UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
VIDEO: Occupation of G4S offices, 20-11-2012
21-11-2012 01:29
Activists occupied the offices of British-Danish security giant G4S in London in protest over their complicity in Israel's Apartheid regime as the Israeli's are bombing Gaza. G4S, supplies equipment and services to Israeli prisons and checkpoints, including Erez checkpoint, which prevents people from leaving Gaza.Gaza Solidarity Demo in Cambridge.
19-11-2012 23:30

Gaza Demo - Birmingham, Fri 16th Nov
19-11-2012 21:35
Short video of the demo held in Birmingham on Friday against (what was then) the beginning of the Israeli assault on Gaza.Israel killing children in Gaza
19-11-2012 12:42
Israel Bombing Residential Areas, Civilian Infrastructure in Gaza ....... Via Electronic Intifada, Israeli attacks on Gaza “have caused serious damage to civilian infrastructure including homes, schools, sports facilities and a hospital in many parts of Gaza City,” according to the the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights
Letter of Support for Ecostream campaign from Israeli group Boycott from Within
19-11-2012 11:09

Straight Talk on Gaza
18-11-2012 09:25
Palestine's democratically elected government is targeted. West Bank coup d'etat authority has no legitimacy. Abbas' term as president expired in January 2009. Israel rigged his 2005 election. What's ongoing is illegal aggressive war. Israeli provocations caused it. Israel's entire history reflects belligerence. It lives by the sword. It's a modern-day Sparta. Operation Pillar of Cloud was planned months ago. All military campaigns take many weeks or months of planning. Attacking Gaza coincides with Israel's January elections.Videos from last night's Gaza Solidarity demos in Brighton
16-11-2012 11:11
the next demo is 12 noon on SaturdayGaza Solidarity Demonstration - Stop the Israeli attack on Gaza
16-11-2012 11:04
12 noon - Saturday 17th November 2012 - Victoria GardensFull article | 2 additions | 3 comments
Emergency demonstrations in support of the people of Gaza
15-11-2012 01:47
links available at
2 Brighton demos in solidarity with gaza tomorrow (thurs 15th)
15-11-2012 00:18
There will be an emergency demonstration in defence of the Palestinian people on Thursday 15th November 2012 at 5.30pm in Brighton at Victoria Gardens in Brighton in response to renewed Israeli air strikes on the Gaza strip today which have already claimed the lives of at least seven people, up to many as many as 12, including a seven year old girl and an 11 month old baby. The bombing looks set to escalate with Israel calling up reservists and deploying the navy.Man Arrested for Poppy Burning on Remembrance Sunday
13-11-2012 15:32

Israeli state funded Batsheva Dance performance disrupted
09-11-2012 21:10

Disruption of Israeli state funded Batsheva Dance performance : Brighton Dome
Friday 9 November
Shooting the messengers to protect the powerful
09-11-2012 13:13

The north Wales child abuse scandal, whistleblowing in Wales and elsewhere, Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, WikiLeaks and the need for transparency.
Picardie, First World War, a mother’s grief.
07-11-2012 13:46

FBI Forensic Computer Crime Experts Asked To Investigate Romney-Owned Machines
05-11-2012 18:01

the Bristol City Mayor Fix-Up
01-11-2012 15:32

Halloween haunting at EDO MBM - Demo report 31/10/12
01-11-2012 13:43

Smash EDO Halloween demo today, 4pm
31-10-2012 13:21
Time for Smash EDO's Halloween noise demo. Today 4pm outside EDO, Home Farm Road, Brighton.