UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
rolls royce - nuclear and military playground in rotherham
13-10-2011 13:14
Here's one for yaThe dudes from Rolls Royce are building even more funky shit up at the 'death park' in Rotherham. If it isnt plain as day that businesses at the AMP dealing in nuclear, aerospace, military, robotics, drones and death are working together for some sinister shit then you might as well go back to sleep! NO NUCLEAR NO WAY!
Ongoing bombardment of Sirte by NATO
12-10-2011 22:31

OCCUPY Protesters Unfocused? My Ass!
10-10-2011 15:19

10 years in Afghanistan: torture and detention - report
10-10-2011 12:09
Friday 7th October 2011 marked the tenth anniversary of the start of the current NATO-led war in Afghanistan. As well as leading to the death of thousands of civilians and soldiers, the war in Afghanistan is also the birthplace of one of the lesser known aspects of the so-called "war on terror": the torture and arbitrary detention of thousands of prisoners of all ages and nationalities.Pics here:

German capital slowed down by several strikes of sabotage
10-10-2011 08:00
This morning we slowed down the German capital and its function as a global player in the export of armaments!Acts of sabotage at several important cables of the “Deutsche Bahn AG” force Berlin into a break mode. Communication systems are disturbed. Many regional and long-distance trains are late or not running at all.
UK tabloid: Shocking revelation on 10th anniversary of the war on Afghanistan
09-10-2011 12:50

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Bury the Dead, Heal the Wounded, End the War
07-10-2011 12:58
6 peace activists arrested outside Downing St on 10th Anniversary of the Afghanistan War.Ten Years After 9/11: An Interview with Kevin Ryan and Don Paul
01-10-2011 04:01
"Journal of 9/11 Studies" Co-Editor Kevin Ryan and "To Prevent the Next `9/11'" Author Don Paul respond to a few of the assertions made in a 29 August 2011 article that was posted on the BBC News site in a recent email interviwMedia Lens: Inciting Violence - Irony and the English Riots
28-09-2011 18:22
Ironies abound in the media reaction to the English riots that erupted between August 6-10.150th Birthday: IG Farben founder Carl Duisberg "a criminal genius"
28-09-2011 11:29
This Thursday (29) sees the 150th anniversary of the birth of Carl Duisberg, who was chief executive of Bayer AG for many years and intellectual father of IG Farben. The chemist carried significant responsibility for the global rise of the company.... the former Bayer chief executive / Responsible for use of poison gas and forced labour / Coalition demands renaming of streets and removal of honorary citizenship
Cameron: We must not be afraid to use military force against tyrants
27-09-2011 16:28

St Andrews Strikes Again!
26-09-2011 14:12
every year St. Andrews activisits attack the Army for the Freshers Fayre. this year, let us delight you with our methods and tactics for you to employ at your own leisure!Autumn Action Day at Faslane Peace Camp
26-09-2011 13:48
A wonderful day of workshops,excellent events, and live music.Report from Wrexham Peace Day, 21 September
22-09-2011 22:54
Several hundred people took part in this year's Peace Day in Wrexham on 21 September, a day-long event running from 11am to 6pm on Llwyn Isaf, the library field in the middle of town.More photos to follow.
Peace Day Actions Against Drones (Wales)
22-09-2011 13:46

Photo Report from Wrexham Peace Day
21-09-2011 22:30

Remember remember the 5th of November-huge protest outside parliament
21-09-2011 17:05
Lets's make this big! Mask up V for Vendetta style and inspire the world that enough is enough!Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Shut Down Guantanamo and Bagram! Afghan War 10th anniv. demo, 7 Oct, 6-7pm
21-09-2011 10:12
Friday 7 October: 6-7pm: Shut Down Guantánamo and Bagram! demonstration – Afghan War 10th Anniversary SpecialUS Embassy, Grosvenor Square, London W1A 1AE (nearest tube: Bond Street / Marble Arch)
Friday 7th October 2011 marks the 10th anniversary of the start of the war in Afghanistan. Ten years on, thousands of civilians have died and many more face the threat of death through strikes by US unmanned drone attacks. The end of the war seems no closer.
Ahava’s last day
21-09-2011 09:35

This is the end result of the London campaign to expose Ahava, which has been found to be complicit in Israeli violations of international law.