UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Censorship at the Fairford Air Tattoo
21-07-2011 13:04

10 questions the MPs did not ask Murdoch
20-07-2011 13:53
As predicted the day before the Murdoch's were questioned by MPs, the difficult questions did not get asked.Oh, what a lovely war! Murdoch’s other legacy
19-07-2011 08:23
They've hacked into the voicemail of a murdered teenager and the relatives of dead UK soldiers. They've paid police officers for information. The charge sheet against News International is a long and serious one.Smash EDO: Summer of Resistance 2012
18-07-2011 13:45
A summer of antics and opposition to Brighton's very own peddlers ofdeath. Start working on your cunning plans now and join in!
The Post-9-11 Decade by Numbers: The American Holocaust
18-07-2011 07:57
"The only thing that will save millions more Afghans from death will be that America can no longer afford to kill them."Disarm DSEi Day of Action publicity
16-07-2011 13:04

‘Flytilla’ Volunteers Arrive Back in the UK
13-07-2011 23:28

The activists were there to greet several ‘Flytilla’ volunteers deported by Israel from Ben Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv. The volunteers had made an attempt to travel to Bethlehem in the Occupied West Bank for the “Welcome to Palestine” initiative. Up to 600 volunteers had made plans to fly into Ben Gurion from Friday onwards to form a solidarity delegation that would visit Palestinians in various towns and villages in the West Bank, illegally occupied by Israel since 1967.
Reminder: Noise demo for Simon Levin at EDO today
13-07-2011 11:43
There will be a special noise demo in honour of friend and Smash EDO activist Simon Levin today (Wednesday 13th of July) at EDO/ITT, Home Farm Road, Brighton 4-6pm.Report/ Photos-Solidarity with Julian Assange outside the High Court/ London J12
13-07-2011 03:49
FLICKR PHOTOSHigh Court/London Solidarity for Julian Assange Tuesday July 12

Read on for full report...
Special noise demo for Simon Levin at EDO tomorrow
12-07-2011 10:10
There will be a special noise demo in honour of friend and Smash EDO activist Simon Levin this Wednesday (13th of July) at EDO/ITT, Home Farm Road, Brighton 4-6pm.Anonymous Hacktivists Leak 90,000 US Military Emails
12-07-2011 09:56

The story of the flotilla is not over
12-07-2011 08:41

Last year’s violent assault on the Mavi Marmara, which included summary executions, torture and theft, remains the starkest recent example of Israel’s tactic of deterrence towards solidarity activists trying to break its hold over Palestinian territory. But is it working?
America's dirty war on Islam
11-07-2011 11:18

America's media ignore how unjustly it harms millions of disadvantaged people. Instead, they regurgitate spurious high-profile case accusations, always when Muslims are affected. Most often they're men, occasionally women, bogusly charged with terrorism or conspiracy to commit it, when, in fact, they're guilty only of being targets of choice and/or being in America at the wrong time.
Agrexco's Going Down
11-07-2011 08:32
Target of international BDS campaign and illegal exporter of Israeli settlement goods is on the verge of collapse.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
On flotillas and the law: civil society versus Israel lobbies in US and Europe
11-07-2011 08:07

Civil society movements versus corrupt politics
When it comes to the struggle against Israel's policies of oppression there are two conflicting levels: that of government and that of civil society. The most recent example of this duality is the half dozen or so small ships held captive in the ports of Greece. The ships, loaded with humanitarian supplies for the one and half million people of the Gaza Strip, are instruments of a civil society campaign against the inhumanity of the Israeli state. The forces that hold them back are the instruments of governments corrupted by special interest influence and political bribery.
Cyber Security a matter for MoD
10-07-2011 15:51

"We face today the war of the invisible enemy.
That is why the United Kingdom is mainstreaming cyber security across all parts of Government at home, and why cyber security is regularly high on the agenda in discussions we have with partners in this region"
Challenging Military Activities in Schools with US & UK activists
09-07-2011 12:53
Teacher? Parent? School or college student?Are you concerned about military activities in schools?
Brian Haw's funeral held in Redditch
09-07-2011 01:51
The funeral has taken place of anti-war campaigner Brian Haw who has died from lung cancer aged 62.Full article | 1 addition | 7 comments
6th Anniversary of 7/7
07-07-2011 23:11

Mexican Army is the new threat to Radio Ñomndaa
07-07-2011 21:31
Again, the Radio Ñomndaa is wake: the threat now comes from the army. Some soldiers of the mexican army arrived at the pueblo of Suljaa' (Xochistlahuaca) today morning, and started asking people for the location of Radio Ñomndaa.