Damacio Lopez in Fairford on19th July 2003
fairfordpeacewatch | 15.07.2003 20:47 | Anti-militarism | Oxford
!! Exciting News !!
Damacio Lopez, a leading Depleted Uranium Expert is coming to Fairford to speak on the middle Saturday of the Rogue International Arms Traders' War Tattoo !!
Damacio Lopez, a leading Depleted Uranium Expert is coming to Fairford to speak on the middle Saturday of the Rogue International Arms Traders' War Tattoo !!
12 - 2pm
Saturday 19th July 2003
Fairford Community Centre.
The Community Centre is the building just to the south of St Mary's Church in the
centre of Fairford - it borders on the graveyard and the public loos are the
other side of it. It is in the main High Street, just above the market
place and the Bull Hotel.
To get past the Air Tattoo traffic people driving from the east, west and
north should head for the village of Quenington or there abouts and travel
south to Fairford from there.
Damacio Lopez (New Mexico, USA)
Damacio Lopez, a Bernaillo resident and a native of Socorro, New Mexico, worked from 1993 to 2000 as research director for Re-Visioning New Mexico studying money in New Mexico politics, writing legislation and promoting efforts at campaign finance reform in New Mexico. He researched and analysed election campaign contributions to political candidates. He mobilized grass roots involvement in universal health care legislative efforts. An essential component of his work at Re-Visioning was the direction he provided to the environmental justice project that focussed on Depleted Uranium issues.
Damacio Lopez first became involved in DU research in 1986 when he organised Socorro residents in the investigation of potential health risks associated with nearby explosive testing of DU weaponry. In 1993, explosive testing was halted in Socorro. Ultimately , the combination of his ongoing and relentless volunteer efforts and work related responsibilities resulted in an invitation to serve as consultant to the United Nations Sub-Commission on Human Rights.
He has also participated on a DU panel at the request of the NGO Committee on Disarmament at the United Nations in New York and a DU panel at The Hague Appeal for Peace in the Netherlands. He remains active in this issue as the executive director of the International Depleted Uranium Study Team (IDUST ). This work involves research and presentations before community groups and before international bodies such as those in the United Nations system.
He graduated cum laude from the University of New Mexico in 1992 with a bachelor‚s degree in American Studies, writing his thesis on The Use of Depleted Uranium by the US Department of Defence. Damacio Lopez has taken postgraduate course work at UNM in Community and Regional Planning. He is the author of Friendly Fire: The Link between Depleted Uranium Munitions and Human Health Risks (1995) and co-author of Uranium Battlefields Home and Abroad: Depleted Uranium Use by the US Department of Defence (1993), as well as co-author of an article on Persian Gulf War illnesses which was published in the International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology (1995). His previous work experience includes three years as a radio announcer for KSRC radio in Socorro and 17 years as a PGA golf professional. He is a US Air Force veteran.
Saturday 19th July 2003
Fairford Community Centre.
The Community Centre is the building just to the south of St Mary's Church in the
centre of Fairford - it borders on the graveyard and the public loos are the
other side of it. It is in the main High Street, just above the market
place and the Bull Hotel.
To get past the Air Tattoo traffic people driving from the east, west and
north should head for the village of Quenington or there abouts and travel
south to Fairford from there.


Damacio Lopez (New Mexico, USA)
Damacio Lopez, a Bernaillo resident and a native of Socorro, New Mexico, worked from 1993 to 2000 as research director for Re-Visioning New Mexico studying money in New Mexico politics, writing legislation and promoting efforts at campaign finance reform in New Mexico. He researched and analysed election campaign contributions to political candidates. He mobilized grass roots involvement in universal health care legislative efforts. An essential component of his work at Re-Visioning was the direction he provided to the environmental justice project that focussed on Depleted Uranium issues.
Damacio Lopez first became involved in DU research in 1986 when he organised Socorro residents in the investigation of potential health risks associated with nearby explosive testing of DU weaponry. In 1993, explosive testing was halted in Socorro. Ultimately , the combination of his ongoing and relentless volunteer efforts and work related responsibilities resulted in an invitation to serve as consultant to the United Nations Sub-Commission on Human Rights.
He has also participated on a DU panel at the request of the NGO Committee on Disarmament at the United Nations in New York and a DU panel at The Hague Appeal for Peace in the Netherlands. He remains active in this issue as the executive director of the International Depleted Uranium Study Team (IDUST ). This work involves research and presentations before community groups and before international bodies such as those in the United Nations system.
He graduated cum laude from the University of New Mexico in 1992 with a bachelor‚s degree in American Studies, writing his thesis on The Use of Depleted Uranium by the US Department of Defence. Damacio Lopez has taken postgraduate course work at UNM in Community and Regional Planning. He is the author of Friendly Fire: The Link between Depleted Uranium Munitions and Human Health Risks (1995) and co-author of Uranium Battlefields Home and Abroad: Depleted Uranium Use by the US Department of Defence (1993), as well as co-author of an article on Persian Gulf War illnesses which was published in the International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology (1995). His previous work experience includes three years as a radio announcer for KSRC radio in Socorro and 17 years as a PGA golf professional. He is a US Air Force veteran.
