UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
UK Peace Activists to Visit Afghanistan
10-12-2012 12:15

Bradley Manning Hearing: Notes from the courtroom 7 December
08-12-2012 10:25

CWO2 Denise Barnes, who made the decision to remove Manning's underwear at Quantico Brig, took the witness stand in Bradley Manning's unlawful pretrial punishment hearing on Friday 7 December (see Tweets below and reports from Kevin Gosztola [ 1 | 2 ]. This is the last day of the second week of the hearing, unlike the first week when the court sat on Saturday and Sunday. The hearing is scheduled to continue Monday 10 to Wednesday 12 December. Defence has not yet finished cross examining Barnes.
For other court reports from this hearing, see notes from the courtroom: 6 Dec | 5 Dec | 1-2 Dec | 30 Nov | 27-29 Nov | Bradley Manning's Testimony.
Bradley Manning Hearing: Notes from the courtroom 6 December
07-12-2012 11:14

Thursday 6 December: Bradley Manning's unlawful pretrial punishment hearing continued (day 8 of this hearing) with testimony from Chief Warrant Officer (CWO4)James Averhart, the Officer in Charge at Quantico Brig from August 2010 to January 2011 (see Tweets below and reports from Nathan Fuller and Kevin Gosztola).
For other court reports from this 'unlawful pretrial punishment' hearing, see: Bradley Manning's Testimony and these articles: 5 Dec, 1-2 Dec, 30 Nov and 27-29 Nov.
Bradley Manning Hearing: Notes from the courtroom 5 December
06-12-2012 22:55

5 December: Bradley Manning's unlawful pretrial punishment hearing continues with testimony from MSG Papakie (see Tweets below) and Chief Warrant Officer Abel Galaviz - see Tweets below and reports from Nathan Fuller and Kevin Gosztola [ 1 | 2 ].
For other court reports from this 'unlawful pretrial punishment' hearing, see: Bradley Manning's Testimony and these articles: 1-2 Dec, 30 Nov and 27-29 Nov.
8 & 9 December - Stop G8 Bristol Meetings
06-12-2012 00:42
The next Stop G8 meetings will be held on 8 & 9 December in Bristol at Kebele Social Centre (14 Robertson Road, Easton, BS5 6JY)Bradley Manning's Testimony [Part 1]
04-12-2012 22:34

Alexa O'Brien has been tweeting a summary of the notes she took while Bradley Manning was giving evidence in court at Fort Meade last Thursday and Friday.
Bradley Manning Hearing: Notes from the courtroom 1 & 2 December
04-12-2012 16:35

Court martial proceedings continued Saturday and Sunday 1 & 2 December at Fort Meade, Maryland where Judge Denise Lind is hearing evidence in a defence motion that Bradley Manning was subjected to unlawful pretrial punishment. The pretrial 'motion' hearing picks up again Wednesday 5 December until Friday 7 Dec.
Bradley Manning takes the stand - More reports from court
02-12-2012 11:54

Czarist War, Communist Peace
01-12-2012 21:28
anticommunist war propaganda in the 1930'sPolice, army turn terror on Jaffna University students
01-12-2012 20:00

November 28: Appalling attack and deafening silence
01-12-2012 19:49

Bradley Manning takes the stand - Reports from court
30-11-2012 11:19

Israel military boycott over Gaza assault
30-11-2012 11:13
Nobel peace laureates call for Israel military boycott over Gaza assault ...... Letter with 52 signatories including artists and activists also denounces US and EU 'complicity' through weapons sales ..... A group of Nobel peace prize-winners, prominent artists and activists have issued a call for an international military boycott of Israel following its assault on the Gaza Strip this month. The letter also denounces the US, EU and several developing countries for what it describes as their "complicity" through weapons sales and other military support in the attack that killed 160 Palestinians, many of them civilians, including about 35 children.Prisoners for Peace day on 1st December
30-11-2012 10:25
War Resisters' International urges supporters to contact people imprisoned for their actions for peace, marking 'Prisoners for Peace day' on Saturday, December 1st.Two Years of Cablegate as Bradley Manning Testifies for the First Time
30-11-2012 08:54
Yesterday was the second anniversary of the publication of the first Cablegate leaks in newspapers around the world. It was also the day on which Bradley Manning took the stand for the first time in the court martial proceedings against him. In this particular hearing, Bradley Manning's Defence is calling for all charges against him to be dropped on account of his severe and illegal mistreatment in pretrial detention, so in effect it's the US Military that's in the dock this week.Julian Assange marked the occasion with an article in Huffington Post.
Is the Philippines child-friendly?
25-11-2012 01:09

Photos: 24 Nov in Wrexham - Solidarity with Gaza. Boycott Barclays Bank.
24-11-2012 17:52

Batsheva Performance Disrupted For Third Night In Sadlers Wells
22-11-2012 12:02
NOVEMBER 21 - For the third consecutive night, pro-Palestinian protesters evaded enhanced security checks to mount demonstrations inside Sadler's Wells theatre where the Batsheva dance ensemble from Israel was performing the last of three London shows. Its tour continues on Friday and Saturday in Plymouth where campaigners have pledged to mount further protests."die-in" on BBC steps to challenge biased reporting on Gaza
22-11-2012 11:57
For immediate release - 22nd November 2012