeper Review:
Organisers Link:
DESCRIPTION: "A group of people based in Gloucestershire are organising a protest on Sunday 24th October as a 'Visible Voice For Peace'. Their plan is to tie ribbons around
traffic lights in prominent places & have a minute's silence for the dead. They have events organised in Gloucester, Cirencester & Stroud & are keen to include Bristol. It is planned to tie this in with similar protests worldwide.
CONTACTS: You' will find more details on their website, or you can call Jonathan Whittaker on 07970 710537 or Email:
Related Link:
Date: Sun 24th Oct (United Nations Day). Time: 7:30-9:00pm. FREE ENTRY.
Venue: Bath Royal Literature & Science Institute, 15 Queen Square. MAP:
PUBLIC MEETING: 'Positive in Palestine?'. "Two women, one from Israel & one from Palestine, will talk about their first-hand experiences of the realities of the situation for both sides & of the work of the many groups in the area who are attempting to bridge current divisions (with extracts from videos)."
a) *~ 6th Oct : Birmingham 'Unite' Rally
b) *~ 7th Oct : Cardigan STW Public Meeting
c) *~ 7th Oct : Birmingham IMC Film Night
d) *~ 7th Oct : Cardiff 'Why War?' Film Night
e) *~ 7th Oct : Birmingham Guantanamo Talk
f) *~ 8th Oct : Neath Anti-War Poetry Night
g) *~ 9th Oct : Swansea March Against Racism
h) *~ 10th Oct : Birmingham Coca Cola Talk
i) *~ 12th Oct : Birmingham Film & Discussion
j) *~ 15th Oct : Poole (Dorset) Talk On Torture
k) *~ 17th Oct : Birmingham 'Migrant Voices'
Organisers Link:
Date: Wed 6th Oct. Time: 7:30-9:00pm. FREE ENTRY.
Venue: Carrs Lane Church Centre, Carrs Lane, Birmingham City Centre. MAP:
"Unite Against Fascism is a national campaign with the aim of alerting society to the rising threat of the extreme right gaining an electoral foothold in this country."
SPEAKERS: Billy Hayes, General Secretary Communications Workers Union.
Other speakers to be confirmed. For more info contact:
Title: "Iraq: Bring The Troops Home." Organised by Cardigan Stop the War.
Date: Thur 7th Oct. Time: 7:30-9:00pm. FREE ENTRY.
Venue: Red Lion, Pwllhai, Cardigan, Ceredigion SA43 1DD. MAP BELOW:
SPEAKER: A member of the National Stop the War Coalition Officer (TBC).
All Are Welcome. For More Information: Tel: 01239 613937
Organisers Link:
Date: Thur 7th Oct. Time: 8:00-10:00pm. Tax: T.B.C. Venue: Hexagon Theatre, Midlands
Arts Centre, Birmingham. Off Pershore Rd & Bristol Road (A38). MAP:
REVIEW: 'Preventive Warriors' (2003). Noam Chomsky, Tariq Ali, & others. This screening
will be introduced by the director, Michael Burns, followed by discussion. The National
Security Strategy (NSS), released n Sept 2002 by the White House, lays out a plan for
preventive warfare in which the US reserves the right to attack any nation the government
perceives as a potential threat. This film takes an in-depth look at its goals, origins &
consequences. (
Organised By Cardiff Stop-The-War Coalition
Date: Thur 7th Oct. Time: 7:30-9:15pm. FREE ENTRY.
Venue: Law Building. Cardiff University. Park Place. MAP BELOW:
REVIEW: "What were the real reasons for war? What did the anti-war movement achieve?
Should we call for troops to leave? Who are the resistance? 'Why War?' is another film from the makers of 'Not in My Name'. It features Noam Chomsky, John Pilger & many others.
After the film there will be a short talk by Ehab Bessaiso, & opportunity for questions. Ehab Bessaiso is a writer born in Gaza. A collection of his poetry, 'The Albatross of the blurred skyline' was recently published in Beirut."
Organised by Birmingham Guantanamo Campaign.
Date: Thur 7th Oct. TIME: 7:30-9:30pm. FREE ENTRY.
Venue: Moseley Secondary School, College Rd, B13 9LR. MAP BELOW:
SPEAKERS: Azmat Begg, S. Conlan, Roger Godsiff MP, Habib Rasul. "Moazzam Begg
has been held in solitary confinement, without charge or trial, for almost 3 years. There are growing fears for his physical & mental health. This meeting is being organised to support Moazzam's father, Mr Azmat Begg, in his campaign for Justice & repatriation for his son & his request to be allowed to visit his son in Guantanamo Bay, accompanied by an
independent psychiatrist & doctor."
Organisers Link:
Date: Fri 8th Oct. Time: 8:00-10:30pm. FREE ENTRY.
Venue: Cafe Mocha Joes, Angel St, Neath, South Wales. MAP BELOW:
"RESPECT, a new political party, has organised this poetry & acoustic songs night. All are welcome to get involved." Email:
Organised by Swansea Unite Against Racism. The march will assemble at 11:00am at the
Guildhall, Guildhall Rd South, & proceed to Castle Square. MAP BELOW:
BACKGROUND: "Following recent events (in particular the racist murder of Kalan Karim in
Swansea) an initiative has been taken to hold a major Swansea march against racism. We
want ordinary people from all parts of Swansea to join together to send out the message
that racism is not acceptable in Swansea. The march has the support of the City & County
of Swansea & the Welsh TUC, but more important is your support & the support of any
organisation or group that you belong to."
CONTACT: C/o T&GWU, 19 High St, Swansea. uniteagainstracism@hotmailcom
Organisers Link:
Date: Sun 10th Oct. Time: 4:00-5:30pm. FREE ENTRY
Venue: The Drum, 144 Potters Lane, Aston, Birmingham. MAP BELOW:
SPEAKERS: "Edgar Paez, Director of International Affairs, SINALTRAINAL, which
represents food & beverage workers in Colombia. It's leaders, workers & families have been subject to murder, violence & torture in Coca-Cola bottling plants. Amit Srivastava, Director, India Resource Center, which campaigns internationally against Coca-Cola in India (
Organised By Birmingham Stop-The-War Coalition
Date: Tue 12th Oct. Time: 7:30-9:30pm. FREE ENTRY.
Venue: Carrs Lane Church Centre, Carrs Lane, Birmingham City Centre. MAP:
REVIEW: "'Brothers & Others' is a documentary on the impact of 9/11 on Muslims & Arabs
in America. The film follows a number of immigrants & Americans as they struggle in the
heightened climate of hate, FBI investigations & examines the human cost of the war on
terror. INCLUDES: Noam Chomsky on 'Power, Dissent & Racism' Chomsky examines the
reality of the 'War on Terror' with particular reference to the increase of anti-Arab & Muslim racism it has given rise to."
Title: "Who Cares For The Victims Of Torture?"
Date: Fri 15th Oct. Time: 7:30-9:00pm. FREE ENTRY.
Venue: St.Mary's RC, Church Hall, 211a Wimborne Rd, Poole. MAP BELOW:
SPEAKER: Dr.Charlotte Granville-Chapman (Medical Foundation for the care of the victims
of torture). Torture has been described as an attempt to kill a person without their dying. The consequences are devastating. Treating the physical aftermath is one thing, it's quite another to deal with the long term physiological effects. The Medical Foundation is dedicated to one purpose, helping those who survive torture."
For More Info: Tel: 01202 678922 or Email:
Midlands Arts Centre:
Date: Sun 17th Oct. Time: 8:00-0:30pm. Tax: £10.90 / £7.60 concessions.
Venue: Midlands Arts Centre, Birmingham. Off Pershore Rd & Bristol Road. MAP:
Banner Theatre : 'Migrant Voices - Asylum Seekers - Behind The Headlines.'
REVIEW: "Migrant Voices explores the real-life experiences of asylum seekers & refugees
in 21st century Britain. Based on interviews with Iraqi Kurdish asylum seekers, the show
combines live music, drama & video to challenge some of the media myths about asylum
seekers & refugees. It also looks at reasons why people are forced to flee their homes &
families to become asylum seekers & refugees."
a) THE DAILY BRISTOL PEACE VIGIL: The Independent Bristol Peace Vigil is an open
space for discussion, as well a crucial focus to Bristol's campaigns. We've kept vigil every night (except Sundays) since a few days after 11th Sept 2001, & we'll keep Vigil onwards into the future, but we do need your support to keep our flame alive. If you can only make it for 15 minutes, or a couple of times a month, please still come. Everyone's welcome at the Bristol Peace Vigil.
TIMES: MON-FRI 5:30-6:30pm & SAT 3:00-4:00pm. PLACE: City Centre.
(Opposite The Hippodrome. St. Augustines Parade). MAP BELOW:
b) EASTON PEACE VIGIL: Every Friday. 5:00pm-6:00pm.
Corner of Robertson Rd & Stapleton Rd. MAP BELOW:
c) BATH PEACE VIGIL: Every Saturday 11.30am-12.30pm. Bath Abbey. (Off York Street.
From the Station walk up Manvers St). Please come & support this regular, long-
established & powerful witness to the futility of war. MAP BELOW:
d) THE BRISTOL-STOP-THE-WAR PLANNING GROUP: Everyone's welcome. We hold a Bristol-Stop-The-War meeting every week, as a forum for local groups to inform each other of their intentions, of finding people to work together on projects, & as a venue where large
scale Bristol Demos are agreed & planned. We don't vote at these meetings, as we're not
here to force adherence to a consensus view. We do instead discuss issues until we reach
broad consensus.
DATE: Every Thursday. TIME: 7:00-8:30pm. PLACE: St. Mary on the Quay
Hall. City Centre. Colston Ave. (Opposite War Memorial). MAP BELOW:
e) BATH-STOP-THE-WAR: Hold Regular Meetings. For Details Tel: 01225 315480 Email:
Each month we will give you a link to a website that we hope you will find interesting. These links won't be repeated, so if you like the site save the link somewhere. If you would like to suggest a link email:
Al-Jazeera, the Arab TV station, publish news stories from the Middle East that never
appear in our media, plus different slants on stories we do get. Excellent coverage of the Iraqi resistance & the struggle in Palestine. Also general world news from an Arab
perspective & in-depth background reports. Check it out.
MESSAGE BOARDS: There's also at least 7 public forums, & an Indymedia in Bristol.
Please make use of these forums, & please also visit our Links Pages:
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"The corporate revolution will collapse if we refuse to buy what they are selling - their ideas, their version of history, their wars, their weapons, their notion of inevitability. Remember this - we be many and they be few. They need us more than we need them. Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing." Arundhati Roy.
Bristol STW