St Andrews Strikes Again!
anonymous | 26.09.2011 14:12 | Anti-militarism | Culture | Education | World
every year St. Andrews activisits attack the Army for the Freshers Fayre. this year, let us delight you with our methods and tactics for you to employ at your own leisure!
Saint Andrews activists could not get a minutes rest this week. With the plethra of freshers' activities we've been seen stumbling the streets, standing awkwardly at a Jose Gonzalez concert and finding new comrades and friends.
As Sunday approached many leftists began to prepare for the Societies Fayre and to continue our proud tradition of disrupting the Officer Training Corps (OTC) activities for the day. Year upon year this student wing of the Armed Forces stinks out our Student Union with their fliers, stall and occasional tank. Building on past successes ( and experimenting some new tactics we fell asleep that night feeling happy with another successful year of being bastards to the OTC.
So come indymedia readers! Let me share with you our tactics of the day so you may employ them in your own anti-militarist actions!
We started the day by chalking the outside of the Student Union with all sorts of messages. These ranged from ''OTC Today? Afghanistan tomorrow!'' to ''Britain out of Ireland'' to a big drawing of a man shooting the map of Iraq. OK, so it sort of sucked that people trod on these all day but it must of sucked for the dozen or so OTC idiots outside to have to advertise their murderous bull-shit when surrounded by peace slogans.
We complimented this by standing directly in front of the OTC outside and handing out CND leaflets. Granted, those doing the handing out might have preferred something more militant than CND but beggars can't be choosers. We separated into groups of one and each one of us stood by a small group of OTC members. Standing in the direction of the oncoming foot traffic we used our hippy/ punk look to our advantage and smiled at freshers and offered them ''free peace information.''
This infuriated the testosterone charged OTC folk. Take some good advice: ignore their anger and questions as they only disrupt your beautiful disruptions!
Bringing the resistance into the Union building itself we took advantage of our 'Left Society' stall. For those not in the know, Left Soc is an informal group of anarchists, environmentalists, socialists and other radicals on campus. This provided a perfect meeting point for some comrades from other friendly societies. Not wanting to name names but perhaps you inquisitive reader may be interested in reaching out to your local student vegan society, or local co-operative society or even your local labour club. You'd be surprised who'd be interested to help out in embarrassing the Army.
We then snuck into the room where the OTC held their stall and massed ourselves in front of them. Unlike previous years, we didn't mask up but just used our voices. All together we made quite a sound by repeating ''No Armed Forces...on our campus!'' We must have done this for a minute until some polite young soul from another society told us she really needed some peace and quiet.
I'm sure if you put your mind to it, you can made an amazing beat out of the chant.
The day concluded with, presumably, some rascal of an individual who indulged in a bit of assault. Some kind of complex red substance was dropped from a height onto some Army lovers outside the Union. Not just the OTC were targetted but also some real officers (if you're in Fife, Officer Geddes is a murderous wank) from the Armed Forces. It was understood to have covered them and their advertising.
Students and other anti-militarists take heed! St. Andrews leads the way in championing direct-action tactics and techniques!
We committed these acts of love and beauty not in memory of people like Bradley Manning but in honour of people that a £34,000 degree should let you know about. So, fuck it, we honour Mauricio Morales, Andreas Baader and the great folks from Chumbawamba!
No Armed Forces on Campus!
As Sunday approached many leftists began to prepare for the Societies Fayre and to continue our proud tradition of disrupting the Officer Training Corps (OTC) activities for the day. Year upon year this student wing of the Armed Forces stinks out our Student Union with their fliers, stall and occasional tank. Building on past successes (

So come indymedia readers! Let me share with you our tactics of the day so you may employ them in your own anti-militarist actions!
We started the day by chalking the outside of the Student Union with all sorts of messages. These ranged from ''OTC Today? Afghanistan tomorrow!'' to ''Britain out of Ireland'' to a big drawing of a man shooting the map of Iraq. OK, so it sort of sucked that people trod on these all day but it must of sucked for the dozen or so OTC idiots outside to have to advertise their murderous bull-shit when surrounded by peace slogans.
We complimented this by standing directly in front of the OTC outside and handing out CND leaflets. Granted, those doing the handing out might have preferred something more militant than CND but beggars can't be choosers. We separated into groups of one and each one of us stood by a small group of OTC members. Standing in the direction of the oncoming foot traffic we used our hippy/ punk look to our advantage and smiled at freshers and offered them ''free peace information.''
This infuriated the testosterone charged OTC folk. Take some good advice: ignore their anger and questions as they only disrupt your beautiful disruptions!
Bringing the resistance into the Union building itself we took advantage of our 'Left Society' stall. For those not in the know, Left Soc is an informal group of anarchists, environmentalists, socialists and other radicals on campus. This provided a perfect meeting point for some comrades from other friendly societies. Not wanting to name names but perhaps you inquisitive reader may be interested in reaching out to your local student vegan society, or local co-operative society or even your local labour club. You'd be surprised who'd be interested to help out in embarrassing the Army.
We then snuck into the room where the OTC held their stall and massed ourselves in front of them. Unlike previous years, we didn't mask up but just used our voices. All together we made quite a sound by repeating ''No Armed Forces...on our campus!'' We must have done this for a minute until some polite young soul from another society told us she really needed some peace and quiet.
I'm sure if you put your mind to it, you can made an amazing beat out of the chant.
The day concluded with, presumably, some rascal of an individual who indulged in a bit of assault. Some kind of complex red substance was dropped from a height onto some Army lovers outside the Union. Not just the OTC were targetted but also some real officers (if you're in Fife, Officer Geddes is a murderous wank) from the Armed Forces. It was understood to have covered them and their advertising.
Students and other anti-militarists take heed! St. Andrews leads the way in championing direct-action tactics and techniques!
We committed these acts of love and beauty not in memory of people like Bradley Manning but in honour of people that a £34,000 degree should let you know about. So, fuck it, we honour Mauricio Morales, Andreas Baader and the great folks from Chumbawamba!
No Armed Forces on Campus!
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