UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Census refuser on trial in Reading
01-10-2012 16:11

Report from 27 Sep Veterans for Peace Drones protest at General Atomics
29-09-2012 16:15
Report from Veterans for Peace UK on last Thursday's Drones protest at General Atomics in London. A protest was held the same day by US Veterans for Peace at General Atomics, San Diego.Background info:

Census resistance update: including court dates
29-09-2012 11:48

18 months after the 2011 Census, court cases are dragging on against a tiny proportion of those who resisted the Census on anti-war and privacy grounds, mainly but not entirely because of Census data processing contracts with Lockheed Martin (England and Wales) and CACI (Scotland). For background and other reports on this, see the Indymedia census topic, Count Me Out and Ethical Census.
9 Oct at Menwith Hill: The Faceless Face of US Military Drones
27-09-2012 07:38

The Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases (CAAB) will be marking Keep Space for Peace Week and Ground the Drones Week of Action at Menwith Hill during its weekly Tuesday vigil from 6-8pm on Tuesday 9 October in an event entitled The Faceless Face of US Military Drones. CAAB will be joined by Yorkshire CND's recycle the bases cyclists on a three day ride from Whitby to Menwith Hill via Fylingdales.
Philippines: The Marcos’ Legacy of Fraudulent and Illegitimate Debts
27-09-2012 01:25

Letter from American Under arrest in Israel asking for Solidarity
26-09-2012 17:18
Asking for Solidarity and Support27 Sep: Veterans for Peace Protest Drones at Gen. Atomics in San Diego & London
26-09-2012 07:32

3 British Citizens & 1 American Beaten by Army and Imprisoned in Israel
26-09-2012 06:46

Romney Primary Fraud In 20 US States
25-09-2012 16:31
Because Republicans own or influence several ‘voting machine’ companies such as ESS whose CEO Chuck Hagel counted his own votes to crown himself senator from Republican Nebraska and Dominion, owned by Canadian conservatives (the company which installed Walker as governor of Wisconsin in the recall) and have a much bigger ad machine budget (Karl Rove, Koch Brothers etc.) American readers of Indymedia are asked to work and pray for election monitoring at every step of the process. Many Ron Paul supporters will vote third party for Libertarian Gary Johnson, twice governor of New Mexico, on the ballot in 50 states. He has twice balanced the state budget, calls for immediate withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, a 43% cut in military spending, decriminalization of marijuana (which would reduce border crime) among many other of his principled stands. The following article by Janet Glenn published on describes fraud in 20 US states.
Preparing for peace with Wrexham schoolchildren
24-09-2012 21:43

Exclusive: Roger Cook, how Murdoch's News Of The World killed The Cook Report
23-09-2012 23:45

"NO MORE WAR!" Shout Case Dismissed!
21-09-2012 19:03
I Got Away With It. Why Not You?Out of the Frying Pan...
20-09-2012 13:39
Charged with 'threatening and abusive language' for shouting "No More War!"The Innocence of Muslims
20-09-2012 11:03
Anti-Islam film: Christian and Islamic fundamentalists leaning on each other20-22 September: Three days for peace in Wrexham
19-09-2012 10:53

This year, we're going to be back, for three days.
Social Media within the Military and the Defence Sector
18-09-2012 18:13

Ground the Drones Week of Action: 6 - 13 October 2012
18-09-2012 17:09

EDO parent corp director to chair secret Pentagon meeting on Iran
16-09-2012 21:28
John J. Hamre is a former US Deputy Secretary of Defense, and the current chairman of Defense Policy Board, a secretive federal advisory committee to the United States Department of Defense. Hamre also happens to be a paid director of ITT Exelis, the parent of Brighton's own EDO MBM Technology has recently released documents of a secret meeting to be chaired by Hamre on the subject of ' national security issues regarding
Iran, including Internal Political Dynamics and Security Posture and
As the war drums beat louder it appears those with a direct financial interest in any military attack on Iran are at the heart of policy making machine that could make it happen.