UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Media Disinformation and the "Iranian Threat"
06-06-2009 12:04

"the growing missile threat from North Korea and Iran" — article in the Washington Post and other major newspapers, May 26
"Iran's threat transcends religion. Regardless of sectarian bent, Muslim communities need to oppose the attempts by Iran ... to extend Shia extremism and influence throughout the world." — op-ed article in Boston Globe, May 27
"A Festering Evil. Doing nothing is not an option in handling the threat from Iran" — headline in Investor's Business Daily, May 27, 2009
This is a very small sample from American newspapers covering but two days.
What politicians think of wounded soldiers...
06-06-2009 08:11

McDonalds Protest: WE NEED YOU + Poster!
05-06-2009 21:00

Post this on other websites!
Text your friends!
United we are stronger!
BE THERE if you can get to Cambridge.
Smash EDO Press Release: Protester Wins Assault Police Case On Self Defence
05-06-2009 15:35
Smash EDO PRESS RELEASEFor Immediate Release
5 June 2009
Smash EDO Carnival 2008 Protester Who Hit Back at Police Officer Wins Assault Case after Plea of Self Defence
held for 24 hours by police for flag-waving
04-06-2009 22:28
police detained maria gallestegui (from for 24 hours after her arrest yesterday evening for waving the tamil eelam homeland flag at parliament squareIOF to make 304 people homeless in Jordan Valley
04-06-2009 19:51
House demolitions and ethnic cleansing in the Jordan ValleyAn urgent plea on behalf of torturers
04-06-2009 17:13

Its Non Tamil!
03-06-2009 15:05
I was on the pedal power bike rush on Monday.As we circled parliament square like most I thought the hunger strike was by a Tamil.

It seems not to be.
Amazing, an Englishman on strike for my people.
Brian Haw - 8 years today in London's Parliament Square!
02-06-2009 13:23

Success for Czech campaign against US Missile Defence: Now for a big turnout at
02-06-2009 13:06

Ellerbeck Bridge, RAF Fylingdales, Whitby, North Yorkshire
arrest in parliament square over tamil eelam t-shirt
02-06-2009 13:01
continuing the story from
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Prospects For A Multipolar World
01-06-2009 18:21
"As an earlier quote mentioned, the SCO is composed of six member states and four observers representing a true diversity of cultures, civilizations, histories and political systems, from many of the world's oldest and most venerable traditions to some of its newest nations, from the world's two most populous states to Kyrgyzstan with slightly over five million citizens, and political structures ranging from secular to religious and multi-party to single-party. The internal demographic composition of the ten members and observers, excluding Mongolia, is also a rich tapestry of ethnic, national, linguistic and confessional pluralism and variety. In additional to calling for a just, rational and peaceful world in a global situation that was little enough of any of the three, the Declaration contained both an appeal and blueprint for the sort of international order required as an antidote to the current one of unipolarity, unilateralism, cutthroat competition, cynical complacency, brute force and war."5 activists convicted in 'Carnival Against the arms Trade' and Shut ITT' Court Cases
01-06-2009 12:06

Last Hours is back online!
01-06-2009 11:21
After a couple of weeks of being down the radical culture and alternative media webzine Last Hours is back online.
Israel lobby commits major blunder in France: tries to silence a comedian
01-06-2009 10:19

This was hardly the first time that the French Zionist mob had decided to crush an outspoken critic of its role in French politics or its unconditional support for the last racist state on the planet: Israel. But this time, the Ziomob miscalculated, badly. Dieudonne began making the accusations of anti-Semitism made against him a central piece of his shows.
North Korea: Bargaining power (by Latuff)
01-06-2009 07:30

Smash EDO!!! (by Latuff)
01-06-2009 01:46

Peace conference, Shannon, Ireland, September
31-05-2009 16:59
Peace Conference on War NATO and the Lisbon TreatyPark Inn, Shannon
Saturday 5th of September 2009
for more information contact Roger Cole Tel: 00 44 87-2611597
Israel’s “Existential Threats”
31-05-2009 08:22

UN report on US executions
31-05-2009 00:20
A report this week for the UN on US domestic and overseas executions calls for a national “commission of inquiry” to investigate cases. It estimates the total number of uninvestigated Private Contractor murders in Iraq "to be in the hundreds, perhaps thousands", while obliquely criticising Obamas deceptive aim of “moving forward”. It also points out no one senior in rank to Major has been prosecuted.