UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Full account with pics from Auchterader on Wednesday.
07-07-2005 12:32

IMC Condolence book for those hurt and killed in London
07-07-2005 11:04
Concern and love for friends, family and strangers in London fills the eco-camp in Stirling after news of the explosions in London. Imc stirling has been asked by others at the camp to set up this condolence book.Weir pumps in Glasgow being blockaded now
07-07-2005 07:16
Weir pumps, who are up to their eyeballs in Iraqi oil shenanigans, are being blockaded now by a peaceful group of protesters who are locked-on across the entrance.BUSH PROVES ONCE AGAIN THAT HE IS A MORON
06-07-2005 22:43
To be the Antichrist, you don't have to be smart, you just have to be evil.mj on holiday in Bahrain
06-07-2005 17:59
how many bruhs and sis have been attacked or lost jobs?/how many of our kids got a bad grade and feel they been robbed?/how many feel that their country got jacked by a killah/how many have been harassed for not buying the lies of amerikkkaUGLF Takes Local Direct Action in Solidarity With Those in Scotland
06-07-2005 14:55

Gay Turk hunger striker wins concessions
06-07-2005 10:28
International solidarity campaign gets resultsOutRage! backs call for Mehmet Tarhan's release
Write him letters of support, urges OutRage!
Beijing International Peace Vigil
06-07-2005 09:24
Beijing International Peace Vigil was started in March 2003 by a group of foreigners living in Beijing, China who want to work together to build lasting peace, security and justice for everyone throughout the world.Geldof asked for too little. Support Alternative G8 Edinburgh Declaration
06-07-2005 03:44
Geldof compromised - asked for too little. The Protestors know that his failing to include militarism, human rights violations, environmental destruction ...contributes to the problem.Here is an Alternative G8 Declaration that is more inclusive.
Joan Russow (PhD)
Global Compliance Research Project
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Face
05-07-2005 18:40
It is not the reformists' promise of freedom of expression and association that the Iranian working class rejected in the presidential election this year. What they refused to tolerate any longer is deteriorating economic conditions that neoliberalism brought them. "Mr. [Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad, who catapulted to president-elect from near obscurity as the appointed mayor of Tehran, campaigned on a populist message, promising to redistribute the nation's wealth, hold down prices, raise salaries and lift state-supported benefits for the poor."The Faslane Blockade, at the north gate.
05-07-2005 18:12

Faslane Blockade 4th July 2005
05-07-2005 03:38

A Highly talented Dutch news team bring reportage from an action in the build up to the G8 summit at Gleneagles.
VIDEO: Anarchist Action Palo Alto, U$A: March Against War, Empire and Capitalism
05-07-2005 02:53

Video is 15:31 minutes
Faslane fun and meaningful action
04-07-2005 22:42
Report on Faslane action from blockader.Make History Poverty
04-07-2005 21:50

A non typical view of today
04-07-2005 19:25

When CIRCA meets the riot police....
04-07-2005 17:12

Picture of Kayak action at Faslane
04-07-2005 16:02

Confessing Christ in a World of Violence
04-07-2005 14:56
"A theology of war starts from the highest circles of the American government.. Political idolatry is strengthened today by a politics of fear.. We reject the false doctrine that a war against terrorism has a priority over ethical and legal norms.. No nation or state may replace God."