UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
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Catholic Workers Blockade Northwood HQ on "Feast of Innocents"
28-12-2006 17:09

Pakistan secretly holds hundreds in prisons
28-12-2006 14:37

Rawalpindi, Pakistan - December 28, 2006
US backs Ethiopia’s invasion of Somalia
28-12-2006 11:22
The Bush administration is openly backing Ethiopia’s invasion of its neighbour Somalia.Ethiopia is waging a proxy war on behalf of the United States. In the space of a week it has routed forces loyal to the United Islamic Courts and advanced to within 55 miles of the capital Mogadishu.
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BBC aiding & abetting anti-Muslim pogrom in the UK
28-12-2006 00:47

The Dangerous Double Standard
27-12-2006 22:08
In the early nineties, people hoped for the irrevocable ending of fear and the great peace dividend.. Inequality, poverty and humiliation are causes of terror. The governing fight only the symptoms. The causes of terror are a theme for them.Steve Pound MP on SOCPA - Radio 4 Christmas Repeal - Vote now!
27-12-2006 09:35

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Hang Him, hang Him Quick!
27-12-2006 02:15
The puppet judiciary of occupied Iraq today announced that Saddam Hussein would be hanged within 30 days. Saddam is presently being tried for the mass murder of Kurdish villagers but the judiciary insisted that he MUST be executed regardless of any other proceedings. This decision is a ‘just in time’ corporate-style decision – just in time for what the uninformed reader would ask? Just in time to save America from incrimination for supplying the chemical weapons and expertise required to kill the innocent Kurdish villagers – that is the REAL NEWS of the day!Would saddam's execution solve the Iraqi conflict?
26-12-2006 20:05
The execution of the formaer Iraqi presidant Saddam Hussein is an unjustified and an inhumane verdict due to several un-lawful reasons. It could fuel insurgency all over the Iraq and millions are likely to be killed in civil wars thereafter. It should therefore be stopped and leave him die in his captivity. The USA adminstration should proof its real intention in establishing democracy rather than massacres.Washington's Game in Turkmenistan
26-12-2006 12:45

Gates visited Baghdad to quell US soldiers mutiny in Anbar
26-12-2006 09:12
Iraqi military sources told the newspaper that the reason that the American Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited Baghdad urgently after two days he received his new post as a Defense Minister; is to extinguish a military mutiny carried out by American VI battalion based in Anbar, after refusing to obey orders and prefer not to leave their base in Ramadi, the capital of Anbar province.A message from the queen
25-12-2006 22:08
The full text of the Queen's Christmas message to UK armed forces, intended to lift moral and convince these saps that they are doing something worthwhile. We've taken the liberty of reading between the lines and addinh what she was really thinking as she read this nonsense.SOCPA - a cold christmas in parliament square
25-12-2006 14:57

The Myth of Nuclear Disarmament
25-12-2006 09:19
Nuclear disarmament has become one of the most important elements of safe future and peaceful cooperation between the countries around the world. President Bush and President Vladimir V. Putin signed in 2002 the treaty that calls for each country to cut inventories to between 1,700 and 2,200 warheads by 2012.The treaty outlined the direction for further cooperation in this field, but the USA has found a loophole and are going to turn the treaty to their advantage and to use it to gain their aims.Inanity for Xmas
25-12-2006 05:41
The arch-conservative Anglican Dean of Sydney's St. Andrews Cathedral, Phil Jensen, has delivered a Christmas message worthy of the most mindless, inane comment that the infamous neo-con war monger and lunatic Donald “uknown knowns” Rumsfeld could have delivered. The Dean stated that “Christmas is about God giving, that God gave the gift of God and the gift of God, is God," (!) Those Australians who imagined that mindless, unqualified statements only issued from American neo-cons be advised, conservative pro-American Evangelicals are alive and very ‘unwell’ in conservative Anglican Sydney.New Year's Eve Peace Vigil on Salisbury Plain
24-12-2006 20:55

held on the army range at 12 noon on New Year's Eve 31 December 2006.
A Terrible Day for International Diplomacy
24-12-2006 16:05
This is arguably the first time in history of the Security Council that an entire nation is being punished based not on actual violations of international law, but on pure speculation on the part of some powerful countries, regarding its hypothetical future conduct. As Seymour Hersh reported in The New Yorker, both the CIA and the Israeli intelligence have been unable to substantiate any nuclear weapons program in Iran.Resource warfare intensifies across "Grand Chessboard" and Horn of Africa
24-12-2006 15:32
With the world now one full year off the Peak Oil and Gas cliff (according to work of geologists such as Kenneth Deffeyes), it is no surprise to see geostrategic tensions superheating quickly in several key oil and gas regions, as the world’s superpowers and multinational energy giants (supported by their nation’s militaries and intelligence agencies) intensify their combat over remaining energy supplies.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Alleged Liquid Bomb Plot Credibility Crumbles
24-12-2006 15:02
The alleged ringleader of a much vaunted plot to blow up multiple transatlantic airliners using liquid explosives has been cleared of terrorism charges and of being a member of any terrorist group, rendering August's terror scare another hyped creation of government scare mongering.Uniting Australia against racism
23-12-2006 21:50

Video Exposing Blunders of 9/11 Commission Report Airs on New Zealand Television
23-12-2006 18:14
Controversial September 11th documentary exposing inconsistencies and contradictions in the 9/11 Commission Report erupts onto New Zealand television. This recent national airing of "In Plane Site" on New Zealand television represents a historic turning point in the global collective consciousness regarding the terrorist attacks of September 11.