UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Dissident Island Radio Show - Tonight!! 9pm
17-04-2009 16:25

New Anti nuke/military forum
17-04-2009 16:08
A place for people intetested in this movement to discussDemos continue [April] at Heckler & Koch weapons HQ in Nottingham
16-04-2009 00:04

The campaign holds regular monthly demonstrations, [These are normally held on the 2nd monday of every month]
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Anti-Police Brutality Demo in Newcastle
15-04-2009 13:38
Geordies staged an anti-police brutality demo last week in response to the polices actions at the G20, and also to highlight the acts of brutality these thugs commit everyday.Mayday! and Anti Militarist Gathering Update
14-04-2009 12:00
coming up soon...9/11: Time for a Second Look: David Ray Griffin - 14th April at 7pm
13-04-2009 22:03

"9/11 Time for a Second Look"
Tuesday 14th April 2009 at 7pm
City University, Angel, London
(more details below)
Mayday! Mayday! Anti-Militarist Map of Brighton
13-04-2009 11:44

On May 4th Smash EDO are holding a mas s street party against war, greed and militarism. Here's a handy map of war profiteers in Brighton and Hove.
Over the years Mayday has been a time to celebrate ordinary people's struggle against global capitalism. The growing anti-militarist movement is a part of that struggle. On May 4th people from across the UK and beyond will come to Brighton in a show of force against EDO MBM/ITT, who profit from the suffering of ordinary people in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine.
EDO MBM/ITT do not operate in a vacuum. The weapons they manufacture couldn't be produced without the support of other corporations; investors, business partners and companies providing services to them. This map plots the network of companies complicit in ITT's crimes in Brighton.
UK "Terror Plot": Gordon Brown points finger at Pakistan
12-04-2009 11:48

Just a day before the “Easter Plot”, the “civilian” Prime Minister of Pakistan went as far as saying “give us the drones and missiles that will allow us to take care of this problem on our own”; meaning the Pakistani Armed Forces’ extermination of its own people who resist the imperialist invasion of their country.
Israeli teenage have been jailed for refusing to serve in the Israeli military
11-04-2009 21:17

Stop deportations to Iraq - demonstration outside UKBA, Cardiff, 17th April
11-04-2009 21:10
No Borders South Wales will be holding a demonstration in solidarity with the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees (IFIR) outside the UK Border Agency, 31-33 Newport Road, Cardiff on Friday 17th April at 1pm.Where's the good, in good friday? - of street art(s) roasted artichokes (later)
10-04-2009 20:28
The Jury is out. 'X' marks the spot of a death/s.Memory / image vigil in Southampton for the 'X' number of deaths from warring, poverty and the effect of greed and climate disaster. Pictures to follow. Also other add your own reflections.
Cardiff Anarchist Black Cross Benefit- 11th April
10-04-2009 17:35

The army needs... subvertising
09-04-2009 17:53

Brighton Anti-Militarism Conference 2nd-3rd May 2009
09-04-2009 10:30
The anti-militarist network invites all who are prepared to take action against global militarism for a two day conference at the Cowley Club Social Centre in Brighton on the 2nd and 3rd of May 2009.plymouth 5 released without charge
09-04-2009 08:56

bbc article with commentary
The Rwanda Genocide Fabrication by Keith Harmon Snow
09-04-2009 07:26
Commemorating the 15th Anniversary of the Kagame Dictatorship's War Crimes Victory in Rwanda - Human Rights Watch, Alison Des Forges and Disinformation on Central AfricaObama: Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile activity poses a real threat to its neighbors
08-04-2009 22:54

Having engaged in a "charm offensive" during a two-day visit to Turkey this week, did President Obama really have a different agenda than his predecessor Bush?
Six Britons Join Two Hundred Strong Blockade of NATO Summit in Strasbourg
08-04-2009 13:46

Trident Ploughshares Press Release
Saturday, 4 April, 2009

Six British members and supporters of anti-nuclear campaign group Trident Ploughshares joined over two hundred protesters from a dozen countries in the five-hour NATO-ZU / Shut down NATO nonviolent blockade of NATO's 60th anniversary conference this morning [see note 1]. The activists blocked a main road into the red security zone around the conference centre where NATO is meeting. There were no arrests. At the same time, other groups of five hundred and seven hundred activists blocked other main roads into the red zone. They are joining tens of thousands of protesters from across Europe.
Strasbourg - north blockade
08-04-2009 10:38

These blockades were done under the "Block-NATO" umbrella ; one of those, the north blockade organized by "NATO-ZU", was strictly nonviolent.
The Future of NATO: Time to Break a Taboo
07-04-2009 19:46
The European public supports neither the military engagment in Afghanistan nor new expansions of NATO.. The alliance must promote disarmament and arms control.