UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
09-04-2004 16:55
A Hearing on the Project for the New American Century ( PNAC) and its war policies put into effect under the Bush administration by the invasion of IraqBirmingham Indymedia screening of We Interrupt this Empire... 15th April 7:30pm
09-04-2004 16:41

We are showing 'We Interrupt this Empire' along with some shorts and clips of direct action and community news followed by discussion and some conscious sounds...
The films start at 7:30pm at the Unit, Dennis Road, Balsall Heath, Birmingham.
Look out for details of our future screenings at the Custard Factory (early May) and the mac (17th June)
Entrance is £2/£3 and no-one will be turned away through lack of funds.
Please help to distribute the attached flier...
BBC Poll Finds That US + Globalisation Are A Bigger Threat Than Terror
09-04-2004 15:32
A BBC Poll of 1500 international people finds 52% think US and Globalisation are a bigger threat than terror.(although quite what the difference is between these I dont get. ed)
Support the popular uprising of the Iraqi people!
09-04-2004 10:37
The town of Falluja is the emblematic stronghold of the Iraqi resistance. The occupants were forced to withdraw from the city already by last autumn limiting themselves to daylight patrolling. The support of all strata of society for the armed resistance is overwhelming. But Falluja is only one outstanding example for a tendency affecting the entire country.BP AGM protest, 10am, Thursday 15th April, Oil Festi Hall
09-04-2004 10:19

10-3.30pm: Rally, performance and open mic:
Sound system, Rhythms of Resistance samba band, voices from Colombia, the Caspian
Region and other oil-cursed areas, poets, musicians, ranters, diggers and dreamers…
3pm: The Beginning is Nigh! Say Bye Bye (Planet) to shareholders and contemplate
saying farewell to BP for good.
Bring banners, drums, voices, music and friends
To the peoples of the world - Fom Occupied Iraq
09-04-2004 10:15

Protest Photo Show - LAST DAY today
09-04-2004 05:57

Ex Aussie PM & Vietnam Defense Minister says Iraq like Vietnam
08-04-2004 23:42

Making the military accountable.
08-04-2004 22:37
Potentially this now opens the way for other innocent victims of British troops to claim for damages against the Ministry of Defence. It also raises the question of Troops being held directly responsible for their actions. Any other employee who killed another innocent person while carrying out their duties would be held accountable and criminal charges brought against them for the death. Why should the armed forces be any different?Bush's Vietnam (by Latuff)
08-04-2004 20:48

Kettles and Pots -a view from Baghdad
08-04-2004 12:40
Check out this Baghdad resident's blog on the last few days
things are getting fucked up big time
Iraq protest happening later today (8th April) 3pm outside Downing Street
08-04-2004 11:27
Urgent - protest today against Mr Blair'sPlease Endorse Letter To ICRC For Palestinian Prisoner Day, April 17, 2004
08-04-2004 10:27
===============[Biddu] Israeli Soldiers Violently Attack Unarmed Protesters
08-04-2004 10:07
April 8th 2004As this report is being sent out, bulldozers are at work destroying more of Biddu's farmland. Villagers, international and Israeli peace activists attempting to confront these bulldozers are again being violently attacked. Please ask your local media to cover this story of the Israeli military and government's blatant disregard for Palestinian land and livelihood, the violence used to grab the land away from its owners, and the unarmed yet determined civilian force trying to stop it.
Misinformation From the U.S. Military?
08-04-2004 07:45
CAIRO ( -- As tensions mount in Iraq and some media outlets label events an Iraqi uprising, U.S. military sources may have commited a faux-pas in explaining Wednesday's rocket attack on a mosque in Fallujah, which left some 40 civilians dead.A Tangled Web of Lies about Iraq
07-04-2004 18:45
The continuous succession of lies about Iraq and the ever-changing rationalizations for an illegal and immoral war against the Iraqi people.Personal [non-corporate] Account From Haiti
07-04-2004 16:41
Recently - March 23-April 2nd - I travelled to Haiti with the first major post-coup delegation, with the Quixote Centre of Washington, D.C. Below are some of my sentiments drawing from the recent experience.Falluja - A massacre happening right NOW
07-04-2004 15:00

Hundreds prepare to march against UK WMD - join us!
07-04-2004 12:04