UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Colombia: Full fire on gureilla but total silence on State crimes
04-02-2008 15:52

brian haw 'walk for peace' began this morning
04-02-2008 15:03
this morning brian haw began his four-day sixty-mile walk to oxford to take part in the 'queen and country' debate at the oxford unionHersh: Syrian Facility Bombed by Israel Not Nuclear
03-02-2008 20:31
Considering that Syria and Iran have a defence pact, this appears to have been designed to provoke a counter-strike from Iran. If they had responded, would we ever have heard of this illegal Act of War?Action alert: Condoleezza Rice in London
03-02-2008 17:41
Stop the War Coalition is calling an emergency protest onWednesday 6 February. We do not yet have details of Rice's
meetings with Gordon Brown but we anticipate that our protest
will be at Downing Street, the timing to be announced as soon
as her plans are known.
Hillary Clinton Was Silent While Her Husband Executed A Retarded Man
03-02-2008 15:51
May the UK which abolished slavery without violence ignite the Spirit of Americato end governmental murder and war.
Unimaginable Intentional Human Suffering
03-02-2008 14:16
The brutal belief system widely promoted as “neoconservatism” is behind the fascist agenda that emerged from the bowels of corporate-owned “think tanks.” These elitist thinkers believe that it is necessary for our government to “cull” the “useless eaters” from the face of the earth, through forced population reduction and perpetual war.The Ravaging of Africa: A four-part audio documentary
03-02-2008 14:12
The Ravaging of Africa is a four part audio documentary series about the destructive impact of US imperialism on the continent.A Humanitarian Agreement is Urgently Needed to Respect Life and Dignity
03-02-2008 13:52
Statement on 4 Feb Demonstrations against the FARC from the Colombia Solidarity Campaign.War is Coming Home
03-02-2008 12:42
War is the disease of which PTSD and other mental illnesses that plague our soldiers and veterans are merely symptoms.US Candidate Positions on Animal Rights
03-02-2008 03:39
The presidential candidates in the US with the worst records toward animal rightsare Mitt Romney, John McCain, Mike Huckabee, and Hillary Clinton.
Call to Action
02-02-2008 21:46
February has been declared a national month of action against affiliates of EDO MBM! We are calling on people round the country to take direct action against these merchants of genocide.Winograd Acknowledges Israeli War Crimes
02-02-2008 14:24
However, it does not suggest punishing these War Crimes ...Humanitarian imperialism of The Independent
02-02-2008 12:48

(Leading article: The price of free speech, The Independent, 31 January 2008)