UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Militarization in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
07-04-2008 21:32
Last Wednesday April 3 elements of the Polícia Federal arrested activist Cipriana Jurado leader of the Non-Governmental Organization, Centro de Investigacion y Solidaridad Obrera (CISO) and the comrade Carlos Chavez of the organization Agrodinámica Nacional. At around 3 in the afternoon agents of the Federal police aboard a car without registration plates stopped by force comrade Cipriana and forced her into the unit, alleging that there was an arrest warrant against her which was never shown during the arrest, nor when she was transferred to the Rehabilitation Centre for Adults (CERESO).Indy Global Report' from Bethlehem, on Resonance FM104.4 for the 7th April 2008
07-04-2008 14:28

The "Cemetery of Numbers" is a name for secret grave yards where Israel keeps the dead bodies of its' political enemies.
Oil in Tibet, and gold, uranium, cooper
07-04-2008 14:00
The name of the game is always money, and when it comes to the CIA's war against China by promoting Tibet, that is certainly true. There is oil, uranium, gold and copper in Tibet. No wonder we have this latest hysterics over Tibet during the US oil war against Iraq and Afghanistan and perhaps Iran.Brighton Delegation to Palestine -Education and resistance in occupied Palestine
07-04-2008 12:13
Israeli Army Tries to Close Schools and Orphanages - Please HELP !!
07-04-2008 08:19

Hebron, Palestine. They claim that the society is linked to Hamas and channels
money to terrorism but this is not true. The army has stolen a large amount of
food and equipment from the Society including computers and 2 school buses.
Food and bread for the orphans has been stolen also.
Secret Prisons: Timeline of the European Inquiry
06-04-2008 22:47
On Friday, Swiss senator Dick Marty of the Council of Europe once again prodded European governments to come clean about their involvement in candestine operations by the US. As recently as February 22nd, Romania and Poland continued to deny their role in illegal rendition programs, but the EU has refused to accept their blanket denials. On February 24, AP came forth with additional evidence from sources in Romania..Tibetan Freedom Torch Rally
06-04-2008 20:42
Peaceful protests at Whitehall as the Olympic Torch comes to London,. followed by an account of the Tibetan Freedom Torch Rally, held at King's Cross.The US-NATO 'Missile Shield' Programme: Timeline and Bibliographical References
06-04-2008 11:20
Missile shields are now a major topic at the present NATO summit. Mr. Bush bangs on about a rogue nation,' seemingly unaware that most of the world think that the United States is the real 'rogue .' Mr. Bush's speech prior to the opening of the United Nations summit was a repeat not only of continued platitudes but also of many accusations made after 9/11 about Iraq - with Iran now the unjustified focus of "evil." Are Mr. Cheney, and his very own 'poodle,' Mr. Bush, pathologically focused on matters 'nuclear', and intent on a forthcoming war?FLASHBACK: The Liquid Bomb Hoax: The Larger Implications
05-04-2008 10:50

Ergenekon investigation in Turkey: “terrorist organisation” or a “military junta
05-04-2008 09:09
Describing Ergenekon as a terrorist organisation implies that it has no connection with the Turkish military. In this way, a message is conveyed to the military personnel involved in the alleged coup, advising them to wash their hands of it before it's too late.Wall of Sound to Drown Tony Blair, London, 3 April, 2008
04-04-2008 20:02

Pictures are copyright (C) 2008, Peter Marshall
Totalitarian Fossil Fools Day report
04-04-2008 17:47

Smash EDO article on Al Jazeera
04-04-2008 17:22
This is the story about the Smash EDO campaign- in ArabicAn open question to STW stewards
04-04-2008 11:11
An open question to STW stewardsDHL Deliveries targeted for affliiation with EDO MBM and ITT
04-04-2008 10:30
During the extremely early hours of Friday morning pixies smash windows of DHL office in Hove. DHL deliver to Brighton's War mongers EDO MBM.The depopulation of the Green Zone in central Baghdad
03-04-2008 22:34
But the most important phenomenon, which overshadows most of the other developments in Iraq, is the exposure of the Green Zone, the most secure location in Iraq, to daily rocket bombardments, something that has motivated many diplomats and journalists and parliamentarians who went there seeking safety, to flee from the Green Zone to outside of Iraq, following the fall of a large number of injured persons in this attack.Regime Change: An American Addiction
03-04-2008 22:00
I would like to blame the Neocons for America’s sordid record of “regime change” around the globe, but I can’t! For Iraq, yes! But, sadly, the U.S. has been in the dirty business of “regime change” for at least 110 years going back to the days that it unlawfully seized Hawaii. Author Stephen Kinzer’s book, “Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change,” tells the story of how 14 countries, many in Central America, came under our hegemony.Wrexham Peace & Justice News
03-04-2008 20:21

Read it on our website at

Carnival against the arms trade
03-04-2008 17:29
Carnival against the arms trade Brighton 4th junemyspace
Riot police storms convergence centre at Bucharest anti- NATO protests
02-04-2008 22:58
Reports over email lists state that 46 persons were arrested and that they were severally beaten in the way to the police stations and they were also under death treat. when Romanian riot police raided a meeting place for anti-NATO activists. On guy from Iasi(Gheorghe) was hospitalized and he was beaten even in the hospital.
Another girl ask the police to go to the hospital...Small protest was
organized in the front of the police station 11.