UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Press Release The Final Waging Global War By Way of Deception Report: Statement
30-05-2009 21:16
The Pakistani military is repeating the same genocidal mayhem as it did in East Pakistan to secede it into Bangladesh. Now it is once again at its best for further balkanizing Pakistan at the behest of its paymasters. There is apparently always some very good justification for practicing the 'war on terror' upon civilian populations.
Smash EDO update: stay (or get) involved!
28-05-2009 18:56
Now when the dust has settled on the events of Mayday, it is important that we keep up the pressure on EDO/ITT. As always, noise demos are continuing outside the factory between 4 and 6 every Wednesday and there are a few special ones lined up.The Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Prospects For A Multipolar World
28-05-2009 11:44

"The contours of an alliance of five non-Western civilizations – Russian, Chinese, Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist – began to materialize."
The world is at a historical crossroad with the security and even survival of humanity at stake. One path continues along the way that has been pursued to date, of the right of might and every person for himself regardless of the consequences. The other is one of a more rational, just, peaceful and multipolar alternative.
Rape photos at Abu Ghraib
28-05-2009 11:02
The main 'world' story in the Daily Telegraph today is the confirmation by Major General Antony Taguba that photographs of rape at Abu Ghraib are among those being kept secret by Obama.Come to the Peace News Summer Camp: 23 - 27 July, Oxfordshire
28-05-2009 09:48

Full article | 1 addition | 10 comments
Woman arrested at nuclear sub base talking to workers
28-05-2009 09:03
Trident Ploughshares Press Release - 28 May, 2009Early this morning, one woman was arrested as Trident Ploughshares activists took their legal right to protest to the north gate of Faslane nuclear submarine base in western Scotland. Their placards showed quotations from President Obama and Prime Minister Brown reacting to the recent underground nuclear weapons tests carried out by North Korea. The activists wanted the workers at Faslane to consider how their work compared to the activity in that country.
(Re)Founding Statement Of Sheffield Activist Network
27-05-2009 21:41
As collectively agreed by the SAN collective:Wedding 'Die-In' Protest at London Afghanistan War Base, Wed 27 May
27-05-2009 20:41

Pictures Copyright (C) Peter Marshall, 2009. All rights reserved.
Burma Protest over Total Oil at French Embassy
27-05-2009 09:35

North Korea Conducts 2nd Nuclear Weapons Test
25-05-2009 04:35
North Korea says it has carried out a "successful" underground nuclear weapons test, according to the Korean Central News Agency. The North "successfully conducted one more underground nuclear test on May 25 as part of the measures to bolster up its nuclear deterrent for self-defense in every way as requested by its scientists and technicians," the news agency said on Monday>>

Anti EDO campaigners monitored by Automatic Number Plate Recognition System i
24-05-2009 14:19
Smashing update...The Fargate Speaker (#7) - A Bridge Too Far!
24-05-2009 14:07

Spies Paid To Harm Animal and Environment Protectors
24-05-2009 12:02

Does Cheney Make Obama Look Good Enough?
24-05-2009 07:06

Obama’s Foreign Policy Failures: Diplomacy, Militarism and Imagery
23-05-2009 12:49

CCTV (ANPR) systems used to track anti-war protesters
23-05-2009 10:00
Link to short video report on BBC - features EDO/ITT protesters.Sri Lanka conflict: And Then They Came For Me
22-05-2009 11:00
by Editor, 'The Sunday Leader'Published: 11 January 2009
This was Mr Wikramatunga's last editorial, who was brutally assassinated on 8 January. The opinions expressed are the author's own. Extract was also published in the May/June 2009 edition of Amnesty Magazine.
Say no to US Missile Defence - demonstrate at Fylingdales
20-05-2009 10:54

12 noon, Saturday 13th June
Ellerbeck Bridge, RAF Fylingdales, Whitby, North Yorkshire
Sri Lankan Army burying the evidence of war crimes?
20-05-2009 09:53
A day after the conflict was said to be officially over, there are reports coming out of Sri Lanka overnight that over 1000 Tamils were shot on sight in the enclave where civilians & LTTE forces had been confined in the last few weeks. There are reports that Sri Lankan soldiers were using mechanical diggers to dig large holes in the same region (Mullaivaikal - northern Sri Lanka). An estimated 25,000 people are dead since January this year and 30,000 injured. This figure is expected to rise dramatically if the whereabouts of 25 to 50 thousand civilians who were left in the enclave and still confirmed to have been there last Sunday can no longer be verified.Meanwhile, Tim Martin from Act Now! continues into day-3 of his indefinite hunger strike outside the US Embassy.