UK Anti-militarism Newswire Archive
Playing Favourites; or a Vicious Sight of Reality
22-08-2006 07:07
There is people who still believes that Israel has a right over the rest of the people, to jill or condemnd to prevent sometihng that they are buildingLittle Birds: A Devastating Window on the War
21-08-2006 22:52
Powerful documentary on Iraq war from the perspective of Iraqi citizensFull article | 3 additions | 9 comments
21-08-2006 21:18

Cave Dwelling Muslim Behind Liquid Bomb Non-Plot
21-08-2006 17:11
Never mind that “liquid bombs” are fantastical nonsense, or there is no evidence those arrested—more accurately, disappeared—in Britain plotted to blow up planes (no bombs, no airline tickets, no passports), the corporate media, having established the now widely believed Brothers Grimm story of Muslim perfidy by way of household chemicals, has moved to the next level.Full article | 6 additions | 13 comments
quick early report on foreign office blockade this morning
21-08-2006 08:56
clowns, samba and lebanese dancers took part in a blockade of the foreign office in king charles street this morning. their theme was 'bringing the war home" and they were hoping to disrupt the workings of the war machine for a whileEl Nuevo Imperio de USA para el siglo XXI.
20-08-2006 20:44
Se detalla (y critica) la estrategia atomica de USA:Israeli Clandestine Mission Violates Cease-Fire, Again.
20-08-2006 17:29
The whole point to a cease-fire is to get the two sides in a particular conflict talking, so that peace can be achieved, making war unnecessary, saving the lives of countless innocents civilians. Israel, or at least the current Israeli Government under the Olmert/Netanyahu Extremists, is interested in no such thing, and have the "next round" of attacks planned already.Reminder: Blockade of the Foreign Office 21st August
20-08-2006 17:19

Where: Whitehall - Foreign and Commonwealth Office - King Charles St London SW1, next door to Downing Street
Time: 8am
Armageddon and the Apocalyptic "Holocaust"
20-08-2006 13:58
Originally Christianity was community opposing the idols of war and wealth. In the 20th century, Chrisitanity in the US was corrupted into a prosperity religion. To end-time fundamentalists, the worse it becomes the better since every catastrophe is a sign of the times announcing Christ's return.Hundreds remember four million civilians killed in the war in Adelaide?
20-08-2006 13:44

Boycott Starbucks!
20-08-2006 11:44

Oficially-Induced Panic, Doubting 911, Bushite Useful idiots Forced to Apologize
20-08-2006 01:23
Since the tide has begun to shift so drastically against the Neo-Fascists, they seem intent upon Rule By Fear, if anot another phony "terrorist attack" ...Sheffield Protests: Israel out of Lebanon and Gaza – Don't Attack Syria or Iran
19-08-2006 21:34

Hollywood Supports Israeli Mass Murder
19-08-2006 15:59
85 high-profile Hollywood stars, directors, studio bosses and media moguls, has taken out a powerfully-worded full page advertisement in today’s Los Angeles Times newspaper. “We the undersigned are pained and devastated by the civilian casualties in Israel and Lebanon caused by terrorist actions initiated by terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah and Hamas,” the ad reads.Recent account of life in Baghdad from Iraqi refugee.
19-08-2006 15:04

Boycott the Royal Navy
19-08-2006 15:00
There have been reports that the Royal Navy is to flood shops with goods bearing its logo to fund a recruitment drive. Shouldn't something be done about this?
Israel mounts new air raids on Lebanon
19-08-2006 13:37

American Concentration Camp located at Guantanamo Bay.
19-08-2006 13:20
It is called "Camp X-ray" as though it were some Comic Book or Hollywood movie camp. The reality is that "Camp X-ray" rings closer to "Arbeit Macht Frei". Then it was the Nazi Germans and Jews. Now it is Imperialist Americans and Muslims. History repeating itself.Scan Dot Org - 'Nimbin bites back' part 1
19-08-2006 05:49