UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Dear Tony, I'm Leaving You. Love George
13-07-2003 23:42
Secret note written by George to Tony over the weekendSTOP sharon in London
13-07-2003 12:19
The Muslim Association of Britain calls the Muslim community and the British public to participate in and support the protest that will be held outside Downing Street on Monday the 14th of July 2003, at 5.30 pm.Thank you for shopping at Wartrose
13-07-2003 12:01

12-07-2003 21:42
Picket Ariel SharonMonday 14th July. 5.30pm till 7.30pm Downing Street / Whitehall
RECLAIM THE STREETS - Public Meeting for DSEi Street Party !!
12-07-2003 21:15
Party in the Streets to protest against Europe's biggest arms fair.Open planning meeting to prepare of a street party which will form part of the Disarm DSEi campaign.
12-07-2003 12:53
It would be great to see as many people from the Oxford area as possible at the protests against the DSEi.Many thousands are expected and these demonstrations will also serve as a European focus for anti-WTO dissent in solidarity with those in Cancun, Mexico as called by People's Global Action. Below is the Disarm DSEi call to action.
12-07-2003 12:33
SHUT DOWN DSEi! LONDON, UK – 6TH – 12TH SEPTEMBER 2003One of the world’s biggest ever trade fairs for guns, bombs, military planes, small arms, mines and tanks is taking place in London from 9th – 12th September 2003.
~*~@ purple~peace~pixies @~*~ at the Fairford RIAT
11-07-2003 22:42
Gather a peace pixie posse of between 3 and 7 people, come and play and sing and bring peace, light and laughter to these rural lanes. Scatter purple petals, hand out sweeties and leaflets, be a pixie tour guide for a day or more, tell the RIAT tourists that pixies want the Cotswolds back for good.~ * ~ @ War is Terrorism @ ~ * ~ @ Peace is Fun @ ~ * ~
11-07-2003 21:16
Intelligence not evidenceSeveral analysts also believe that shortly before the war started on March 20, Baghdad had no missiles capable of reaching Saudi Arabia or Israel.
"Intelligence is not evidence," said Gregory Treverton, a former vice chair of the National Intelligence Council, which produces US security evaluations.
"The Bush administration has turned intelligence into evidence."
Demo against Ariel Sharon's visit to London - 14 July 2003
11-07-2003 20:24
There will be a demo against the Occupation and Ariel Sharons Visit to London on 14th of July 2003 (5.30 pm - 9pm). He will be meeting Tony Blair for Dinner at Downing Street. Please come along. Bring banners, placard, flags, whistles. The louder the better.SchNEWS on UK Arms Industry and Indonesia + lots more (11th July)
11-07-2003 14:44
Latest weekly edition of the ace SchNEWSSee it on the web, print out the pdf + distribute! Easy!

ps they need to sort out about three and a half grand for the next years running costs (see below)
Nuclear war head convoy on the move
11-07-2003 12:53
A nuclear war head convoy is due to arrive in Scotland on Friday 11th July. On it way from AWE Burghfield near Reading to Faslane navel base.IDF Prevents Farmers from Accessing Crops Beyond the Apartheid Wall
11-07-2003 00:01
Despite Promises:IDF Prevents Farmers from Accessing Crops Beyond the Apartheid Wall:For more information on the Wall of Apartheid see
Congo Settling into Peaceful Routine, Hope Beginning to Rise
10-07-2003 21:25
After a civil war lasting nearly five years, involving seven foreign armies and producing up to 4.7 million deaths, it appears a lasting peace might be on the horizon.Palestine: ISM Update On Arrested Internationals
10-07-2003 20:21

report from 10, July 2003 3PM EST. 4min39sec
! ! ! STOP THE PRESSES ! ! ! - ! ! ! STOP THE PRESSES ! ! !
10-07-2003 19:34
Someone in the ""US Government", seems to think it would make a badimage if Democracy's bush and cheney, truly knew before hand, of the
ACTUAL evidence they repeatedly sited, but didn't tell US publicly of,
all so they then could steal billions in an attempt to destroy our
freedoms while killing The People as not represented in their decision
Declaration of Independence from America (full text)
10-07-2003 18:20
Declaration of Independence from AmericaDated on 4th July 2003
Read and signed at US military bases in the UK
SOS2003: Weekend Event Organized Against Bush Push for New Nukes
10-07-2003 15:15
Senior officials in the Bush administration who have proposed the production of a new generation of nuclear weapons have scheduled a meeting to discuss plans for nuclear proliferation at US Strategic Command (STRATCOM) during the first week of August 2003. We are going to be there to say NO! Join us!