UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
International Antiwar Protest -September 11
07-08-2008 21:05

Cynthia McKinney who is running for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and Green Party Presidential nominee!
Rallies and demonstrations will be held in cities around the world.
Racism and Genocide: Lies of Our Times
07-08-2008 19:13
One of the hallmarks of totalitarian ideologues is the use of the big lie: a virulent attack on a defenseless group and then a categorical denial turning victims into executioners and executioners into victims.Orwell Spins in His Grave: Plans for Iran Attack Going Ahead?
07-08-2008 18:04
“Western capitals have said Iran now faces a new round of U.N. sanctions after it failed to respond positively to an offer made by six world powers aimed at ending the dispute.”Since when does failing to accept an “offer” (so sweet) result in punishment? Threats are being made not “offers.” Such threats are in fact violations of international law themselves!
George Orwell would understand the critical importance of combating this effort at “mind subversion” and of preventing more war. Now is a great time for a reread of 1984. You history and English teachers should teach it now as well (or is such independence no longer allowed at your school)? The current context could not offer a better “teachable moment.”
Palestine Today 080708
07-08-2008 14:23

The Lies Of Hiroshima Are The Lies Of Today
07-08-2008 13:01

Barack Obama in Berlin: "Send more troops!"
06-08-2008 15:07

British Students Arrested in Beijing for Free Tibet Banner Drops.
06-08-2008 10:37
Two Britons have been detained in Beijing after a protest about Tibet.Clapham South Total Oil Protest for Burma
05-08-2008 22:30

PsyOp: Is Washington Intent on Sabotaging the Beijing Olympics?
05-08-2008 20:38

Little Peace Boat Sails Into London, Climate Camp To City Hall, meet 4pm
05-08-2008 20:31
Invitation to meet at Tavistock Square midday for the Hiroshima Memorial or outside City Hall at 4pm for the welcome of "Be Disarming" The Little Peace Boat. Give it a welcome and then a rousing send off returning to the Climate Camp.With Troops on the street, the Fascists must be in power.
05-08-2008 18:46
There has been the usual mix of resigned reactions and utterly vile apologism in English language media globally today to news that 3,000 Italian soldiers are patrolling Rome, Naples & Milan with that states police in the latest measure to "stop crime" which according to Berlusconi and crew is all caused by illegal migrants, gypsies or people who carry the gene for premature balding yet inexplicably still have a full head of virile hairy hair.Oh yes. Especially those ones.
For so long people used the wicked word "Fascist" to describe the Italian right that it has now lost all its proper power to shock. What next they asked too many times.
So we no longer read the question marks after Camps? Striped Pyjamas? Caged Ghettoes?
PHILIPPINES: Open Letter to the NPA General Command and the NDF
05-08-2008 10:25

Fasayil School - A Jordan Valley Success Story
04-08-2008 21:25
Brighton Tubas Friendship And Solidarity Group Press ReleaseCops Spying on HoneyBaked Ham Protestors and Peace Activists
04-08-2008 13:06

El Salvador will not leave Iraq "till Iraqis control the situation"
03-08-2008 20:48
It's all very easy at times to forget that when the proper instruments of international arbitration were sidelined (UN) and systematically delegitamized (IAEA) in the lead-up to the illegal war on aggression on Iraq in 2003 the subsequent classified occupying power still being the USA, there was assembled a motley crew of states termed the "coalition of the willing".17 of that group withdrew their troops. But plucky little El Salvador which sent 360 soldiers at the beginning will deploy its 10th contigent of 200 next week - according to a Radio broadcast today by presidente Elías Antonio Saca.
Smash EDO Update - Support Campaigners in Court
03-08-2008 20:34
Support Campaigners in CourtDSEi - Downing Street legal observer re-trial on Thursday
03-08-2008 18:45
A legal observer convicted in February of obstructing a police officer in the course of a stop and search outside Downing Street will have his appeal heard at Southwark Crown Court in London on Thursday (7 August). The incident occurred during a peaceful vigil and blockade of Downing Street in memory of victims of the arms trade held last September, while arms dealers and other war criminals gathered in east London for an international arms fair.Little Peace Boat on the way to The Climate Camp
03-08-2008 18:14
Nearing the end of an epic voyage, a veteran peace campaigner is about to sail down the Medway and join the Climate Camp protesters, before sailing on to Westminster for the anniversary of HiroshimaImperialism With a Black Face
03-08-2008 12:17
Based on his own statements, delivered repeatedly and consistently over the years, Barack Obama promises to be another in a long line of imperial American presidents, dedicated to the maintenance of U.S. hegemony by any means necessary.His High Imperial Holiness Obama Does Berlin
02-08-2008 13:29