UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Israeli And French Tanks Face Off In Lebanon
02-10-2006 19:32
Usually, Israeli leaders ignore UN Resolutions because they come from the General Assembly, so they don't consider them legally-binding. In this case, however, the order for them to withdraw comes from the Security Council, and is legally-binding.Israel has already displayed its willingness to murder UN workers who get in their way, or dare to criticize their methods, when they fall into the category of War Crimes.
Omar Sheikh and British intelligence / Atta's Mossad Double
02-10-2006 19:29
Remember that in the case of Pearl, despite just coming from Israel, when he was arrested by Iraqi Police, he was found in possession of antisemitic literature and a Koran. Before he could be processed and questioned, however, he was whisked away by Western "security forces" - then ended up in a bizarre beheading video, used to whip up Islamophobia in the US/UK, and rally support for the illegal war in Iraq.Palestine Today
02-10-2006 18:07

One resident was killed after the Israeli Naval forces fired at residents at the beach in Khan Younis, and in the West Bank one resident was killed in Jericho as armed men enforce the general strike. These stories and more coming up stay tuned.
02-10-2006 16:55
The Iraqi Resistance fighters are freedom fighters to their fellow occupied Iraqi's and their numbers are growing every day .Missing Link Atta “Martyrdom” Video Appears Five Weeks Before Election
02-10-2006 11:54
Suddenly, with the midterm election five weeks away, a previously undiscovered video emerges, showing Mohammed Atta “reading his ‘martyrdom’ will inside Afghanistan at Usama bin Laden’s headquarters.”The idea here is to keep the American people on point as the Bushcons attempt to remain in control of Congress, not that Democrats can be expected to wander much from the neocon forever war agenda, inflated by fake terrorism and elusive, one-step-ahead terrorists, Freddy Kruger phantoms designed to keep the “clash of civilizations” going indefinitely.
PHILIPPINES: The Killings Must Stop
02-10-2006 11:23
This is a Statement by European Church and Civil Society Organisations regarding the recent upsurge of political killings in the Philippines.Anti-Nuclear Campaigners Locked-On to Munitions Gate at USAF Lakenheath NOW
02-10-2006 09:22
Early this morning,eight anti-nuclear campaigners locked-on to the gate of the amunitions area in USAF Lakenheath in Suffolk. Three of the eight campaigners are local - Mell Harrison from Bungay, who is the co-ordinator of Eastern Region CND, Lesley Grahame from Norwich and Pete Lux from Norwich. The motto on the plaque outside USAF Lakenheath is 48th Fighter, The Liberty Wing, RAF Lakenheath,- "Ensuring Freedom's Future" and Mell Harrison today told the military personnel who are prevented by the lock-on from entering the Amunitions Area, " by preventing access to these weapons, we are securing freedom's future". The lock-on is likely to continue for some time today.Public Meeting for Sack Parliament - this Tuesday
02-10-2006 06:53
Sack Parliament public meeting this Tuesday eve at LARCThe War They Do Not Want You to See; The Lughing 9/11 Bombers - New Video
01-10-2006 18:35
- Blood & guts: At the front with the poor bloody infantry- The laughing 9/11 bombers: Video: Osama Bin Laden's HQ Chilling message of the 9/11 pilots and more
01-10-2006 10:41
NATIONAL DEMO AT RAF BRIZE NORTON (OXFORDSHIRE) : 2nd DecemberCalled by Oxford, Bristol and Swindon Stop the War Coalitions.
Supported by Stop the War Coalition.
(more details to follow later.)
Now It's The Turn Of The 'B52 Two' To Face Trial
01-10-2006 09:47
'Now It's The Turn Of The 'B52 Two' To Face Trial'
Following the trial of Margaret Jones and Paul Milling - known as the 'Fairford Disarmers' - which ended with no clear verdict, now Phil Pritchard and Toby Olditch - known as the 'B52 Two' - face trial. The trial begins Monday 2nd October at Bristol Crown Court, and is expected to last up to two weeks.
King George Bush and the Tortured Truth
30-09-2006 23:29
A former Army intelligence and public affairs officer gives a disturbing analysis of just what kind of plan the Neocons have in store for the United States with their recent legislation to spy and torture state enemies -- and what kind of man they have in George W. Bush to carry it out !US Senate votes 100-0 for $70 billion more in war spending
30-09-2006 16:23
The unanimous vote by the US Senate on Friday to approve the Bush administration’s request for an additional $70 billion to finance the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan demonstrates a basic truth of American politics: the Democratic Party, no less than the Republicans, is a party of imperialist militarism and war."No More Fallujahs": A month of action against war and occupation
30-09-2006 13:43
On 8th November 2004 the US – with British assistance – launched a massive assault against the Iraqi city of Fallujah. Hundreds of civilians were killed, tens of thousands of people forced to flee their homes and white phosphorus – a substance that burns down to the bone – used as a weapon.This October, a month of activities - culminating in a weekend of
nonviolent civil disobedience against the occupation - will mark the
anniversary of that attack.
30-09-2006 09:58
One point that I have been making all along has left some naysayers, and even anti-war people, shaking their heads: Desert Storm’s main goal was not to remove Iraqi troops from Kuwait, but to stop at least one generation of Iraqis from becoming productive citizens.People should not be afraid of their governments... Training for Sack Parliament
30-09-2006 09:11

A weekend of planning and training for ‘Sack Parliament’
Rascism and Resistance SDO mp3
30-09-2006 06:04

30-09-2006 01:36