UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Important interview with the Honduran resistance
27-08-2009 19:16
"Hondurans want a new constitution/society."Total privatization of the war in Colombia
26-08-2009 17:00
Lockheed Martin, Dyncorp, Carlye Group,Raytheon, ITTAll providing military aid to Columbia paid for by US State Department.
map of arms dealers in Sheffield - take action in the run up to DSEi
25-08-2009 16:47
here's a handy map of arms dealers in Sheffieldmap of arms dealers in Oxford - take action in the run up to DSEi
25-08-2009 16:41
here's a handy map of arms dealers in Oxfordmap of arms dealers in Nottinghamshire - take action in the run up to DSEi
25-08-2009 16:28
here's a handy map of arms dealers in Nottinghamshiremap of arms dealers in Manchester - take action in the run up to DSEi
25-08-2009 15:28
here's a handy map of DSEi exhibitors in Manchestermap of arms dealers in Liverpool - take action in the run up to DSEi
25-08-2009 14:44
here's a handy map of arms dealers in Liverpoolmap of arms dealers in Birmingham - take action in the run up to DSEi
25-08-2009 14:21
here's a handy map of arms dealers in Birminghammap of arms dealers in Cambridge - take action in the run up to DSEi
24-08-2009 22:27
here's a handy map of arms dealers in Cambridge
A map of arms companies in Brighton
24-08-2009 22:11
A handy map of arms companies in BrightonCuban Connection: Honduran Coup
23-08-2009 17:09
"Perhaps slightly less well known is that, before the coup, Ralph Nodarse was an active participant in assassination attempts against president Zelaya. And it may not be common knowledge, outside of Honduras, that his name came to light in a bombing attempt against former Honduran president Carlos Roberto Reina."Pentagon Plans For Global Military Supremacy
23-08-2009 13:32

Even the vice chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff General James Cartwright was forced to concede this even the vice chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff General James Cartwright was forced to concede the point at the space and missile defense conference this week.
Pixies visit EDO in countdown to DSEi
22-08-2009 19:50
In response to the callout for actions against DSEi exhibitors the pixies returned to EDO MBM/ITT in Brighton on the night of the 21st August.RBS glued shut
21-08-2009 18:04
The Royal Bank of Scotland is one of the largest investors and profiteers of environmental destruction and the international arms trade. They destroy natural habitats, therefore unbalancing the ecosphere, by using genocidal methods against the species populating the Earth.Battle the Banks - Call for Actions against Barclays and RBS - Investors in arms
21-08-2009 11:40
Smash DSEi, Smash the Arms Trade, Battle the Banks...Interference via Twitter, Dreyfuss and NED
20-08-2009 07:40

Corporation during the electoral unrest in Iran was a solid proof of the
close cooperation between media, the electronic industry (internet, etc.)
and the State Department.
Brian Haw Parliament Square anti-war vigil - Day 3000 - pics
20-08-2009 00:27

Target Brimar National Demonstration
19-08-2009 19:06

Come to the Target Brimar launch demonstration: Noon, Saturday 17th October - Manchester
Caucasus: The War That Was, The World War That Might Have Been
19-08-2009 14:59

A coordinated attack by Georgia on South Ossetia and Abkhazia and by Azerbaijan on Nagorno Karabakh would have led to a regional conflagration and possibly a world war.