UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Aung San Suu Kyi Birthday Protest
24-06-2008 21:19

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nuclear prottest no arrests .peaceful and great
23-06-2008 16:46
thanks to all all who came you were a credit to the causeBomb Iran? What's to Stop Us?
22-06-2008 00:51
Just because such an attack is insane, and the consequences of such an attack can have catastrophic repercussions not only on Iran, but the world, is no reason to think that the numbskulls in Washington and Tel Aviv won't do it.In classic literature, in tragedy, there is a quality which characterizes the doomed hero (or heroine), and that is the concept of hubris.
Hubris is defined as "overweening pride, self-confidence or arrogance, often resulting in fatal retribution."
The kind of thinking by American and Israeli politicians which concludes in the sure and certain belief that there will be no real consequences of such an attack on Iran is hubris to the point of complete madness.
Coming war against Iran: Increasing Anglo-American pressure on Turkey
21-06-2008 11:54
Covering the period of March-June 2008, this article will try to highlight the political pressure applied by the US and UK governments on Turkey in view of their war plans against Iran. It is complementary to an earlier article titled “Will Turkey be Complicit in Another War Against Another Neighbour?”Broken Laws, Broken Lives: The Consequences of Torture
20-06-2008 13:22
Physicians for Human Rights, based in Washington, D.C., has just published a report entitled Broken Laws, Broken Lives: Medical Evidence of Torture and its Impact. It presents a very detailed and exhaustive study of the medical evidence of torture by U.S. personnel and its impact on the victimized detainees. The group has effectively documented the systematic use of torture during interrogations at Abu Graib, Guantanamo Bay and elsewhere and they call for an immediate end to the use these illegal and immoral practices.Anti Arms Protestors Granted Legal Aid After High Court Threat
20-06-2008 00:16
Contact: Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh
07875 708873
Anti-War Protestors Back In Court
The trip to Summit 718
18-06-2008 21:14

Truce or Dare: Israel Issues Ultimatum
18-06-2008 20:42
I wonder if Israel's strikes on Gaza today, minutes before the Government announced to the international media that it had 'accepted the truce', were supposed to be the act of provocation which undid the deal.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Bush brings his magic touch to Whitehall.
17-06-2008 19:42

John McDonnell MP at Hands Off the People of Iran Weekend School
16-06-2008 22:41
John McDonnell MP addresses the June 14-15 2008 weekend school of Hands Off the People of Iran. He argues that anti-war activists in Britain should not only oppose imperialism's war plans, but also be in active solidarity with the workers, women's and students movements in
Arrests and police injuries at Bush demo
16-06-2008 16:30

Turkey: Conscientious objector Mehmet Bal beaten in prison
16-06-2008 16:18

Police brutality and snatch squad at Bush demo
16-06-2008 15:48
For those of you who think we're moving towards a police state, this video will show you that we are already living one.Protest at Veterans' Day.
16-06-2008 15:47
In Wollaton Park on Sunday, 22 June, the military are holding a massive celebration for the veterans of all the various conflicts from which there are still veterans left.Protesters back at Nottingham arms company
16-06-2008 11:05

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film of bush demo whitehall yesterday
16-06-2008 09:17

Lyme Disease and Plague Combined in Biowar Vaccine
15-06-2008 12:27
While the Health Protection Agency continues to lie to the public and to the NHS about the true prevalence, chronic nature, and seriousness of Lyme Disease in Britain, their colleagues in the US are busily working on a biowarfare vaccine incorporating genetically modified Lyme and plague.Israel putting pressure on the US to attack Iran (by Latuff)
14-06-2008 22:57