UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
OMINOUS: The "war on terror" and American democracy - some ominous
28-11-2003 23:18
Three commentaries published recently in the US media, all bywell-connected observers of the US military, have suggested that a major
new terrorist attack within the United States could disrupt the 2004
elections and even result in military intervention on the streets of
America as well as the suspension of the Constitution.
Galloway speaks in Manchester on future of anti-war movement - video
27-11-2003 23:41

James Woolsey, Neo-con, to visit Cambridge in December
27-11-2003 19:06
James Woolsey, one of the neo-con architects of the Iraq invasion, is coming to St Catz, Cambridge on 12 December to give a Lecture about the investment opportunities in the 'war' on terrorism. It is anticipated that the lecture will be extremely popularIrish Anti-war Activist Jailed for 60 Days
27-11-2003 09:52

'Independent' cartoonist wins award for Sharon cartoon
27-11-2003 03:04

Re-posted pics of Manchester demo on 19th November
27-11-2003 00:35

American Plea Bargains Infect U.N. War Crimes Tribunal
26-11-2003 19:23
The notorious plea bargain system that plagues the American "justice" and jail systems, is now moving to the United Nations' war crimes tribunal. The new plea bargaining going on at the U.N. tribunal is a response to the Bush Administration...PEACE NOT WAR 4 Night Music Festival, Feb 12-15th
26-11-2003 14:27
PEACE NOT WAR PRESENTS ...... on the anniversary of the global peace protests,
Hackney Ocean, Mare Street, London E8
Thursday 12th to Sunday 15th February 2004
Swindon peace protesters ask police to arrest Blair.
26-11-2003 12:52

Failure of Congo Peace Process Predicted
26-11-2003 05:04
A panel of the United Nations prepared a study of the civil war, beginning in 1998, which gripped the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) for nearly five years. As the work of the panel progressed, it became apparent that the dirty hands of several multinational corporations and individuals and other governments were involved in the plunder of DRC.Swindon Peace Folks demonstrate in Paris
25-11-2003 20:45

Modem friendly video from anti-Bush demos in London
25-11-2003 20:31

ISM Reports: Zabda action, Nov.22
25-11-2003 15:27
1. Zabda action, Nov.22, Jenin ISM2. Normal Life in Rafah
3. Chasing after Birds, Finding the Sky
Shannon Warport Blockade Map
25-11-2003 02:50

Pictures from Bush 2003
24-11-2003 21:14

Lovely photos from Stop the War Demo London (Bush 2003)
24-11-2003 20:58
These images may not be reproduced in any format without prior permission from the photographer. Indymedia can use these images on its website if it wants.Audio: Cyclist reaches Bu$h motorcade - interview
24-11-2003 19:08

Audio: Bush Statue Countdown
24-11-2003 18:51

Report from British-Occupied Basra - 1 soldier 'definately killed' by resistance
24-11-2003 17:40
A shattered soldier, Palestinian Basra, schools set to explode, the Occupation Fever and Brit exec gets death-threat...