UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Support The EDO Decommisioners
31-01-2009 15:48
Write to Our Prisoners (see below)Sign our Petition

Or leave a message of solidarity at
Stripping Palestinians of their right to self-defence
31-01-2009 12:17

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I was under the impression that a people under siege by an illegal occupier are entitled in international law to take up arms against their oppressor.
The horrors of Israel's peace
31-01-2009 10:19

Free Gaza Activists Welcomed Home as Heroes, then Join Protest
31-01-2009 08:10

German supreme court strengthens nuclear opponents’ rights
31-01-2009 06:43
Germany's supreme court has handed down a ruling that nuclear opponents welcome as strengthening their rights. It allows nuclear opponents to challenge nucear waste transports in court.Guantánamo - Obama could do better
31-01-2009 00:17
Obama has yet to make any commitment to dismantle the key components of George Bush's attack on human rightsScottish-based human rights group Scotland Against Criminalising Communities and the Scotland Stop the War Coalition are giving a cautious welcome to orders signed by President Obama today to close Guantánamo Bay and to put an end to some of the harshest interrogation techniques. But we are dismayed that Obama has so far made no commitment to permanently abandon trial by the notorious Military Commissions and that his comments during the signing ceremony indicate that some Guantanamo prisoners may continue to be held indefinitely without trial. We think Obama could do better. He needs to be a great deal firmer in dealing with the legacy that George Bush has left him.
Black America Surrenders
30-01-2009 21:21

Protest over visit by IDF Colonel Geva Rapp
30-01-2009 14:37

Last day to object to AWE nuclear warhead assembly plant - takes 2 minutes
30-01-2009 13:28
Today is the deadline for objections to the current planning application from the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) for a new nuclear warhead assembly / disassembly facility on the Burghfield flood plain (there was severe flooding on the site in the summer of 2007). It will take you just a minute or two if you use the template:
Objections after the deadline may be accepted, but no guarantee.
BBC Refusal to air Gaza appeal in contrary with fundamental laws of civilisation
30-01-2009 01:24
With her refusal to air Gaza appeal, the BBC doesn't emphasize her ''impartiality'', but is guilty of violation to the most fundamental laws of civilisationFull article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Corporate Watch: Direct Action Against Israel – Part 1
30-01-2009 00:32
On the second big Gaza solidarity march in London on 10th January, angry protesters smashed the front of a Starbucks store on Kensington High St, near the Israeli embassy, while other activists occupied the Ahava beauty shop in central London. Other actions in protest at the Israeli massacre in Gaza this month have included occupying the offices of the British Israel Communications and Research Centre (BICOM) in central London, 'decommissioning' the ITT/EDO arms factory in Brighton and university occupations across the country calling for divestment. So, who are these companies and why are they being targeted by protesters and campaigners? Corporate Watch takes a detailed look.
Artillery barrage kills 44 civilians, 178 wounded in 'safety zone'
29-01-2009 21:02

Sri Lanka Army (SLA) stepped up indiscriminate artillery barrage towards the heart of 'safety zone' since Thursday noon killing at least 44 civilians and causing injuries to 178, initial reports from Vanni said. The shelling has targeted Chuthanthirapuram 100-housing scheme, where at least 7 civilians were reported killed. 16 civilians were reportedly killed and scores wounded near St. Antony's Church in Chuthanthirapuram.
Raytheon, Edo MBM, Lloyds TSB(Emblem) Plot to Profit out Murder!
29-01-2009 19:34

Corporate ties explains why Lloyd's TSB refuse to send aid money to gaza
Smash Raytheon
Smash Lloyds TSB
Smash EDO MBM (what's left of it!!!)
The Sri Lankan Government's Genocidal War
29-01-2009 04:20

Unfolding Humanitarian Crisis in Sri Lanka Don’t Let This Become Another Darfur
29-01-2009 03:24

Pictures of Law Faculty occupation from Sunday...
29-01-2009 01:48

Here goes...possibly what will be my last photo report from inside the occupation, given recent events.
Mind you, it's not over yet!
DHL - Olive underneath a yellow camouflage
28-01-2009 22:01

It’s a ceasefire…just not on the beach, not in your home
28-01-2009 17:15