VIDEO: Anarchist Action Palo Alto, U$A: March Against War, Empire and Capitalism
~Bradley | 05.07.2005 02:53 | G8 2005 | Anti-militarism | Culture | Globalisation | Social Struggles | World
On the evening of June 25, several hundred people took to the streets of downtown Palo Alto to march against war, empire and capitalism.
Video is 15:31 minutes
Video is 15:31 minutes
On Saturday June 25, there was an Anarchist-organized anti-war march in Palo Alto, CA, U$A. At 7pm, several hundred people gathered at Lytton Plaza in downtown Palo Alto (University Ave. at Emerson 2 Blocks from Palo Alto Caltrain) for the start of the march.
Organizers of the event issued a statement before the march saying, "We will march against imperialist war, invasion, and occupation; against Bush and his corporate interests; against empire and against the systemic war machine. This is the new face of the anti-war movement. After a strong peak at the beginning of the invasion of Iraq and a two year ebb, the movement is again building momentum. But the movement is also growing louder, angrier, and more radical. As the occupation drags on with more and more casualties each day, popular outrage is growing, and with it popular support for the movement through which it is expressed."
Video is 15:31 minutes
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June 25: March Against War, Empire, & Capitalism in Downtown Palo Alto
March Against War & Empire - June 25 - Palo Alto (indybay feature)
Anarchist Action in the streets of Palo Alto (photos and discussion)
For more information about some of the motivations for the march, please see:
June 25: March Against War, Empire, & Capitalism in Downtown Palo Alto
A Communique From the Organizers
Anarchist Action - Palo Alto
Anarchist Action
Organizers of the event issued a statement before the march saying, "We will march against imperialist war, invasion, and occupation; against Bush and his corporate interests; against empire and against the systemic war machine. This is the new face of the anti-war movement. After a strong peak at the beginning of the invasion of Iraq and a two year ebb, the movement is again building momentum. But the movement is also growing louder, angrier, and more radical. As the occupation drags on with more and more casualties each day, popular outrage is growing, and with it popular support for the movement through which it is expressed."
Video is 15:31 minutes
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June 25: March Against War, Empire, & Capitalism in Downtown Palo Alto

March Against War & Empire - June 25 - Palo Alto (indybay feature)

Anarchist Action in the streets of Palo Alto (photos and discussion)

For more information about some of the motivations for the march, please see:
June 25: March Against War, Empire, & Capitalism in Downtown Palo Alto

A Communique From the Organizers

Anarchist Action - Palo Alto

Anarchist Action


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