UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Urgent Callout – Funds needed to continue building Fasayil primary school
23-12-2007 00:53
Brighton- Tubas Friendship an Solidarity Group is a network aiming to foster links between grassroots groups in Tubas, Palestine and Brighton, UKNew Year's Eve Peace Vigil on Salisbury Plain
23-12-2007 00:01

Former Italian PM: 911 Solved
22-12-2007 20:30
“All the [intelligence services] of America and Europe…know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the Mossad, with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part … in Iraq [and] Afghanistan.”'Israel will attack Iran on its own'
22-12-2007 14:56
But of course, 'defence' pacts between the US and Israel say that the US will side with Israel, even if its Extremists start the war.This appears to be a way for the US to start another illegal war of aggression without actively doing it.
Oprah & Obama: Corporate Marketing for a Corporate Campaign
22-12-2007 10:07

Two of the best marketers in the U.S. teamed up for a three-state weekend extravaganza of vapid, substance-devoid entertainment posing as presidential politics. Oprah Winfrey – a certified genius of self-salesmanship – and the faux progressive, fraudulent anti-war candidate Barack Obama wowed crowds in South Carolina, Iowa and New Hampshire in a mega-media celebration of celebrity, itself. Political theater has devolved to theater without politics. Corporate “journalists” behave like sports “color” commentators, minus real stats and facts. Next stop: Broadway – if the world doesn’t explode before curtain-time.
International Call to Action against Agrexco this February
21-12-2007 11:57
This Valentine's Day Show them you Care9/11 Truth Manifesto
20-12-2007 20:13
For evidence that America’s political system is a criminal conspiracy, open your mind to piles of new analyses that prove beyond doubt that the official 9/11 story is a lie. Years of a bipartisan cover-up of 9/11 lies make it much more than one horrendous past event. It endures in infamy as a symptom of a corrupt and dishonest government.Putin Agonistes: Missile Defense will not be Deployed
20-12-2007 19:47
It's been a lot of hard work, but Russian President Vladimir Putin has finally achieved his goal. He's cleaned up the mess left behind by Yeltsin, put together a strong and thriving economy, and restored Russia to a place of honor among the community of nations. His legacy has already been written. He's the man who rebuilt Russia. The last thing he wants now, is a pointless confrontation with the United States. But how can it be avoided?ITT offices targeted in Basingstoke
20-12-2007 18:53

Condoleezza Stokes Flames of US Wars in Africa
20-12-2007 12:10
The U.S. military offensive in the Horn of Africa is poised to escalate, as Condoleezza Rice assures her African proxies of deepening collaboration in the “war on terror.” With at least half a million Somalis facing death by starvation and disease – and thousands more killed in resistance to the U.S.-backed Ethiopian occupation – Washington has set its sights on neighboring Eritrea as a rogue state that is guilty of “interference in the affairs of its neighbors” and “dangerous adventurism in the Horn.” The cookie-cutter U.S. propaganda/attack formula previously applied in the Persian Gulf has been imposed on Africa, and will surely reap the same catastrophic results. Yet African American “leadership” remains mute and impotent while Washington sets the continent ablaze.Aldermaston bike ride March 2008
20-12-2007 10:12
Bikes not bombs are planning a bike ride from London to Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment and back again, as part of the 50th anniversary celebrations of the first Aldermaston marchUrgent - demonstration today for Jamil El-Banna returned from GTMO last night
20-12-2007 09:07
Today, at 10am, Jamil El-Banna will face a hearing on his deportation to Spain at City of Westminister Magistrates' Court, 70 Horseferry Road, London, SW1X (nearest tube: St James Park).The Africa Command prospect and the partition of Somalia
20-12-2007 08:14
As US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates was recently visiting American forces in Djibouti, the Washington Post was reporting how the Pentagon has been spearheading a seemingly dicey initiative to pressure Washington into recognizing the secessionist northwestern region of Somalia, known as “Somaliland,” as an independent state.Elderly Welsh Councillor Convicted for Peace Protest at Nuclear Weapons Site
19-12-2007 22:34

Israel's New Strategy for Starting Iran War
19-12-2007 19:45
The real threat is posed by the Extremists in Israel, and their few allies in the US and other "western democracies" ...The Financing of Fundamentalism, and the Antichrist
19-12-2007 19:36
The Anglo-American intelligence services began the infiltration and the financing of Islamic groups in the 60s and 70s starting with the Moslem brotherhood in Egypt , and ending with many others in which they orchestrated and created.Darfur is a right mess – but that does not absolve us.
19-12-2007 10:56
The situation in Darfur may be tangled beyond belief, but we still have an obligation to seek a solution.Full article | 2 additions | 3 comments
Pensioner Jailed for Opposing Trident Nuclear Weapons
18-12-2007 21:45
IRENE WILLIS, a 62-year-old peace activist from Southend, Essex was today sentenced to seven days' imprisonment by City of Westminster Magistrates’ Court for refusing to pay a fine of £50 (+ £50 court costs). The fine was for deliberately obstructing traffic around Parliament Square during an anti-nuclear protest on 14th March 2007, the day Parliament voted to replace Trident, despite a huge Labour backbench rebellion.Ransmayr Attacks Bush's Permission for Barbarism
18-12-2007 15:34
Ransmayr spoke of a strategically fomented panic that seizes all democratic societies in our day, making the abolition of civil rights, offensive war and mass murder seem inevitable as self-defense measures.Manufacturing Threats - Sudan, Iran, and The War For Civilisation
18-12-2007 13:07
News that British schoolteacher Gillian Gibbons had been jailed in Sudan after allowing her pupils to call a teddy bear Mohammed fed straight into the UK media’s hate factory and its “war for civilisation”.
The Gibbons story was mentioned in a massive 257 articles in UK national newspapers in the first week, providing an excuse to boost claims of “genocide” in Sudan in 10 of these.