UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Introducing Ghost Troop to the Army Inspector General
19-08-2006 00:58
The strange near-death of an active Army Ghost Troop seems more than suspicious, as the unit leader, Captain May, explains in this most revealing report to the Army Inspector General. Are Ghost Troops, who serve on a mission of conscience to spread the word about the 911 set up -- and prevent future ones -- on the Bush League hit list?grass is good
18-08-2006 16:03
- in fact - a comment about recent revelations in german literature instead of a redo of the "i love the pope - the pope smokes dope" t-shirt variety - ie. recent news from gunther grass, with a radical angle to the odd but fast-reacting euro media, then a brief resume of why he is both VERY good with his timing, yet even further - that to "uncondemn" him - with others in the same "boat "- frees all of usLiverpool Remembers the Hunger Strikers
18-08-2006 13:49

Assemble 12 pm, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool
Prominent speakers and Republican bands in attendance
Lebanon: A Critical Battle for a New Middle East
18-08-2006 08:24
The fact of the matter is that the war on Lebanon was premeditated, with the hope that an easy war would bring an end to the resistance, coerce the country into an unwanted peace settlement, deliver a blow to Iran and Syria's regional ambitions, but most importantly downgrade Iran's regional import, perhaps as a stepping stone toward the long envisioned regime change.UPDATE-- Petition: We Demand an International Criminal Tribunal for Israel
18-08-2006 03:19
This Petition demands that The United Nations General Assembly immediately establish an International Criminal Tribunal for Israel to prosecute the Israeli Prime Minister Olmert, Defense Minister Peretz, Chief of Staff Halutz and Israel’s other top generals and war criminals for their infliction of international war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide against the Peoples of Lebanon and Palestine.Warmongers Want Medals? Prime Sinister wants to give out Medals?
18-08-2006 00:15

Khatami and Torture
18-08-2006 00:03

What we know and don’t know about 9/11
17-08-2006 20:23
Despite the dark days in which we live, some readers find optimism in recent polls that show more than one-third of the US public now disbelieve the official account of 9/11 despite the Bush regime’s propaganda faithfully trumpeted by the US media.London Israeli Embassy protest cancelled
17-08-2006 16:09
Stop the War Coalition has just announced that it has cancelled the demonstration that it had planned outside the Israeli Embassy this Saturday.The Neo-Conservatives and the Policies of Constructive Chaos
17-08-2006 13:28
For the theoreticians of constructive chaos, blood must be shed to bring about a new order in that region rich in hydrocarbons. By plunging the masses into chaos, the elites attempt to assure their stability. In violence, the imperial interests of the US and Israel merge.Want to Stop Nuclear? Faslane 365 London meeting
17-08-2006 13:26
Want To Stop Nuclear??!On the 1st October 2006 an audacious civil resistance initiative to close down, for a whole year, the Faslane naval base in Scotland, where the UK’s nuclear warheads and nuclear submarines are stored, will begin.
Rules of the Western Media in dealing with the Middle East
17-08-2006 13:16
This is a piece by Michel Collon on the media reporting of the Middle East.Fairford Disarmers @ Bristol Crown Court : SUPPORT NEEDED : 4th Sept Gathering
17-08-2006 07:13
Forwarded from the Bristol Social Forum egroup.
Most recent Bristol Indymedia 'Fairford' Front Page:

The Bristol Indymedia Pre-Trial Archives:

Diary of a Peace cyclist – week one of the 2006 Peace cycle
17-08-2006 06:18
Sunday 6th August: 10.45 p.m.'I like to ride my bicycle'
Too tired to write - and its only my first day and we only cycled 24 miles!
Australian government to deploy 150 extra troops to Afghanistan
17-08-2006 03:45

Heilingendamm demo, Germany
16-08-2006 23:54

TO STOP NEW WARS - remember the "big" peace - remember the "bigger" peace
16-08-2006 15:04
Nameless "old hacks"s brief gist of a "what the papers aint saying" - accenting the "key background info missing" - that asks why - with a "spin" towards practical "peace process / ceasefire enacting " that asks why THAT isnt already happening _( terms : - "big" peace = israeli/lebanese peace + palestine,syria, iran. A "bigger" peace = end the manufactured "clash of cultures"("war of errorism") + !Refugees Return to South Beirut - Mon 14th Aug - Photo Report
16-08-2006 14:44

South Beirut and Palistinian Refugee Camp Bombed - Sun 13th Aug
16-08-2006 14:36