UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Photos of action at St Leonards Police Station 17 July 2003
17-07-2003 17:56

More trouble at Menwith
17-07-2003 08:47
Another pathetic and pointless arrest at Menwith Hill.The Pogrom Starts Again: 'Gypsies' Hunting in Iraq
16-07-2003 21:05
Few people took notice of the last pogrom of the second millennium, when the allies of the West drove the Roma, or "Gypsies", out of the land in Kosovo where they had lived for centuries [Elsewhere on
16-07-2003 18:21
First Sgt. Christopher Coffin, 51, became the fifth soldier with Maine ties to die in Iraq after his vehicle ran into a ditch on July 1. He was a member of the 352nd Civil Affairs Command assisting convoys traveling between Baghdad and Kuwait. The details of Coffin's death have been mired in confusion since the day it was announced by the military. Initially, a press release from Coffin's unit stated he died after his vehicle swerved to avoid a civilian vehicle. But a report from the U.S. Central Command issued a day before said a member of Coffin's unit was killed July 1 when his convoy was hit by "an improvised explosive device." That report did not name Coffin, but he was the only member of his unit to die that day. Now a new report from Time, citing "Coffin family members and U.S. government officials looking into the case," says Coffin's vehicle was deliberately run off the road, then surrounded by an angry mob. A Humvee following Coffin stopped to help, but was also overwhelmed and then set on fire. A third team of soldiers, the article says, was brought in and fired rifles in the air to disperse the crowd. Representatives from Army headquarters and U.S. Central Command had no comment on Time's report.4th of July, Menwith Hill, arrest witness plea
16-07-2003 16:08
I was arrested on the above and I amtrying to find witnesses.
Full details of LIBERTY report into policing at USAF Fairford
16-07-2003 14:16
Casualty of War - 8 weeks of counter-terrorism in rural EnglandLiberty Report: 15 Jul 2003
An investigation by human rights group Liberty into the policing of peace demonstrations at RAF Fairford, Gloucestershire, during the recent invasion of Iraq has revealed fundamental breaches of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Download full 13 page Liberty report:

LIBERTY defends the right to protest at Fairford
16-07-2003 13:39
click on the link-Fairford RIAT Special Update
16-07-2003 06:25
FAIRFORD RIAT SPECIAL UPDATE: Sat 19th JulyRoyal International Air Tatoo (RIAT)
DEMONSTRATE @Fairford Air Tattoo on Saturday 19th July.

Mark Dankof's Tribute to Daniel New
15-07-2003 23:27
Mark Dankof salutes Daniel New of Conroe, TExas, a tireless crusader for the Old, but dying American Republic, against the forces of the New World Order, Globalization, and an American Empire rooted in militarism.Utah protesters thank the world
15-07-2003 22:38

ISM-related book on independent radio station
15-07-2003 21:47

Damacio Lopez in Fairford on19th July 2003
15-07-2003 20:47
!! Exciting News !!Damacio Lopez, a leading Depleted Uranium Expert is coming to Fairford to speak on the middle Saturday of the Rogue International Arms Traders' War Tattoo !!
Utah protesters thank the world
15-07-2003 15:21

Video clip of Downing Street protest at Sharon's London visit.
15-07-2003 02:35

Pics and report from Downing Street anti-Sharon protest.
15-07-2003 01:22

WHY NOT pester these DSEi-related people by EMAIL?
14-07-2003 15:11
Sept 6th - 12th will see a week of action against Europe's largest arms fair, the DSEi.WHY NOT give the people organising the DSEi a bit of hassle. They're obviously finding it a little too easy to sleep at nights. Write them a well thought out balanced letter arguing your case. Or ask awkward questions. Or whatever you feel is appropriate. Needless to say I wouldn't advocate anyone being at all unpleasant to these thoroughly decent and honorable members of society.
As an example here are my letters which I wrote. They're a bit crap but it doesn't matter...
Still No Weapons of Mass Destruction Found in Iraq
14-07-2003 14:21
The need to invade Iraq relied on the argument that Saddam Hussein was currently or nearly capable of launching WMD on the United States and its allies:SOS2003: Aug 1-3 Event Organized Against Bush Push for New Nukes
14-07-2003 14:06
Senior officials in the Bush administration who have proposed the production of a new generation of nuclear weapons have scheduled a meeting to discuss plans for nuclear proliferation at US Strategic Command (STRATCOM) during the first week of August 2003. We are going to be there to say NO! Join us!30 lb of depleted uranium gets stolen
14-07-2003 02:28
A WHITE van loaded with nuclear waste capable of being used to make a terrorist "dirty-bomb" has been stolen.A nationwide hunt was launched after the van containing 15 kilos of depleted uranium was snatched.
A secret police memo warns: "This material may become radioactive if ignited ... vehicle must not be approached by police."