UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
America's Energy Wars - A New Front - Africa
07-10-2007 22:59

Iran war - danger of impending false flag
07-10-2007 22:54

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London Burma Protest
07-10-2007 22:07

RAF Croughton.... not just tea brewing....
07-10-2007 20:59
More than 70 local people gather for protest and cakes at RAF Croughton, the US military listening base, just outside Oxford.Interview with President of Physicians for Social Responsibility
07-10-2007 14:30
Dr Catherine Thomasson is the President of the Physicians for Social Responsibility who visited Iran last March and has been giving talks in the US and Europe to avert a new war in the Middle East this time against Iran. Abbas Edalat, CASMII’s founder, interviewed her while she was visiting London to give a talk at the Royal Society of Medicine on October 4.Full article | 2 additions | 5 comments
Cardiff Total closed in Burma protest
07-10-2007 12:14

Unmasking AIPAC: Who's Afraid Of The Lobby?
07-10-2007 04:49
Part of the rush to further disastrous war seems to be motivated by a distinct desire for the Zionist portion of the New Neo-Fascism to get the spotlight turned off. As the debate about the Zionist Lobby, as well as the Extremists behind it and this impending World War, these criminal lunatics are growing increasingly shrill, frightened, and desperate.Pictures from the Burma march in London
07-10-2007 01:50

Grim Reaper Recruites With Marines
07-10-2007 01:35

Georgia College & State University, Milledgeville, GA, USA

Photos by Emily Gomez
Report from the Oxford Total demo
07-10-2007 00:01
A brief explanation of some of the situation in Burma and a report on the demonstration in Oxford which took place on the 6th of October, 2007.Americans under Siege: The Fall of the American Empire
06-10-2007 17:39
It’s time for a kick down in America. When a country forgets to take care of its own people, ignores the immense poverty between its own borders, shuts down even the faintest whisper of free speech, and demonizes whole races, it needs an enema.Roadblock - direct action against the march to war
06-10-2007 12:33

Police ban London antiwar march
06-10-2007 06:41
The Metropolitan Police have banned a demonstration by the Stop the War Coalition in central London. Police spokesmen have indicated that this is in response to pressure from the Labour government of Prime Minister Gordon Brown.Birmingham Unite Behind Burma
05-10-2007 11:16
Please come and show your solidarity with the people of BurmaBurma: a view from within
04-10-2007 22:34
Everyone likes surprises, and the brutal military regime that has ruled Burma since 1990 are no exception. Back in September 2005 people were dumbfounded to hear that the generals had moved the capital 400 miles to the north; almost two years later they woke up to find the cost of diesel – the country’s main fuel - had doubled, while that of gas – much used by private bus companies following orders from a greenwashing junta – increased by five times.Secret work on new nuclear warhead at Aldermaston
04-10-2007 20:52
Insiders report that the Atomic Weapons Establishment has already commenced work on a successor warhead to Trident, despite there having been no parliamentary debate or vote on the matter.Imperial Playground: The Story of Iran in Recent History
04-10-2007 16:20
As the United States is the sole superpower and empire in the world today, most commentators focus primarily just on relations between America and Iran to explain the current situation developing between the two countries, usually not going further back than just a few years, and as far back as the mainstream media will tell the story is to 1979, when Iran had a revolution, in which they threw out the Shah of Iran, who was backed by the Americans and British, and replaced that form of secular government with a religious one. However, as important as this event was between Iranian and American relations, it is important to go further back to truly understand the dynamic relations that the United Kingdom, and later, the United States (the Anglo-American alliance) have had with Iran.Birmingham Unites behind Burma
04-10-2007 14:18
Prayer flags and march for Burma's futureBirmingham city centre
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Time: 12:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: Birmingham
Canada Refuses Entry to CODEPINK Cofounder's, Medea Benjamin and Ann Wright
04-10-2007 10:55