UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
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Camden Solidarity Vigil for Bradley Manning: report and photos
07-06-2013 22:32

London Catholic Worker and friends are holding a vigil and flyering for Bradley Manning three afternoons a week during the trial, currently outside Camden tube station. After three years of pre-trial detention and nearly a year of torture, the trial in Bradley Manning's court martial finally got underway this Monday at Fort Meade, Maryland, US. The WikiLeaks whistleblower has made probably the most significant anti-war leak of information in history and is being persecuted for daring to reveal evidence of war crimes and much more. Solidarity needed everywhere.
UNITED WE STAND! "Hands off Syria / Iran "
06-06-2013 12:09

Bradley Manning solidarity in south west Wales as trial begins
04-06-2013 19:09

On the final leg of my five day Bradley Manning solidarity tour of Bristol and south Wales, I headed west from Cardiff early Sunday morning, through Carmarthen and on to Haverfordwest, where members of Bradley's family still live. My aim was to have a solidarity presence in Haverfordwest as Brad's trial begins in the US. See previous reports from: Bristol | Bristol/Cardiff. This report covers Sun 2 and Mon 3 June, with a few photos of banners etc. to illustrate.
Peace activists in Lincoln court after planting peace garden at RAF Waddington
04-06-2013 10:41

Infonight about the Stop G8 Week of Action, Tuesday 4th June, Cowley Library
03-06-2013 14:12
From 8th to 14th June the Stop G8 network will be opening a convergence space and organising anticapitalist actions in London. The convergence centre provide food and accommodation for up to 1000 people. There are four major actions planned including a massive Carnival Against Capitalism on June 11th in the West End of London.Solidarity with Bradley Manning in Bristol and Cardiff (round-up)
02-06-2013 18:53

Bradley Manning's trial starts Monday 3 June and this weekend activists around the world have been taking action in solidarity, including in London [Photos here | Links to reports etc. here] where around 250 people from all over gathered outside the US Embassy to hear speakers including Peter Tatchell, Vivienne Westwood and Craig Murray, music including David Rovics. There was also an ill-fated banner drop in Bristol [Report here], a smaller one with a replacement banner in Carmarthen and a presence in Cardiff and Haverfordwest. This is a brief report with some photos from Bristol and Cardiff.
Free Bradley Manning! Free Bradley Manning's banners! (Welcome to Bristol)
31-05-2013 17:22

The big pink 'FREE BRADLEY MANNING' banner has been displayed, without incident, all over the place in the past 18 months or so: Wrexham, Cardiff, Bala, Haverfordwest (where members of Brad's family still live), Chester, Liverpool, Oswestry, north Yorkshire, London, the summit of Snowdon. It's designed to be re-used, attached to railings with easy-to-undo tapes.
In Bristol yesterday, at the start of a five day solidarity effort leading up to Bradley Manning's trial which begins in the US on Monday, this banner and another - 'TRUTH ON TRIAL' - were seized by cops who told me they would be destroying them. In fact they had already badly damaged the banners by hacking them off the railings with a knife and ripping them instead of undoing the bows, having refused my offer to remove them. Since the incident led to an arrest and threat of summons, the banners are now in police custody as exhibits A and B, with the arresting cops announcing as they escorted me to the exit door of Trinity Road police station: ' and when it comes to court we're going to apply for a destruction order.'
Peace News Summer Camp 2013: Taking a Lead from the Global South
28-05-2013 16:30
This year’s camp is organised by activists of colour/people with a global majority heritage. We invite you to join us and others from across the broad spectrum of the peace and radical social change movements for five days of workshops, participatory entertainment and network building! 25th - 29th July, near Diss, Norfolk.1 June International Day of Action for Bradley Manning: Join Cor Cochion in Cardiff
26-05-2013 07:01

Saturday 1 June is an international day of action for Welsh-American WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning, facing Court Martial on over 20 charges including 'Aiding the Enemy' and a possible sentence of life without parole or even potentially the death penalty if convicted. The trial starts on 3 June and is expected to last over two months. Bradley Manning dared to reveal the truth about US-led wars, US interference around the globe and much more, hoping that this information would trigger "worldwide discussion, debates, and reforms... if not... then we’re doomed as a species." He went on to say "I will officially give up on the society we have if nothing happens."
Brad still has many family members living in Wales. Cardiff Reds Choir/Cor Cochion Caerdydd is organising a solidarity event in Cardiff on 1 June. In London, there will be a protest outside the US Embassy . Worldwide events listed at
Guantanamo: A pinnacle of depravity!
24-05-2013 14:11
The folowing article considers Guantanamo as an example of the banality of evil. It also notes the similarity between the illegal enslavement, deprivation and torture of the detainees at Guantanamo - to produce information; and earlier forms of US slavery - to produce different commodities.UG#640 - The Making Of The National Security State (The Power Principle 1)
23-05-2013 02:51

UG#641 - The Making Of The National Security State (The Power Principle 2)
23-05-2013 02:46

UK nuclear warhead convoy travels through Oxfordshire 14.5.13
17-05-2013 22:24
A UK nuclear warhead convoy tavelled through Oxfordshire on Tuesday 14th May 2013 from Burghfield Atomicb Weapon Establishment (AWE) near Reading.Wrexham: Solidarity with Guantánamo Hunger Strikers
17-05-2013 10:37

Press release: On International Conscientious Objectors' Day, Israeli CO in pris
14-05-2013 11:39
15th May is International Conscientious Objectors day. Around the world, campaigners will be remembering the generations who refused to go to war, and raising awareness of the many who continue to be persecuted and imprisoned for refusing to kill.Baloch Nation Completely Boycott Pakistani Elections on May 11th 2013
10-05-2013 17:49
Baloch Nation completely bycott up coming pakistani election 11 may 2013Call for an Anti-Militarist Action against the G8 on June 12th
09-05-2013 22:44
This is a call to all anti-militarists to join us in the West End of London during the week of action against the G8. - for more info see
Free Vivienne Westwood! Free Bradley Manning!!
09-05-2013 08:08

Campaigners disrupt UK Weapons Production
07-05-2013 14:24

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Out on London streets for Bradley Manning thru May lead up to June trial
07-05-2013 12:39